All People Sailing: I Can Endow God-Level Characteristics Infinitely

106. The exotic customs of the southern seas! The way of survival for little people!

With Rogge's fame.

The Chosen faction created by Baghdad for Rogge.

Continuing to expand at a rate that Rogge never expected!

But leave it all to Rogge in Baghdad.

Didn't know about this.

Rogge at this time.

Already aboard the Conqueror.

Docked in the port of the nearest port city!

"Slaves! Slaves caught from the desert are sold cheaply! 99

"The Dune Caravan is going to Baroda Oasis, are there any knights willing to escort it?

"Magic implements! Anyone want to buy magic implements shipped from the Western Seas?

After coming out of the port.

Appeared in front of Rogge's eyes.

It is a completely different landscape from the Eastern Sea.

Practitioners walking in this city.

It is a knight who is holding a sword and a shield and is practicing martial arts.

Except for these practitioners.

The clothes of ordinary civilians are also obviously different from those in the East Sea.

If we talk about the style of clothing in the East Sea.

It is obviously biased towards the ancient Daxia.

That's the style of clothing in the southern seas.

It is obviously biased towards the western style!

All kinds of costumes decorated with gold and silver jewelry are worn by ordinary people.

A dancing girl in a showy, revealing dress.

You can also walk through the streets of the city as you like!

And apart from these.

The most conspicuous.

Just about everyone who looks a little bit rich.

There will be one to several slaves around!


All of them are fundamentally different from the Eastern Sea Region!

"It's a pity that Liuli, Lanlan and Tianxin are all practicing."

"The ghost warriors in the small world are also cultivating.

"Otherwise, you must have a good day here."5

"Experience the exotic atmosphere here!

Look at this exotic port city.

Rogge shook his head in disappointment.

"It's no fun being alone. 55

"This time, it won't be too long.

"Resupply once in this port city.

"Just get out of this city."

"Sail to the kingdom of Ibn, where the Alpha Empire sent troops to aid. 39

"No matter where you can get the news of the Holy Dragon Queen.

"Anyway, let's go to that area and take a look first!

Rogge did not have too much nostalgia and stay.

He goes straight to his own Observation Haki.

Make it cover the entire port city.


Under the action of Observation Haki.

Rogge found a black market where he could buy food and supplies.

"It's Rogge! The Evil Chosen Rogge""! 35

"Hush! Be quiet! Let him hear you!"

"Are you courting death? That's a powerhouse that Admiral can't beat!""

It's different from entering the black market before.

This time Rogge has just entered the black market.

Whether it is those who are not visible.

Or those black market traders who do business in the black market.

All eyes were on Rogge.

And whispered about Rogge.

Rogge was a little offended by these low-pitched discussions.

He attached his Conqueror's Haki to his gaze.

Sweep towards these people around.


Endless fear and fear.

It appeared in the minds of everyone present!

Everyone talking about Rogge shut up.

Don't dare to talk about Rogge anymore.

The man who was surreptitiously watching Rogge in the dark.

They all retracted their gazes.

"It's almost there!"

Rogge smiled contemptuously.

Go to your chosen target.

Negotiated a deal with the other party.

After a moment.

After successfully reaching a transaction agreement with the other party.

Rogge and the black market merchants left the black market.

"So scary! That guy named Rogge is so scary!" 5

"Just looking at me, I don't dare to move, it's amazing!

"I almost ran away just now, what a shame!

Rogge's figure disappeared.

Those in the black market started talking right away.

Express your feelings just now.

And went on to discuss Rogge.


"Quick, quick! Move all these things up!"

"Early load the goods and rest early!"

"You slaves, work hard for me! 95

A slave in shackles.

In the cries of black market merchants.

Transport the goods that Rogge needs to the Conqueror.

The Conqueror's material reserves that were about to bottom out.

It is gradually filling up in the process!

"Is this the slave system in the Southern Seas?

Look at the slaves carrying supplies.

Rogge sighed slightly in his heart.

In his previous life, he had heard from the Chosen One from the Southern Sea.

It is said that the southern seas are biased towards the customs and customs of the Western Regions.

The most obvious mark of that area is the slaves!

in the entire southern sea.

Almost more than half of the population is made up of slaves!

Dirty and tiring work throughout the southern seas.

It's all done by those slaves!

When I heard from someone else in a previous life.

Rogge wasn't particularly impressed.

But now after really walking in the southern seas.

These slaves in the southern seas.

Really impressed Rogge!

"No wonder the Chosen Ones from the previous life.

"The evaluation of the South China Sea is very polarized.

"It's not a great admiration for the southern seas.

"Think this is paradise on earth.

"It's the total disgust for the southern seas. 35

"Think this is the closest thing you can get to being wild and primitive! 99

Looking at the ragged slaves with dull and numb eyes.

Rogge has some understanding of the evaluation of the southern seas by those people in the previous life!

"For those who can accept slaves.

"This is indeed their most popular place!"

"To humans who are not used to the system of hard work."

"This is definitely a place where they can't let go!

Rogge shook his head.

No more attention to those slaves.

For slavery in the southern seas.

Rogge is neither against nor for it.

Not ready to get involved.

Maybe in the future Rogge will suddenly have a whim.

to intervene in slavery in the southern seas.

But definitely not now!

There is only one thing he says he wants to do now—

That is to recruit all the intended target crew to the ship.

Prepare for the chaos of the aftermath of the Battle of Dawn.

Prepare yourself to become the new sea emperor!

And while Rogge was thinking about these things.

Slaves who carry supplies.

Finally, all the materials were transported to the Conqueror.

66" Boss Rogge, everything has been delivered to you. ""

"Look at this last paragraph....

Black market trader with Rogge.

He looked at Rogge greedily.

Rogge smiled.

Throwing the rest of the gold to the black market merchant.

and said to him:

"Give me a message for those Marines when I go back.

"I'm not someone who likes looting and killing."

"When I came to the Southern Sea, I just passed by."5

"There's no need to be so nervous against me!

After leaving such a sentence.

Rogge is back on the Conqueror.

I left the port city with the Conqueror.

And the first time the Conqueror left.

A Marine Rear Admiral with a large group of Marine warriors.

Surrounded by the black market merchant who dealt with Rogge.

"What deal did that Rogge make with you, and what did he say to you?"

(Zhao Zhaozhao) "Tell me all the things between you!"

The black market merchant shrank his neck in fear.

Take what Rogge said to him before.

All relayed to these Marine Rear Admiral.

"Humph! Would you, Rogge, be one of those quiet people?"

"If you don't cause trouble in the southern waters. 35

"I'll eat a whole Marine! 35

Looking at the Conqueror as it goes away.

Marine Rear Admiral snorted in disbelief.

Then he left the port with the Marines around him.

He didn't know what kind of big things Rogge would come up with in the future.

He only knew that the port city he was stationed in was safe.

No raids and raids by Rogge.

He also doesn't have to fight Rogge, a strong man who can easily kill him!


That's enough!

The survival of the little people is so simple!

PS: The fourth update, 2900 words! Today's fourth update is completed, tomorrow I will see if I can get five more updates, and I will try my best to be five.

Then continue to ask the big guys to follow up, the more follow ups, the more updates! Of course, it is the best to have custom!

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