All People Sky Island: My Glamorous Maids Are Crazy

Chapter 49 The Alchemy Puppet Finally Arrives!

At the end of these events, Shalltear even competed with Shion Zhulai and the others for the priority of harvesting the core of the enemy Sky Island.

After all, they are the guardians of the large tomb buildings.

Shatia alone represents the entire third floor, relatively speaking, he moves much faster than the ghosts.

After Shalltear launched her actions.

Even if Ziyuan and Zhu Lai joined forces, they never snatched any core crystal of the sky island, and came to present it to Chen Lin.

But they are also the arms of Chen Lin.

Even if there is competition between several hero units, they all want to do their best to invite more achievements in front of Chen Lin.

Instead of fighting for something for his own selfishness, Chen Lin didn't stop such behavior.

Just tell them not to underestimate the enemy, just let any enemy go.

After destroying one Sky Island after another.

Chen Lin's sky island also absorbed the core resources of these sky islands, and its growth rate became extremely fast, constantly expanding rapidly.

It soon evolved to the level of fifth-level and ninth-level, and will soon become the sixth-level sky, thus allowing the low-level sky floating island to evolve into a middle-level sky floating island.

During this process.

Chen Lin also got a relatively complete map of the Youdao world from the senior pioneers who came to die in a steady stream, and thus deduced the area where the giant shadow island is located.

It is called the storm space by the pioneers of this Youdao boundary.

Because that area is covered by a very powerful storm force, and it is in a dark and stormy environment all the time, it can be said to be a very dangerous area.

Even if the low-level sky island master appeared in that area, he would be destroyed by the extremely harsh natural environment, and he didn't have to wait for the enemy to appear.

After deducing the coordinates of the giant shadow island, Chen Lin destroyed several sky islands that came to attack him one after another on the way there.

After obtaining a large number of basic resources that can accelerate the growth of Sky Island.

In addition, some special props were obtained.

The first piece is an alchemy item successfully condensed by the Sky Island Master after his death.

The name of this prop is Alchemy Golem Puppet. Like Floating Idol, Alchemy Golem Puppet can also be placed in the main building.

Thus forming an alchemical golem puppet.

This puppet has very strong magic resistance and physical resistance, very rough skin and thick flesh, and is also very powerful.

It can be said to be a perfect meat shield type prop.

More importantly, after placing the alchemy puppets, Chen Lin suddenly discovered that the huge alchemy puppets are very suitable for the construction of large tombs.

After all, for ghosts, if they want to build a grand building, they need to climb up and down and transport various resources by themselves.

However, the huge size of the alchemy puppet can just be used to build those extremely grand outer walls and so on.

After seeing the extraordinary construction speed of the alchemy golem puppets.

Chen Lin finally breathed a sigh of relief, and thought to himself that he had not had the first coolie used to build the large tomb until now.

What made Chen Lin even more unexpected was that.

The alchemy golem is in the process of being built without interruption.

Still growing slowly.

Chen Lin also figured it out by studying the props for placing the alchemy golem puppets.

It turns out that after the alchemy golem puppet is placed, as long as the alchemy props are not destroyed, it can continuously absorb various free metal elements in Aaron's world, as well as elements contained in other alchemy golems to grow itself.

The current upper limit is unknown, but it should not be lower than the twelfth level.

However, the original growth rate of the alchemist puppet was very slow, but because Chen Lin carried the natural disaster talent bonus.

So at this time, the growth speed of the alchemy golem puppet was also increased to a hundred times, growing very fast.

In the future, in addition to being a coolie in the construction of the Great Tomb, it can also be an important guard in Chen Lin's labyrinth after it is fully grown.

After all, such a huge puppet with rough skin and thick flesh is really suitable to exist as a human shield.

With such a meat shield, Chen Lin's troops can safely hide behind the meat shield for output without worrying about being wiped out by some troops with strong offensive capabilities.

After all, Chen Lin is taking the elite route, and the damage of each unit is actually a huge loss of strength.

The alchemy puppet is different. In addition to self-growth, the alchemy puppet can also absorb various elements to repair itself after damage. It is simply the most perfect shield candidate.

Except for alchemy golem puppets.

Chen Lin also obtained another special building called the Elementary Spring of Life Crystal.

If you integrate this elementary life crystal into Sky Island.

You can build a building unit called the Fountain of Life on the floating island in the sky.

This kind of spring water can repair the biological restoration below the sixth level, and it can be used to repair the injured parts of the units.

It can be regarded as an alternative life potion.

Not only that, after the fountain of life is built, it can also nourish the growth of various other creatures on the floating island in the sky.

Provide more abundant growth elements for those animals and plants that are food.

Most importantly, due to the natural disaster talent, the growth potential of the Fountain of Life has also been changed to 100 times that of before.

Can give birth to one hundred copies of life spring water.

These life springs can even cover the entire sky island, replacing the most basic water source.

After placement, the biosphere of Chen Lin's Sky Floating Island was greatly strengthened.

It can be said that even if the number of units under Chen Lin is doubled or even tenfold, they will no longer be affected by food and other aspects.

With the Fountain of Life, Chen Lin finally lost some scruples.

Immediately choose to release part of the restrictions, allowing the number of ghost troops to expand.

However, to be on the safe side, Chen Lin only gave orders to Zhu Lai and Zi Yuan for the preliminary expansion plan.

Let the number of big ghosts increase from 100 to 200, and temporarily stop the expansion.

After confirming the work arrangements for the next sky floating island.

Chen Lin continued to rush towards the area where the giant shadow island was located, and arrived at the outer edge of that special area after a few days.

Along the way, Chen Lin also wiped out a few short-sighted sky islands and absorbed their resources.

At this time, the floating island in the sky under Chen Lin's feet has officially evolved into a sixth-level floating island, becoming a middle-level floating island in the sky.

After evolving into a mid-level sky floating island, the upper limit of Chen Lin's troops has also reached the sixth level, and the overall combat power has taken a huge leap forward.

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