All People Sailing: I Can Endow God-Level Characteristics Infinitely

7. The Practice Is Over! A Banquet Where You Can Recruit Hero-Class Crew Members!

The Chosen One descended on the evening of the second day of HNA World.

On the coast of Novice Village Island.





A pebble that is as fast as lightning.

Popped out of Rogge's fingers.

The lasing into the sea water made a loud sound.

And with the appearance of this sound.

The bright red Bloodline appeared on the screen.

One after another strange looking sea fish.

Turned his belly and floated on the sea with blood!

on these fish.

A fatal wound can be seen.

It is clear.

These fish floating on the sea.

It was killed by the boulder that Rogge ejected before!

"The movement trajectory of the target can be sensed in advance."

"It can react to the enemy's attack with the fastest speed!"

"That's what Observation Haki does at its most basic!"

"Master has Observation Haki."

"It's extremely simple to be hit like this now!"

From the sand underfoot.

Pick up some stones again.

Rogge slammed into the water ahead!


After a pebble flew out.

A large piece of sea fish corpses immediately floated on the sea!

The stones thrown by Rogge.

Each one hit a fish with precision and accuracy.

Not a single pebble fell!

"The most obvious effect of the entry-level Observation Haki is that it hits the spot."

"The most obvious effect of low-level Observation Haki."

"It is possible to attack multiple targets at the same time and still be able to hit a hundred shots!"

"Obviously, my Observation Haki."

"It has also reached a low level!"

A satisfied smile appeared on Rogge's face.

"Just two days."

"My Armament Haki and Observation Haki."

"It's all at a low level!"

"Deal with a mere black cat pirate group."

"It's already a sure thing!"

"Next, just wait until the arrival of the Black Cat Pirates."

"You can end this novice mission."

"Officially leave the Novice Village."

"Entering the big sailing world!"

Keep looking forward to the future.

Rogge turned back in the direction of the village.

I have been busy practicing for the past two days.

Now is the time to take a good night's rest.

Ready for tomorrow's battle and going to sea!


Just got back to the village.

The village chief who has been waiting here for a long time.

Immediately came over to meet Rogge.

"Lord Chosen!"

"The combat units you trained are really powerful!"

"Any of them."

"Can face five or six pirates' attacks alone."

"There is the "Guardian of the Sea Emperor" that you trained."

"Our village will definitely be able to repel tomorrow's Black Cat Pirates!"

The village chief compliments Rogge.

Rogge just smiled.

No emotion was expressed about the village chief's praise.

But Rogge was unmoved.

The village chief was not persuaded.

The village chief continued in a flattering tone.

Sent an invitation to Rogge:

"Victory tomorrow is certain."

"So we're going to have a banquet tonight."

"That is, as your farewell banquet to the Chosen Lord."

"It's also a thank-you banquet for you, Lord Chosen!"

"I wonder if you would like to join our banquet?"


Rogge's mind.

The memory of the past life quickly emerged——

All the Chosen Ones who have chosen the captain line.

Before the pirates attacked.

The novice village where he is located will hold a banquet.

There will be one at the banquet.

At least a superior crew member with a trait column.

Come to express closeness to the chosen ones, and reveal their intention to seek refuge.

All it takes is a slight nod from the Chosen One.

You can get a crew member who is also at least a senior crew member as a companion.

In Rogge's past life.

Some lucky captains are the Chosen.

even at a banquet.

Obtained a hero-class crew member with two trait bars.

And rely on this heroic crew.

Soaring into the sky in the waters where you belong.

Become a man of the year among the Captain's Chosen!


Someone got a heroic crew soaring.

Naturally, some people did not attend the banquet.

Not only did you not get a heroic crew.

Even guaranteed.

Senior crew members who have an attribute bar don't get either.

It is blood loss!

"This banquet is to send me the initial crew."

"There is also a need to go to the banquet!"

Rogge nodded.

Said to the village chief:

"Lead the way!"

The village chief was overjoyed.

Hastily and enthusiastically showed Rogge the way.

Take Rogge to the place where the banquet is held.

...................................................... ......................................................

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