All People: Potential Stimulated! Start Attribute 999

65. Trillion Harvest! Lin Changfeng's Panic! (One More Request For Customization!)

"Didn't see it!"

"It seems that after brushing the copy, I left!"

"Yeah, he must have gained a lot after so many dungeons in a row, maybe he's going to deal with this batch of goods?"


"Hey, I wanted to add Brother Gu Feng as a friend, and I will continue to let him take the lead in the future!"

"Don't think about it, he's a super genius, and he'll be on the rise in a short time, how can he be in a small place like ours?"

After saying this, everyone thinks it makes sense!

If the phoenix spreads its wings, the fairy trail is hard to find.

Gu Feng is gone now.

They were trying to find someone, and it was hard to fix.

From now on, it is estimated that we will never meet again!


the other side.

Tianshui Professionals Guild.

Lin Changfeng secretly brought Gu Feng here.

"Brother Gu Feng, if you are willing to come, I, Lin, will be grateful."

President's office.

Lin Changfeng made a "please" gesture to Gu Feng, and then sat down with Gu Feng himself.

Now Gu Feng.

It's no longer Gu Feng, who was silver-ranked before!

Up to level 49, and still have the strength to kill through Shura level dark gold level dungeons.

without any exaggeration.

With such strength, Gu Feng can even handle him easily!

No wonder Gu Feng felt such a serious sense of oppression when he finished brushing the dungeon for the first time and walked towards him...

There was even a sense of a life-and-death crisis.

It turned out that he did have such strength.

And on the way back here, Lin Changfeng kept thinking.

Why is Gu Feng so strong?

But he thought about it for a long time, and in the end he could only attribute "Nine Five Seven" to... talent!

He may have the talent to wear more advanced equipment, or he may have the talent to strengthen skills.

Even... a talent that can greatly enhance the strength of one's own attributes within a certain period of time!


The number of talents is like the stars in the sky, there are more than ten million kinds...

"President Lin, if you have anything to say, please speak up."

Gu Feng said directly.

"Brother Gu, you are being polite!"

Lin Changfeng waved his hands quickly.

Then he also stated his purpose: "Brother Gu is a young talent, he is about to be promoted to the hero rank in such a short time, and he must have great plans in the future.

"So, I want to talk to you about some personal matters."

"Private matter?"

Gu Feng wondered.

"Yes." Lin Changfeng nodded: "I have a daughter, who is 14 years old this year. She has also admired Brother Gu Feng for a long time, um...Brother Gu, you should understand."


Gu Feng was taken aback.


Is the guilt too strong?

"I think this kind of thing needs to be carefully considered."

Gu Feng did not agree, but did not refuse either.


Lin Changfeng sighed.


Who made his daughter too impolite!

There is no way.

The two chatted for a while, and then Gu Feng left.

However, although Gu Feng declined Lin Changfeng's request to marry his daughter.

For the questions Gu Feng raised during the chat afterwards, Lin Changfeng already knew everything.

He even said a lot of information that he didn't know!

for example...

In this day and age, the skill star rating is no longer the highest eight star!

But twelve stars!

Ordinary people know that Blue Star has the highest eight-star skill, which is known from textbooks.

That's all decades old information.

After all, books are not newspapers, and it is impossible to update them in real time.

Besides, it's not a very important thing, so this point has long been forgotten.

However, Gu Feng got the most crucial piece of information!

That is, after the skill is upgraded to ten stars, it will usher in a huge transformation!

And according to the speculation of those blue star is very likely that every ten stars will have a transformation!


Gu Feng speculated.

Not to mention twelve-star skills.

Just upgrading to ten stars, that's 100 million skill origin stones!

The success rate is also 0,000001%.

Or one billionth!

Such a terrifying success did it rise?

Naturally, Gu Feng needn't worry.

As long as he can earn 1,000 billion, he will basically be able to secure ten stars!

Moreover, now that he has 1.2 trillion in his hand, it is enough to directly rush a skill to ten stars!


"There are some treasures that can improve skills and upgrade stars..."

Gu Feng couldn't help thinking.

The blue star has changed for three hundred years, and countless treasures have sprung up!

It is not always possible to have such a treasure.

As for the rest.

Most of them are information that Gu Feng knows.

For example, the characteristics of constellations and constellations of equipment above the hero level.

There is also the Forgotten Origin Stone that needs to be used when changing skills.

It is worth mentioning that.

In addition to the Forgotten Origin Stone, there is also the Forgotten Essence!

After using the Forgotten Origin Stone, the skills are eliminated directly!

As for the Forgotten Essence, it can directly return the skill-adding origin stones that were consumed on this skill in a 100% success rate!

The most critical point is.

These returned skill origin stones... will still have a 100% success rate when used again!

That is.

Use the Forgotten Essence to replace the No. 1 bronze skill, and replace it with the No. 2 skill.

Using those returned skill origin stones, you can upgrade the earth string skills directly to five stars with 100% success!

It is a capital preservation mechanism.

"Aside from the more expensive words of forgotten essence."

"This thing is really good for ordinary people."

"Unfortunately it doesn't work for me!"

Gu Feng smiled lightly.

Don't think about it any more.

After leaving the professional guild.

Gu Feng opened the friends panel, contacted Su Muqing and several girls, and asked them to go to a level 50 leveling area, ready to spawn monsters!


Gu Feng picked up the phone again and contacted Xu Qingran.

Xu Qingran is an ordinary person...or an unknown talent.

So, she doesn't have a property panel and friends list or something...

And the mobile phones of this era are basically prepared for the gifted and these ordinary people.

"About one trillion yuan in goods, is it easy to accept?"

Gu Feng sent a message directly.


