Because all of this has become a foregone conclusion.

But I have to say that Gou Tianxia's luck is actually very good, just after he was sealed in this place for a month, he just happened to meet the Son of Destiny.

The Son of Destiny happened to pass by this place, and when he saw that Gou Tianxia was sealed here, he also felt some surprises.

"I heard that you seemed to have offended Gu Feng earlier."

"It seems that 11 Gu Feng should have sealed you in this place."

After the Man of Destiny walked to the side, he couldn't help recalling some rumors he had heard recently. It is said that Gou Tianxia offended Gu Feng.

But what the specific situation is like, I am not very clear, but now I see that Gou Tianxia has been sealed in this place.

Then there is no need to doubt who will win the struggle between the two of them.

There is no doubt that the person who finally won the victory must be Gu Feng.

But this is also a very normal thing, after all, that Gu Feng's strength is very strong, basically there is nothing he cannot achieve.

Gou Tianxia who was sealed inside could actually hear what people outside said, but he had no way to respond.

I just tried my best to convey to the other party through my weak power, hoping that the other party can help me lift the seal.

Although the ironic words spoken by the Son of Destiny made Gou Kaixia, who has always been proud, feel very uncomfortable.

But the situation at this time is completely different from the previous time after all. Now I really need the help of others. If the Son of Destiny is willing to lift the seal, then they can also reach a cooperation.

After all, it seems that the relationship between the Child of Destiny and Gu Feng is not very harmonious, not to mention that Gu Feng has all kinds of precious things on his body, if Gu Feng can be defeated, wouldn't all these things belong to them.

"You want me to lift the seal for you, right?"

Although it was only a very weak force, the Son of Destiny still caught the meaning conveyed by the other party.

It is of course a very normal thing to wish to help lift the seal by yourself, no professional would wish to be sealed.

This is the ultimate pain. I can only see the development of the external situation, but there is nothing I can do to change it.

This whole life can only be spent in the seal.

If you say that you don't have any 403 pursuits in the world, then it doesn't seem like a big deal to be blocked, but the problem is that some people still have the ultimate pursuit in their hearts.

It's like Gou Tianxia at this moment, he hates Gu Feng very strongly in his heart, wishing to tear Gu Feng to pieces, but there is nothing he can do at this moment.

It can only be sealed in this place.

So every day when he was sealed in this place was extremely painful torture for him, and he had no way to ease it deliberately.

He just wants all of this to end as soon as possible.

He wants to get rid of this seal. .

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