All People Sailing: I Can Endow God-Level Characteristics Infinitely

70. Liuli accepts the inheritance of the patriarch! The sealed feature is unlocked!

Retire or stay?

Look at the ghost clan chief who is fighting the hellhound Admiral.

Liuli knew very well what choice she should make.


Although he clearly knew what choice he should make.

But Lucy couldn't speak.

You can't even make decisions about the choices you should make!

She stared blankly at the ghost clan chief who was fighting the hellhound Admiral.

rumbling in my mind.

It is the bits and pieces of my memory of getting along with my grandfather.

at this time!

"Liu Li! What are you doing?"

"Have you forgotten your responsibilities?"

"Want to be the same irresponsible bastard as your father?"

The voice of the patriarch of the ghost clan came from afar.

Awakened Liuli from the memory!

"I don't want to be that jerk! 35

Lucy roared angrily.

The confused colors in his eyes vanished.

In its place is absolute firmness and determination!

"All ghosts obey! Immediately end the battle with the enemy.""

"Do your best to preserve your strength, get on the ship and evacuate here!""


Liu Li gave an order.

Those ghosts fighting Marine.

The fighting stopped immediately.

Follow Rogge and Liuli to retreat towards the Conqueror!

"Damn! Keep chasing! Don't let them run away!"

"Stop them! Can't just let them escape!


"Rush! Rush all for me!""

Rogge and Liuli evacuated with the ghost warriors.

The Marine warriors are naturally unwilling, so let Rogge and the others leave!

They also used all their strength.

Continue to chase after Rogge and others!


"It's finally coming to an end. 95

"How can you catch up with the captain and sister Liuli? 99

Among the clouds in the sky.

Lan Lan's wings lightly waved.

The hurricane against Marine fighters intensified once again.

Added wind blades wrapped in hurricanes!

As a result, Rogge and others were able to return to the Conqueror smoothly.

"Conqueror! Set sail! 99

"Get out of here as quickly as possible!"

"Lan Lan, come back to the boat, we should leave!

All the evacuees came to the Conqueror.

Rogge gave two orders at once.



Under Rogge's orders.

The Conqueror set sail immediately.

Proceed quickly away from the coast!

Just a few blinks of an eye.

The Conqueror threw all the Marines far away and reached a safe location!

And after confirming that the Conqueror came to a safe place.

You and your family will no longer be in danger.

Liuli immediately shouted at the ghost clan chief:

"Grandpa! We're safe!"

"You give up the fight and let them catch you!"

"As long as you are alive, I will surely save you! 35

Liu Li's hoarse cry was very loud.

Not only was it clearly passed into the ears of all Marines.

It also reached the ears of the ghost clan chief and the hellhound Admiral!

"Very good! You win! Your people are safe!"

"Now you can give up the fight and choose to surrender?"

Looking at the gratified and contented ghost clan patriarch in front of him.

Cerberus Admiral gave a cold drink to the ghost clan chief.

Although the daughter of the Lord of Demons and the genius of the Master Conqueror's managed to escape.

All the resources he could get were poured out.

But as long as the father of the Lord of Hundred Ghosts can be left behind.

Cerberus Admiral can barely be considered to have completed the task, and can give an explanation!

So compared to killing the ghost clan chief.

He still wants the ghost clan chief to choose to surrender!


"You know, my childhood dream was the same as my son."

"I also thought about going to the ocean."

"Challenge the emperor of the sea, Yang Ming the whole world of sailing!"

"But with the death of my father, and the birth of my son.

"The burden of the ghost clan's patriarch and the responsibility of the father fall on me!"

"They made me have to give up my dreams."

"Stay in this barren mountain!

The face of the ghost clan's patriarch was a little flushed.

It was as if he was talking to a friend.

Said such a passage to Admiral the Cerberus!

"what are you saying?"

"Does your current form load you a lot? 35

"Quickly remove your current form!

"You don't want your granddaughter to be sad, do you?

Look at the appearance of the patriarch of the ghost clan.

Cerberus Admiral was uneasy.

From the ghost clan's patriarch.

He could feel the breath of the ghost clan chief is attenuating.

So he couldn't help but speak out to persuade him.

But the patriarch of the ghost clan shook his head:

"It's useless! The time has come!"

"What time is it?"

The ghost clan chief did not respond to Cerberus Admiral's questions.

Instead, he continued:

"My son inherited my dream."

"Become a new sea emperor!"

"Although Liuli doesn't like him and thinks he abandoned her, but in my heart. 95

"He is my pride! Because he fulfilled my dream!"

"Today, my...

Under the watchful eye of Admiral the Cerberus.

The voice of the ghost clan's patriarch is getting smaller and smaller.

In the end it just disappeared!


"Are you still alive?"

Cerberus Admiral raised his wolf claws and gently touched the ghost clan chief.


The patriarch of the ghost clan who was still standing there.

It directly turned into flying ash in the sky and scattered between this world!

"Dead, dead!"

"You just died like this?"

"You Tama just died like this?"

Looking at the ghost clan chief who disappeared between heaven and earth.

Cerberus Admiral was stunned at first.

Then he couldn't help but yelled in anger!

The daughter of the Lord of Hundred Ghosts was not caught!

Master by Conqueror's Haki's genius not caught!

Even the father of the last Lord of Hundred Ghosts died.

Wasn't this trip of yours in vain?

Do not!

It's not just white!

Cerberus Admiral looked at the Marines who had died fighting the ghosts.

This trip is not only in vain.

He also lost soldiers and generals, and lost a lot of elite Marines!

"Bastard! Send a letter back to headquarters immediately! 35

"Tell them there are two Admiral potential powerhouses on the run!""

"Let the headquarters immediately send reinforcements to me to encircle and suppress them!

"Never let those damn ghosts go!"

Cerberus Admiral roared at Marine on the ground.

Then he jumped aboard his exclusive warship.

And personally drive his exclusive warship.

Chased down the fleeing Conqueror!

on the Conqueror.

Looking at 743, the body of the ghost clan leader turned into fly ash and dissipated.

A layer of water mist appeared in Liu Li's eyes instantly.

Tears could not stop falling from the corners of her eyes!

But she didn't feel sad for long.



Accompanied by a strange, evil, violent terrifying howl.

One is the same as the demon phantom summoned by the ghost clan leader before.

But it was only a palm-sized ghost phantom.

Dive into Liuli's body!

Immediately after.

Lucy fell into a coma.

"Be careful!

Rogge stepped forward.

He held the unconscious Liuli in his arms.

And helped Liu Li to walk towards her room.

Rogge wasn't worried about Liu Li's coma.

Because of the reason that caused Liuli to coma.

Has surfaced on Rogge's [Voyage Log]:

"Your crew member Liuli accepted the inheritance of the ghost clan's patriarch, and she became the new ghost clan chief of the Fuso branch of the ghost clan! 35

"Under the power inherited from the patriarch, the seal of the crew member Liuli's [Hundred Demon Lord] and [Hell Demon] characteristics has been lifted!""

Liuli became the new patriarch of the ghost clan.

Her two sealed characteristics were also unsealed!

“Finally able to see the properties of these two properties. 35’

"Look at what rank these two traits are!""

Rogge clicked on Liuli's properties panel.

Check out the properties of these two properties of Liuli.

PS: The fourth update, with an average of 2,700 chapters and a total of 11,000 words, haven’t gotten used to it yet, continue tomorrow, and strive for more than 15,000 words in the 6th update.


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