All People Sailing: I Can Endow God-Level Characteristics Infinitely

79. Princess Tianxin attaches importance to Rogge! Rogge is regarded as a major threat! The future d

"Boom one by one"

The Marine Rear Admiral fell from the sky and slammed into the sea.

The huge force set off a monstrous wave on the sea.

A Master Marine Rear Admiral of Emission-class Armament Haki.

So it fell into the ocean.

Then under the action of sea water buoyancy.

Slowly rising to the sea, floating on the sea!

Not far away, on the Conqueror.

Watch the Marine Rear Admiral float above the ocean.

There was a smile on Rogge's face:

"Although failed to kill this Marine Rear Admiral. 35

"But through this fight with him.

"I almost know my power!"

"Now, my combat power on land is basically on par with him.

"If you fight with life-threatening means."

"You can also kill him after paying a certain price!"

"If you switch the battlefield to the sea, switch to the Conqueror. 35

'That is under the blessing of several of my characteristics.

"I can get to the point where I can easily beat the opponent!"

After thinking for a while in my mind.

Rogge's own strength under the blessing of various characteristics.

With a general understanding:

"Seven Six Zero" "Under the blessing of the emperor on the sea and the characteristics of the sea fortress."

"I'm probably able to compete with the masters of the Armament-colored external level.

"Of course, provided the other party doesn't have Conqueror's Haki either!"

in its own strength.

After having a more general understanding.

Rogge looked away from Marine Rear Admiral.

Turning to the Conqueror, he said:

"Conqueror, keep sailing!

"It's time we got out of here!"

In the sensing range of Rogge's Observation Haki.

He has already spotted several warships flying the Marine flag.

Coming in this direction!

If you don't leave again.

It is inevitable to continue fighting with other Marines.

by that time.

What Rogge has to deal with.

More than just one or two Marines.

It's the number of Marines in a few warships!

To fill in for a Marine Rear Admiral who can be beat in one hit.

And engage in a large-scale frontal battle with Marine.

Rogge wouldn't do such an unwise thing!

Shortly after the Conqueror left.

Several Marine warships came to this area.

But they did not find the target of their operation.

Only saw a Marine Rear Admiral floating above the sea!

It is clear.

the goal of their operation.

After defeating the Marine Rear Admiral.

Just left here!

"Damn! He actually let that guy run away!"

Watch the Marine Rear Admiral float above the ocean.

Among all the Marines who came to support.

The only Vice Admiral Marine.

Also the Vice Admiral of a rare female Marine.

I couldn't help but let out a roar.

And in the anger of Vice Admiral of Tianxin.

The Marines had also rescued the Marine Rear Admiral, who was floating on the surface.

And awakened Marine Vice Admiral from his coma.

"The minister was incompetent and did not leave Rogge behind.

"Also ask the princess to punish!"

After waking up from a slumber.

Seeing Tianxin Vice Admiral standing next to him.

Marine Rear Admiral immediately got up and knelt on the ground to plead guilty to Vice Admiral of Tianxin.

But Tianxin's Vice Admiral is a face.

With a serious expression:

"Now we are in the Marine.

"I'm not some Tianxin Princess, but Marine Marine's Tianxin Vice Admiral!""

"You should be called Tiantianxin Vice Admiral!"


Marine Rear Admiral lowered his head.

And Tianxin Vice Admiral saw this attitude of Marine Rear Admiral.

The expression on his face also returned to normal:

"Tell me what's going on.

"How did you get defeated by that Rogge so quickly?"

Marine Rear Admiral looked up.

Tell Tianxin Vice Admiral about Rogge's situation.

"Conqueror's Haki Coil, Armor Color Coil..

"This Rogge can actually do it in three days.

"Growing so much strength?"

"This guy's aptitude is likely to be stronger than mine!""

Hear what Marine Rear Admiral has to say.

Tianxin Vice Admiral's face is full of solemnity!

"If you continue to let this guy grow up."

"It will take less than a year at the latest. 35

"This guy is going to be our Marine's confidant.

