If relying on his own strength at this moment to defeat Gu Feng, that would of course be a very good thing, but it's a pity that he has already recognized the reality now.

He knew that he didn't have the strength to defeat Gu Feng at all. Although this reality was really cruel, how could he not admit it?

At the beginning, he was unwilling to admit such a "one-three-seven" thing, which led to the current situation.

Now he is willing to admit it frankly, but he is still unwilling to give up on him, and he needs to get more powerful power. First of all, he locked Dian Guang on the body of the peak sanctuary level powerhouse lying beside him.

Because his own strength is also very limited, if he wants to absorb the power of this kind of peak powerhouse, he must ensure that the opponent does not have sufficient strength to resist.

If the opponent also has strong strength enough to resist his own devouring, then this will be a very troublesome thing for him.

Of course, he is well aware of such a truth.

So in this situation, he must first aim at the weak, and the sanctuary-level strong man who was lying on the side and was seriously injured is a very good target.

The injuries he suffered at this time are very serious.

Basically, it can be said that there is no way to resist one's own strength. After devouring this sanctuary-level peak powerhouse, one's own strength will definitely get a big promotion.

In this way, the strength of himself and those strong men present will not be at the same level, but even if he devours the power of this strong man, Gou Tianxia still does not have full confidence that he can become stronger than Gu The wind is stronger.

So he quickly figured it out.

After devouring this sanctuary-level peak powerhouse, I will devour other powerhouses myself, so that my strength can directly reach a peak state [wait until then

It will be easy to deal with anyone.

He put his greedy eyes on this sanctuary-level peak powerhouse. Although he said that there was no grievance or enmity between the two of them, but this is really too good...

"Who made you so unlucky to appear in front of me at this time, I'm really sorry, but don't worry, after I devour your strength, I will teach you a good lesson That Gu Feng's."

"In this case, does it count as revenge for you?"

Gou Tianxia was thinking about such things in his heart, and his gaze was placed on the other party without any scruples.

And although the sanctuary-level powerhouse said he was lying on the ground and suffered very serious injuries, he still felt the eyes of Gou Tianxia at this moment.

After feeling the unusual gaze of 0.8 shown by the other party at this time, he couldn't help feeling a little flustered, and at the same time felt a little

Aren't they dealing with Gu Feng together? Why now, Gou Tianxia doesn't seem to regard Gu Feng as an enemy, but considers himself as an enemy.

His greedy gaze is really very obvious. .

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