Soon, Xu Qingran came back.

"Suffice it to...require a night of prep time to raise money.

"Before six o'clock tomorrow morning!"

Seeing the reply, Gu Feng nodded in satisfaction!

In this case, let's brush the monsters for a while!

Dragon Mountain Range... Level 50 leveling area.

After Gu Feng brought Lu Yao, Su Muqing and others to meet, they immediately started spawning monsters!

He was thinking that he could reach level 50 before the big exam.

Then see if you can meet the lord-level boss race.

Even if you can't attack now...

When the national exam is over, you can search for it without any effort.


After one night.

Gu Feng only increased experience by 17%...


"Leveling in the wild, although stable, is still too slow!"

At four o'clock in the morning...

Brush nearly 10 hours after the strange.

Gu Feng looked at the dawning sky and sighed.


He opened his property panel and took a look.

All the way from level 20 to level 49.

Although the equipment has not been changed.

But just relying on these more than 30 levels, the qualitative attributes have skyrocketed!

Name: Gu Feng(MAX)

Grade: 49

Status: Life: 1.987 million, Magic: 3.251 million

Attacks: 584,000

Defense: 262,000

Speed: 106,000


Resistance: Lightning resistance 202,000, water resistance 123,000, wind resistance 173,000

Elements: 135,000 dark wounds

Attributes: strength 8500, intelligence 200,500, constitution 65500, agility 32500

Special: Spell Penetration +86340, Spell Critical Strike +25%, Magic Return 8200 per second

"The defense hasn't changed much though."

"But the attack power has doubled compared to when it was level 20!

Seeing his current attributes, Gu Feng is satisfied!

With the gradual advancement of professionals.

The professional characteristics of the professional itself will also be displayed step by step.

The mage's first item is naturally attack.

That is the attribute of intelligence.

Gu Feng's intelligence attribute of 200,000 is already far ahead of other attributes!

by contrast.

Weak physique and agility attributes one after another, so it looks like a hip... 0

The addition of the two attributes has even just reached half of the intelligence.

However, if Gu had chosen Ranger at that time.

I'm afraid the most exaggerated thing right now is that the force sensitivity attribute is 50-50!

And Assassin... naturally is the strength feat!

Soldiers don't need to think too much, physique is naturally their best specialty!

Close properties.

See the sky is overcast.

Gu Feng is ready to dismiss Su Muqing and other girls and return to Tianshui!

Next, you still have to deal with the batch of goods on your body.


Just then.

One is two years older than Su Muqing.

The hot and long-legged sister Yu came to Gu Feng's side.

"Gu Feng, there seems to be something wrong over there, do you want to go and have a look?"

Long-legged Yujie said directly.

They had previously received news that Gu Feng was looking for a lord-level boss.

So this time, he didn't charge for killing monsters.

The main thing is to find the BOSS.

However, I heard that this time Gu Feng's little big brother not only brought an upgrade, but also did not charge for it.

There will be more people coming this time!

Yingying Yanyan

There are nearly two hundred girls!

Tianshui, Linyan, and even those from Qingniao City.

no way...

Don't say Su Muqing.

Just from other people's word of mouth, Gu Feng's name gradually became famous in the circle of rich women.

Gu Feng also never tired of it.

The more people, the better, so that the possibility of finding a lord-level boss will be greater.

Moreover, the more people there are... the efficiency of pulling monsters will naturally be higher!

But the night passed... still no news.

It is only now that I have discovered such a strange place!

"Don't worry, speak slowly."

Gu Feng comforted.

"Many strange Bronze-level bosses of the same race appeared over there. I went to check, and there were even silver-level, yellow-level bosses inside.

Gold level boss..."

Sister Yu directly shared the detailed information she found out.

But the gold-level boss is already the limit she can detect!

If there is really a dark gold boss in the back.

She must be in danger alone.

So I can only come and report to Gu Feng.

"Silver-level gold-level BOSS?"

Hearing this, Gu Feng's heart skipped a beat.

Could it be that the lord-level monster race appeared?

Although there are monster areas above level 50 in this place, if there are bosses in theory, they should basically be lord level bosses.


It's been said before.

The lord level boss is not the same as before!

If you want to attack a lord-level boss, you must at least break through layers of boss groups first!

"So lucky?" 2.0

"So you met a lord-level boss?"

Gu Feng's heart itch is unbearable!

He wished he could kill that lord level boss right now!

"You guys continue to spawn monsters!"

"Yueyao, let's go take a look!"

Gu Feng let the girls continue to farm monsters!

Then he picked up Liu Yueyao, turned on Jingtao and flew through the clouds.


"That... is over here~"

Liu Yueyao didn't expect Gu Feng to be so straightforward.

Although she had long wanted to be intimate with Gu Feng's little big brother like Sister Mu Qing did.

But I thought it was so rough.

But this feeling...

Seems pretty cool....

"it is good!"

Gu Feng didn't think too much about it.

When spawning monsters before, he and those girls often did the same.

After all, I was not skilled in brushing monsters at the beginning.

It is normal to encounter a little danger.

Then, he accelerated!

Fly towards the direction that Liu Yueyao's slender little finger is pointing!

"Kill this lord-level boss, and when I reach level 50 in the future, I should be able to advance directly!"

Gu Feng felt slightly excited!

Little did they know that at this time Liu Yueyao was tense in his arms like a kitten.


It would be great if time could stop like this.


She knew that Gu Feng must have something to do, so she didn't want to delay it.

Anyway, there will be more opportunities in the future.

"Further ahead, almost 3,000 kilometers will arrive!"

Liu Yueyao squirmed in his arms.

Pointing in one direction and saying!

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