All People Sailing: I Can Endow God-Level Characteristics Infinitely

75. Determine the characteristics! Start training! Marine releases Rogge's wanted list!

Looking at the dazzling array of god-level characteristics on his attribute panel.

Rogge opened his mind.

Analyzed these characteristics of their own.

"Before deciding to choose a desired feature.

"First of all, I need to clarify what my goal is!"

Rogge thought about it for a moment.

Got the answer:

"As soon as my arrest warrant was issued.

"Marine will definitely encircle me immediately."

"In addition to Marine, some bounty hunters and other factions.

"I will definitely want to shoot at me and the ghost clan!"

"So my current goal is to be as strong as possible.35

"This is to deal with all kinds of dangers after the release of the wanted notice!

"After considering this reason."

"The characteristics I should choose are very clear-"

"I need something that can make me stronger quickly!99

After you have come up with your current purpose.

Rogge was soon among the many god-level traits.

Find the feature you want.

"First, the characteristics of the emperor on the sea."

"Give me the fastest growth and organic growth, and the most comprehensive growth!

"So the characteristics of the emperor on the sea must be preserved!""

Rogge nailed down the first feature.

"Then, my main practice now is Haki.

"So it is very suitable to enhance my Haki training speed God-level Haki characteristics!"

"The second feature is the God-level Haki18 make feature!

After the second feature is also determined.

Rogge went on to identify a third feature:

"The third and final trait is the God-level Navigator trait. 35

"My Observation Haki has reached the top.

"If it matches this characteristic. 39

"Can quickly get my Observation Haki over the top.

"Achieving a higher level!"

"As for the [absolute master of power]""

"This feature can wait until my strength is enough.""

"Continue to load up to strengthen the subordinate's ideological stamp.

"After all, those ghosts are completely unable to escape now!

"You can take it little by little!"

After you have determined the features you need to load.

Rogge immediately put his own features.

Replaced with these three properties that were determined.

"The features that need to be loaded have been decided."

"Next, it's time to start practicing! 39

"Fight before arriving in the Ryukyu Islands.

"Let my strength continue to go further!"

With anticipation for strength to grow stronger.

Rogge began his training on the deck of the Conqueror.

Eastern Sea Marine Headquarters.

With the Cerberus Admiral's mission failed.

Rogge led a kind of ghost race to escape successfully.

A battle report sent by Marine under Admiral's command.

It was soon placed in front of the desk of the Governor of the Eastern Sea.

"A Chosen by Master Conqueror's Haki."

"Successfully escaped with the daughter of the Lord of Hundred Ghosts and other ghosts!

"The father of the only remaining Lord of Hundred Ghosts is still dead!

"Nakog's mission this time. 99

"Did nothing happen?

Look at what is written in the battle report.

The East Sea Governor's face was ashen!

Cerberus is Admiral!

A dignified Admiral.

Can't even handle a mission without the intervention of an Admiral-level powerhouse?

"Trash! It's still called a Cerberus at this level? It's almost the same as a guard dog! 99

"I shouldn't have let this guy pass in the first place."

"Send the Admirals from the Empire directly!

The Governor of the Eastern Sea was very regretful and annoyed.

But now things have happened.

It is useless to think about these things any longer!

Therefore, the Governor of the Eastern Sea quickly calmed down.

He looked at his secretary and said:

"Send someone to pass the news to Marine Corps Headquarters.

"Let them issue a warrant for the ghosts and the chosen one!

"Also, direct orders to all Marines in the entire Eastern Sea.

"Let them cooperate with Admiral the hellhound to capture them!"

"Finally, inform Qixing Admiral and Tiance Admiral. 35

"Let them deal with the matter at hand as soon as possible."

"Take over the Cerberus Admiral catching the Chosen and those ghosts!


The secretary of the Eastern Sea Governor bowed slightly.

Leading the order of the Governor of the Eastern Sea to carry out the task.

And with the implementation of the orders and letters of the governor's secretary.

News about Rogge and those ghosts.

Also started quickly.

It spread throughout the interior of the Eastern Sea!

Zhao Kong is a god-chosener.

In the first novice mission, Zhao Kong chose to join Marine.


Relying on a hero-level characteristic, as well as a fairly hard practice.

Zhao Kong finally mastered the entry-level Armament Haki not long ago.

Glorious as a recruit, I got the rank of a lieutenant-level officer!

And this also made Zhao Kong quick.

Become the leader of all the chosen Marine recruits in the recruit camp!


Zhao Kong, who completed the training mission once again.

Opened the [Communication Center] during the break.

In it, he showed off his military rank to the other Chosen Ones.

Enjoy the compliments from other Chosen Ones.



66' ta ta 35

"Tap tap

There were regular, steady, loud footsteps.

Wake Zhao Kong up from the touts of the other Chosen Ones!

"what's the situation?"

Zhao Kong was in the first place.

Look in the direction of the sound.

I saw outside the recruit camp.

Countless heavily armed Marine warriors.

They are lining up in a neat square formation to leave the headquarters barracks.

Go to the port!

"What's the matter? Why are so many people going out on missions?"

"Could it be that a pirate attacked which country?"

"Marine sent troops for reinforcements?"

Zhao Kong couldn't help asking the other recruits around him.

But he was surrounded by recruits who were just like him.

How could anyone know about it?


Zhao Kong and other god-chosen recruits and ordinary Marine recruits.

All turned to their Instructor.

A smile appeared on the recruit Instructor's face.

He said with a smile:

"I heard that there is a very powerful Chosen Pirate. 39

"He took more than a thousand ghost warriors and attacked the capital city of the Fusang Empire.

"Hundreds of thousands of Fusang people were killed, and the guns emptied the palace of Fusang Kingdom!

"Even Admiral couldn't catch them.

"In order to encircle and suppress them, the Governor has notified the entire Eastern Sea!"

"Now Marines throughout the Eastern Sea. 35

"They're all working to catch that Chosen Pirate!

Words of recruit Instructor.

Let Zhao Kong and a group of gods choose Marine recruit.

760 all wondered if he heard it wrong!

Chosen Pirates?

Attacked the city of Shendu, killed more than 100,000 people, and emptied the Fusang Palace?

Can't even handle an Admiral-level powerhouse?

It has grown so much in just two months.

Is this Fuck really the Chosen One?

"Stop joking, Instructor! Do you think this is funny?"

"That's right! We, the Chosen One, have only been in this world for less than two months, so it's impossible to be so powerful!""

"We'll train hard, Instructor, you don't have to lie to us!

Zhao Kong and others did not believe the words of the recruit Instructor.

They think this recruit Instructor.

It is using this so-called Chosen Pirate to stimulate them.

The purpose is to make them train harder!

"You don't believe it."

"Anyway, the day after tomorrow at the latest, the headquarters will issue a wanted notice to the world."5

"At that time you will know if I am lying to you!

Distrust of Zhao Kong and others.

The recruit Instructor didn't care too much either.

Zhao Kong and other gods choose.

It was also regarded as a recruit Instructor and they saw through the strategy.

This conversation is over.

But on the second day.

They know what their Instructor says is true!


Just the next morning.

They saw the wanted notice from Marine headquarters!

PS: The fifth update, 2800 words, today has a total of 14,500 updates. It will continue to explode tomorrow. I ask the big guys to continue to subscribe and support.

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