"It's even possible to become a new sea emperor!

Think of the potential and growth rate that Rogge has.

Combined with it, it came from Fusang country.

Those things Rogge did....

"When I didn't have Rear Admiral-level strength."

"This guy dares to take a group of ghosts to attack the capital city of God. 35

"If it really makes this guy a sea emperor-level powerhouse. 39

"I'm afraid it is the capital of the six major countries in the world federation.

"He dared to bring people to attack!"

The more you think back.

Tianxin Vice Admiral also feels more and more that Rogge is a threat!

Looking at the endless ocean.

Tianxin Vice Admiral slapped on the guardrail of the warship with a "bang!"

"Send the news and say that Rogge escaped from Moonlight City.

"Let Marine send someone to encircle the surrounding area.


Marine heralds under Vice Admiral of Tianxin lead the order.

Getting ready to leave with a mission.

"and many more!

Tianxin's Vice Admiral stopped the Marine's order.

He continued to add:

"In the name of my Princess Tianxin, notify Qixing Admiral and Tiance Admiral."

"Let them hurry up and deal with their own affairs."

"Come and join us to encircle this Li Xian!


The messenger was ordered to leave again.

Only this time.

Tianxin Vice Admiral didn't stop him!

And after the messenger left.

Tianxin Vice Admiral also showed a smug smile on his face:

"Seven-star Admiral and Tiance Admiral are both top Admiral-level powerhouses.""

"Two top Admiral powerhouses, plus a Cerberus Admiral.

"Three Admiral-level powerhouses encircle you and a Rogge together.

"This can be considered a face for you!"

After a while of talking to myself...

Tianxin Vice Admiral said to the surrounding Marines:

"Continue sailing and speculate after Rogge leaves Moonlight City.

“The most likely place to go!”

"Then run straight towards them!

"The sooner you catch this guy called Rogge, the better!


Under the orders of Tianxin Vice Admiral.

Tianxin Vice Admiral's warship.

And several nearby Rear Admiral warships.

It also started sailing towards the endless ocean!

While Tianxin Vice Admiral continues to track Rogge.

aboard the Conqueror.

After successfully escaping Marine's pursuit.

Rogge informed the ghosts in the secret world that the supplies had arrived.

After being notified by Rogge.

The ghosts in the secret world also immediately came to the Conqueror.

Continue to carry the supplies in the Conqueror's warehouse.

Moving towards the secret world.

"With these supplies, plus the occasional supplies from the sea. 99

"And the meat we get from hunting sea beasts."

"It is estimated that we can last for more than a month and a half!

Looking at the ghost warriors carrying supplies in and out one by one.

Liuli was very happy to chat with Rogge.

"That's right!"

"We can eat well every day again!

Lucy spoke up.

Lan Lan, who was next to her, also happily agreed.

The happy mood of the two infected Rogge.

A smile appeared on Rogge's face.

But soon.

Rogge put away his smile.

"Although we got new supplies.

"But now is not the time to be happy!"

Rogge looked at Liuli and Lanlan and said:

"When I entered Moonlight City just now.

"Get news about us in town."

"The Marines in the entire East Blue waters are now in action.

"—2.2 Marine Admiral, dozens of Marine Vice Admiral."

"And hundreds of thousands of Marines.""

"All looking for us at sea.""

"The purpose is to arrest us!"

An expression of fear appeared on Lan Lan's face.

She asked Rogge worriedly:

"Then what are we going to do?

"Leave the Eastern Seas!

Rogge has yet to respond.

Liu Li took the lead in making her own proposal:

"The Marines in the Eastern Sea are after us.

"Then we leave the Eastern Seas. 35

"Just go directly to other sea areas.

"The Marines in the Eastern Sea are basically under the control of the Heavenly Star Empire.

"That's why they tried so hard to hunt us down."

"We just need to escape to other waters! 99

Leaving the Eastern Sea?

It seems that Liuli's idea and I have gone together!

A smile appeared on Rogge's face.

PS: The fourth update, 3000 words, continue to ask for support!.

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