The words that Gu Feng said at this time, every word and every sentence, reveal temptation, and such temptation is really difficult to resist.

They left at this time, so it was indeed as Gu Feng said, they left without getting anything.

It was really a waste of time.

That is indeed a very regrettable thing, but anyone with a normal idea would definitely not want it, and just made a fuss in vain.

I'm sure 18 will also want to take this opportunity to get something.

Although it is indeed a very difficult thing to help him find these alliance coins, it is better than doing nothing, at least there is hope in this way.

So in the end he chose to agree.

Gu Feng saw that they had agreed to such a thing, of course he felt very happy in his heart.

This is really free coolie.

Then Gu Feng started to go after these alliance coins, and he began to investigate what was going on.

Of course, he also thought of Wan Qianxun.

Because during that time, the person he offended should be Wan Qianxun, Wan Qianxun, watching him and the Great Sage leave like this in his heart, he must feel very uncomfortable.

But thinking of Wan Qianxun's appearance, he thinks it must not be him. Although he said that he should hate himself very much, but he wants to steal those alliances from himself. It's such a simple thing.

Leaving aside other things, does Wan Qianxun really have such strength? Can he really steal that Union Coin without his being aware of it?

Gu Feng thought it should be impossible.

However, as he continued to investigate, he found that things were really different from what he had imagined. Wan Qianxun was already relatively cautious in doing things, but he still left some traces.

Gu Feng followed such traces and determined that this thing should be done by Wan Qianxun.

Although he couldn't understand why with Wan Qianxun's strength, he was able to take away his own alliance currency without him noticing, but he still had to solve this matter.

So he started to investigate the location of Wan Qianxun, and had to say that with the help of these sanctuary-level peak powerhouses in such a matter, things would indeed become simpler.

Because these strong people also want to get those alliance coins very much in their hearts, so in such a matter, what they do is to work as hard as they want.

With the help of their efforts, Gu Feng really successfully learned the location of Wan Qianxun.

After confirming the location of this guy, Gu Feng definitely didn't waste any more time. He had to catch this guy and snatch those alliance coins back


Before, I let him go because he didn't offend me very much. Even if I hated his behavior very much, it was impossible to attack him just because I hated him.

The situation is already different from the current situation. Although he just stole his own things, Gu Feng can't tolerate it. .

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