Aaron's world.

Chen Lin opened his eyes, and the scenery he saw was the same as before he left, as if nothing had happened.

But the main building panel displayed in front of him clearly told Chen Lin.

What exactly happened during this time.

【Main building】

[Level: Tier 2 Tier 2]

That's right, even if Chen Lin's soul consciousness leaves Aaron's world.

However, Sky Island is still under the influence of natural disasters, growing at a hundredfold speed, absorbing free energy non-stop.

The moment when Chen Lin saw Sky Island's level.

An inexplicable fluctuation.

also appeared quietly.

this moment.

Chen Lin felt as if he was soaked in warm water, and his whole body felt a little dizzy.

Wait until you open your eyes again.

Even in the sky island in Aaron's world, Chen Lin can feel it.

My soul seems to be much stronger.

"The first life stage evolution..."

Put on a satisfied smile.

Chen Lin walked out of the main building.

As far as the eye can see.

It was already a bigger island because it absorbed Zhou Huawen's sky island.

At this time, the edge can no longer be seen clearly.

at the same time.

Chen Lin standing in the center.

But it has been able to vaguely sense the situation of the entire sky island.

until now.

Chen Lin can be regarded as officially leaving the "newcomer" status of the pioneers.

According to the division in the pioneer guide.

A trailblazer who has just entered the world of Aaron.

The initial island to bind to.

In fact, it cannot be regarded as a real sky island.

Only with the efforts of the pioneers can I upgrade my sky island from the first level to the second level.

By this time.

The sky island will officially evolve into the elementary sky tour island.

Also from this time.

All sky tour islands will have a formal division of ranks.

After entering this level.

The sky tour island owned by the pioneers is divided into three stages. The primary sky tour island is the sky tour island that Chen Lin has just owned.

Wait until the sky tour island increases with the level.

Constantly absorbing free energy, or absorbing the cores of other sky tour islands, the scale continues to expand.

At that time, the functionality of Sky Tour Island will also change accordingly.

Thus, it can be upgraded to an intermediate sky tour island or even an advanced sky tour island.

And the most notable feature of elementary sky tour island.

Chen Lin has just experienced it.

That is, under the control of the pioneer himself, Sky Tour Island can participate in the underlying rules of Aaron's world at a certain speed.

The rules of Aaron's world surge.

It will let the sky tour island swim.

If we say that the newly born Sky Island drifts around unconsciously.

Sky Tour Island after entering the rules surged that day.

There will be a greater probability.

A checkerboard-like collision with other occupied sky tour islands.

This is the most basic and cruel law of Aaron's world.

The sky tour islands attract each other and devour each other.

Under the collision, one sky tour island will always grow stronger, and the other sky tour island will be eliminated.

finally survived.

It can become the kind of giant-like island in the sky that traverses the sky.

And such underlying rules.

For the owner of the bound sky tour island and the living creatures on it.

It is not only an opportunity, but also the most straightforward and cruel elimination field.

This random uncontrolled collision.

The most vivid metaphor Blue Star made was the Colosseum.

No matter what identity, what status.

Go shirtless, take up arms, and defeat or even kill every enemy in front of you.

And survive day after day.

The weak eat the strong!

When two strange sky islands, both bound by pioneers, collided.

Then, it's like a fighter who stepped into the Colosseum.

Conflicts will most likely occur.

Then began the extremely cruel competition and elimination.

Until one party falls completely.

Until you can no longer step into Aaron's world!


Not only sky tour islands with similar levels will be put together by rules.

There is no way to control this surge of rules.

That is.

Even if it's just a junior sky tour island like Chen Lin.

It is also very likely to hit a wild island that has just been born under the rules of the world.

Or other pioneers who have been developing a little longer than Chen Lin.

worst case scenario.

Maybe even crashing headlong into the arms of the more advanced, native biomes of Aaron's world.

"Colosseum, octagonal cage."

"The rules of Aaron's world seem to be disordered, but there is no doubt that they follow the most simple law of the forest."

"Natural selection, survival of the fittest!"

Think of those introductions to Skywalk and the underlying rules of Aaron's world.

Chen Lin's complexion remained unchanged, but thoughts gradually rose in his heart.

It can be said.

during this time period.

Even if it is possible to encounter the danger of advanced sky tour islands.

But out of danger.

This is the best period for the development of the Blazers!

The disorderly surge of rules will send opponents one after another to his sky tour island.

And do it yourself.

Just figure out how to defeat all these enemies.


Step by step.

Step up to the highest point in Aaron's world!

"The next period will be a period of high-speed development of Sky Tour Island!"

After a sentence of emotion.

Chen Lin turned and walked towards his own unit building.

Want to beat all opponents.

Naturally, you have to review your own strength.

In the maze.

The spider was lying in the deepest dark place, seemingly sleeping.

And other small spider monsters are constantly being produced.

Up to now, there are more than 2,000 small spider monsters in the maze, and the momentum of the spider army has expanded a lot.

After checking the situation of the maze.

Chen Lin turned around and looked aside.

That was the place where Chen Lin planted the crystals after obtaining the ghost woodland.

At this time that small area.

Under the infection of the ghost woodland, it has turned gray-black.

The same gray and black trees have a small range.

It grows extremely tightly.

Under the influence of Chen Lin Tianfu's hundredfold growth.

Although the planting time is about the same.

But it is clear that Chen Lin now owns a forest of demons and ghosts, far exceeding Zhou Huawen's original growth progress.

Come to the forest of demons and ghosts.

Chen Lin didn't find it in the demon forest.

There are ghosts born.

It's a weird time.

The template belonging to the ghost forest was suddenly displayed in front of Chen Lin.

【Ghost Woodland】

[Level: Tier 1]

[Number of arms: 0]

[Maximum number of arms that can be accommodated: 100]

【Current Status: Secondary Construction Available】

Chen Lin looked from top to bottom.

Finally, I stayed on the option of secondary construction.

"Secondary construction?"

Recall the Trailblazers Guide.

Chen Lin didn't think that there was any relevant information about the Ghost Grove, so out of curiosity, he clicked on the note about the secondary construction on the panel.

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