Such a truth must be clearly known in Gu Feng's heart. Since he took out the alliance currency, he has seen the greed in the eyes of these strong men.

They hardly hide the greed in their eyes, and they probably don't think there is such a need at all, after all, everyone is eager to get such things.

So I am also "690" eager to get such things, that is a very normal thing, no one will feel that they are abrupt.

Moreover, Gu Feng could also see that at this moment, Wanshengren was very sincerely saying such words to himself, which is a rare thing.

Maybe I will also need a helper. Since he is sincerely willing to follow his own words, why should he refuse? It is always better to have someone who can help you than no one to help you.

"Okay, since you have already talked about this, then I promise you, I will give you a chance to follow me, I hope you can do it and don't let me down

Gu Feng didn't hesitate any longer, but quickly agreed to such a thing. The words he said just now were actually a complete temptation.

Since it seems that the other party is completely in line with his inner thoughts at this time, then there is nothing more to say.

He can stay.

After hearing what Gu Feng said, the Wanshengren felt very excited at this moment, he thought that Gu Feng would reject him "After all, Gu Feng's eyes just now were full of doubts.

In addition, on the surface, the relationship between him and that Gou Tianxia is indeed quite good, no matter how hard he tries to get rid of such a relationship, in the eyes of others, the two of them Relationships between individuals are still relatively good.

So whether Gu Feng will be willing to believe what he said is really a very difficult thing to judge clearly.

At least that's true for him at this moment.

In this way, the following relationship between Gu Feng and the Wanshengren was established. Although the strong men next to them felt a little surprised when they saw this scene, they didn't say much.

It is very normal to surrender to the strong. Even though the relationship between Wanshengren and Gou Tianxia was very good before, Gou Tianxia is indeed quite scary.

But any normal person should not want to stay by Gou Tianxia's side anymore, because no one knows what Gou Weixia is thinking in his heart.

In the front, the two people may still have a good talk, and it seems that the relationship is quite good, but later on, the situation will become very different.

If he encounters an enemy that he has no way to deal with 3.0, maybe he will swallow this friend around him directly, and it is really too unfair to be his friend.

Therefore, the choice of the Wansheng people is very worth understanding. If you have to be yourself, you will definitely not be willing to follow someone like Xiang Xun Kaixia.

This point is too terrible, and it is too unacceptable. .

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