All People Sailing: I Can Endow God-Level Characteristics Infinitely

64. The mighty hellhound Admiral! The hell demon reappears!




The iron rod wrapped around Haki collided with the grudge in Admiral's hand.

A shock wave of energy generated by the collision of these two energies.

Swept away in all directions.

Blow up those oni warriors and marine warriors who are fighting.

Make it impossible for them to continue fighting!

Those ghost women and children who are not very strong.

Because he couldn't stand firm under the impact, he fell to the ground.

But these are not the worst hit.

hardest hit.

It's the ground around both the oni chief and the hellhound Admiral!

Every time the two of them collide.

There will be countless cracks on the ground beneath your feet.

Just a few short breaths.

There is no complete area of ​​the ground under their feet!


After another violent collision, "Seven-Four-Three".

The patriarch of the ghost clan and Admiral the hellhound tacitly distanced themselves.

"Is this the strength of an Admiral-level powerhouse?

"I thought you were stronger than I thought!"

The state of the ghost clan chief is not very good.

He felt his mouth go numb.

There was also a stinging pain from the wound on the chest left by Miyamoto's knife.

It is estimated that it will only take a few more battles with Admiral the Cerberus.

That wound will be ripped open again!

But even so.

He still taunted Admiral the hellhound.


The taunting of the ghost clan leader made Admiral the Cerberus turn ashen.

An unnamed anger rose in my heart!

The provocation of the ghost clan chief did not anger him.

But it reminded him of that nightmare three years ago!

Three years ago, when he was defeated by that guy called the Lord of Hundred Ghosts.

That bastard said the same thing in the same tone!

Today, three years later.

Another ghost clan said the same thing as that ghost clan!

"I hope you can continue to be so stubborn in the future!"

A more ferocious and violent aura emanated from Admiral the Cerberus.

The fluff on his body became thicker.

The flaming flames surrounded the surroundings like a wave of air.

The two palms turned into wolf claws, which grew extremely sharp claws!

But the biggest change is his head!

His head is completely devoid of any human features.

Instead, it was a terrifying wolf head!


Admiral, the hellhound who completed the second transformation, growled.

Directly turned into a streamer and rushed to the ghost clan chief!

"Get away from me!

The ghost clan patriarch also shouted angrily.

Waving the iron rod and smashing it towards this streamer.


The streamer transformed by Cerberus Admiral easily avoided the attack of the ghost clan chief.

Not only that.

while avoiding the opponent's attack.

Cerberus Admiral is still on the body of the ghost clan chief.

Leaving a few scars burning with ghostly flames!


Nether fire burning on the claw marks.

Not only brought physical pain to the ghost clan chief.

It also brought a tingling that seemed to come from the depths of the soul!

But the patriarch of the ghost clan quickly forgot the pain.


Cerberus Admiral's attack is back!




The Cerberus Admiral, who turned into a streamer, is extremely fast.

Even the oni clan leader concentrated all his energy.

To target and defend against the Cerberus Admiral's attack.

But it is still unable to resist, let alone launch a counterattack against the opponent!

It can only passively withstand the attack of the Hellhound Admiral.

Just a few blinks of an eye.

The ghost clan's body is covered with scars one after another!

The scars are still burning with subtle ghost flames.

Continue to bring endless pain to the patriarch of the ghost clan!

It is horrific!

Looking at the ghost clan chief with scars all over his body.

Cerberus Admiral had a smile on his face.

in his mind.

The patriarch of the ghost clan has been replaced by the master of the hundred ghosts in his memory.

To be able to see the enemy become so miserable.

Cerberus Admiral is naturally at ease in his heart!

And while being proud.

Cerberus Admiral couldn't help taunting the ghost clan chief:

"The strength of Marine Admiral."

"Do you feel it now?"9

"It's painful to have these nether flames burning on you?

"Beg for mercy! As long as you kneel and beg me for mercy."

"I'll spare you, so that you don't have to continue to suffer!"


"Rather than being enslaved by you, become your puppet and fight for you.

"I would rather die here, choose death by my own will!"

Although the pain in the body emerged in waves.

But the ghost clan chief did not have the slightest idea of ​​surrendering in his mind!

He held the iron rod in his hand tightly.

Continue to face the Cerberus Admiral in a fighting stance!

"Death in battle? It's not that simple to want to die in battle!"

"You won't die in this battle...""

"I will defeat you and make you Marine's most loyal warrior.

"It is your destiny to be killed by him in the battle with the Lord of Hundred Ghosts!

Cerberus Admiral proudly told the ghost clan leader of his plan.

Trying to disturb the mentality of the ghost clan chief.

But the patriarch of the ghost clan was not disturbed by this:

"If you can do it, then come!


The patriarch of the ghost clan closed his mouth.

Stop talking.

"Then let this fight be over! 35

The patriarch of the ghost clan no longer continued to respond.

The self-interested hellhound Admiral stopped talking.

He turned into a streamer again.

Run towards the ghost clan leader!

In the face of Admiral, the hellhound who once again turned into a streamer.

The patriarch of the ghost clan made a move that was beyond the Cerberus Admiral's expectations——

He simply gave up the resistance without any defense.

Just stand there and wait for Admiral's attack!

"Want to give up resistance and let me kill you?"

"Impossible! I won't let you do it!

Cerberus Admiral sneered.

The sharp claws that were originally aimed at the vital part of the oni clan chief were slightly swept away—


The sharp wolf claws penetrated directly through the chest of the ghost clan chief.

But cleverly avoided the heart of the ghost clan's patriarch.

While maximizing the damage to the ghost clan chief.

It won't kill the ghost clan chief here!


"Just keep fighting him for a while. 35

"It could put him in a coma because of excessive blood loss! 99

2.2 Cerberus Admiral thinks the fight is over.

He was going to distance himself from the ghost clan chief.

Waiting for the time when the ghost clan leader is in a coma.


"Caught you!

The patriarch of the ghost clan whose chest was pierced by the hellhound Admiral.

A conspiratorial smile appeared on his face.

"Not good! Dangerous!"

The reaction of the ghost clan leader made Admiral the Cerberus feel alarmed in his heart.

On the body of the ghost clan chief.

He felt a strong sense of crisis!

And at the same time that this sense of crisis emerged in his heart.


Depressed, terrifying, tyrannical...  

A terrifying roar like a hell demon sounded in the ears of Admiral the hellhound.

The patriarch of the ghost clan who was pierced through his chest.

The form of the demon towards hell begins to change!

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