The second option is.

After the option is determined, the blood magic pool will concentrate all the blood power to condense a special blood unit.

And this kind of operation has a certain risk of cohesion failure.

When the cohesion fails, the blood magic pool will burst.

And most importantly, after choosing this option, the blood demon pool will lose the function of converting regular units, and no vampire unit will be born.

Regardless of the success or failure of condensing special units, the blood magic pool will directly lose its effect.

This is a very face-to-face choice that basically depends on luck.

And judging from the introduction, it will take a long time to gather special blood units.

In fact, the blue star pioneers in Aaron's world hate this feature the most.

After all, there are lessons learned from the Earth Walking Dragon's Lair.

Now almost no pioneer dared to put his wealth and life on that kind of uncertain, gambler-like arms.


Sun Qiang, like other pioneers, did not have the guts to gamble on the unknown odds.

Instead, the first choice is made.

Transformed all his arms into vampires, trying to improve his combat effectiveness by expanding the group.

However, for others, these routes have only disadvantages and almost no advantages.

In Chen Lin's eyes, it has become a very attractive option.

After all, with the talent of a hundredfold growth, Chen Lin can completely reduce the time required for the second option, which is to condense all the blood clan power from the blood magic pool to produce a special unit, which is equivalent to completing the production in a short period of time.

Therefore, the blank interval of combat power during the waiting period can be completely ignored.

After all, Chen Lin didn't like the first option at all.

And even if the second option fails, Chen Lin will not lose anything. Anyway, this blood magic pool is just looted from Sun Qiang's sky island.

Not to mention spending money, Chen Lin even earned 50 million from Sun Qiang and the others.

And if successful, Chen Lin can get a special rare unit.

Gathering all the blood power together, even 'scrapping' a master-level strange object, the unit that must be cultivated is absolutely incomparably powerful.

It is very worthy of Chen Lin's training, and it is completely in line with the absolute elite route Chen Lin is going to take now.

Thinking of this, Chen Lin immediately made a decision.

After choosing to build the blood demon pool, he began to gather the power of the blood clan and breed that special blood clan unit whose basic information was not clear at all.

Under Chen Lin's gaze, the completed blood magic value began to expand, and when the expansion reached a certain stage, it began to shrink toward the inside.

The traces that spread around also gradually disappeared.

The pool water, which was already like blood, became more vivid and translucent, and even had the illusion of condensing into a ruby.

From Chen Lin's perspective, those ruby-like dazzling pools seemed to enclose a growing embryo.

At the same time, the blood demon pool also sent a response for Chen Lin, and soon that special blood unit would be conceived in the blood demon pool!

It worked!

"Let me see, what kind of existence is a unit that consumes a master-level strange item to have a chance to be born!"

Chen Lin stared at the young but rapidly growing blood clan unit, full of anticipation in his heart.

At the same time, looking at the blood demon pool that condensed and turned into a real sign, it was constantly tumbling in front of him.

Chen Lin also realized the importance of strange objects.

Every pioneer who can upgrade to a high-level area will not have much difference in the strength of his troops.

However, a strange thing formed by a drop of blood essence dripped by a sanctuary-level vampire can have such a great effect.

Let Sun Qiang, the pioneer, directly distance himself from other pioneers of the same level.

During the battle just now, Chen Lin had also discovered it.

The numbers and basic combat effectiveness of Sun Qiang and his three arms are not far from each other.

But because of the existence of the blood demon pool, Sun Qiang was able to cultivate a vampire troop with professional branches, and even upgraded to the seventh level one step faster than the other two.

If there were no Blood Demon Pool, there would be no Sun Qiang today.

This also means that in the high-level area, a strange object is a rare treasure for any pioneer, which is enough to greatly improve the strength.

Thinking of this, Chen Lin secretly made up his mind.

In the future, we must collect more strange objects and try our best to improve the combat effectiveness of Sky Island.

Although the power in his hands is already terrifying.

But Chen Lin understands that there are already many pioneers in this world who have pioneered in the world of Aaron for a longer time.

The resources and even the arms they have in their hands are all beyond their reach.

Face these pioneers who may pose a threat to themselves.

In addition to doing one's best to develop, the only thing that can improve one's strength is the rare treasure.

"Now, I should be able to arrange my previous ideas."

Afterwards, Chen Lin called Zhu Lai Ziyuan and Spiderman over.

The three hero units are directing their respective subordinates to train, preparing to advance to the fifth level as soon as possible.

However, after receiving the order from the island owner, he immediately came to Chen Lin.

Seeing the three most powerful hero units under his command, Chen Lin also nodded in satisfaction, and then gave them instructions.

He described his intention to turn the main building complex under his feet into a terrifying war fortress like the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

After learning that Chen Lin actually wanted to build such a magnificent building.

"As expected of the master, it's amazing!" Stars appeared in Ziyuan's eyes, who was most interested in the battle, and ran to Chen Lin very excitedly, and asked Chen Lin for details about the Great Tomb of Nazarick by pulling his sleeve.

"It is my duty to fulfill the master's wish."

On the other hand, Zhu Lai held his own weapon, stood aside with a smile and said respectfully, no matter what the lord needs, he will go all out and lead the big demon leaders to do their best.

Spider's current intelligence is still one step behind Zhu Lai and Zi Yun.

But he also understood that the island owner seemed to have a grand plan, so he hurriedly waved his little paw, expressing that he would also participate and would never fall behind.

Seeing how well-behaved and sensible his subordinates are.

Chen Lin was also sharpening his sword, and immediately asked Zhu Lai to summon all the big ghost commanders and ghost guards.

Started planning for preliminary construction!

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