All People Sky Island: My Glamorous Maids Are Crazy

Chapter 88 Big Harvest! The Road To Eternal Life!

As the sky island of Oz, the owner of the half-dragon sky island, gradually collapsed, those resources were seized back by Chen Lin's troops.

After the acquisition of resources was completed, Chen Lin did not go to count these resources immediately, but first drove his own sky island to the area occupied by the half-dragon lord Oz before, where he set up a safety zone in the chaotic airspace .

Although I haven't figured out whether I want to replace Ozzy's position and re-establish a safe zone in the chaotic airspace.

But as the territory he laid down, even if Chen Lin may not be stationed here in the future, even if he sells it, he can definitely get a lot of resources.

However, Chen Lin came after this piece of airspace.

It was discovered that because of the fall of Oz and the collapse of Sky Island of Oz, the previously hidden area under Sky Island of Oz was completely exposed.

This area has a unique landform similar to the chaotic hollow rock area.

However, it is not as complicated as the chaotic empty rock area, but a huge area similar to a giant island.

And this empty rock area not only has an excellent location, but also has some unique secrets.

After coming to this area, Chen Lin has discovered that, for some special reason, this empty rock area seems to be able to absorb various free energies and resources faster.

Thereby speeding up the growth rate of the sky island bordering on this empty rock, and it can also accelerate the speed of sky crystal formation on the sky island.

In the world of Aaron.

This is a very special place where the entire area will be provided for Sky Island with special effects.

It has always been dubbed a resource point by the pioneers of Blue Star.

It's like in the rpg games that used to be popular on Blue Star, those places where a kind of material will be constantly refreshed.

It is precisely because of this special reason that if a resource point can be occupied as a territory, then the growth rate of the sky island will be ten times that of the sky island that grows free in the airspace.

That's why Ozzy chose to stay in the chaotic airspace for a long time, open up a safe zone and become a permanent lord.

In the world of Aaron, every lord who fixed his territory somewhere, occupied a place similar to this.

It can not only speed up the formation of its own resources, but also earn greater benefits through other means. Of course, if you want to occupy such a place, strength and luck are essential.

But now, after killing Oz, Chen Lin has become the new lord, and he can naturally occupy this extremely rich resource point.

In the future, even if you don't set up a safe zone, it will just occupy the acceleration ability of the resource point.

Chen Lin can gain unimaginable resource growth and collection speed through a hundred times the buff.

At the same time, after Chen Lin figured out the particularity of Oz's territory, he began to count the various resources harvested after ending Oz this time.

After some inventory, Chen Lin realized that he may not have a clear understanding of the wealth owned by the high-ranking sky island master.

This time, Oz's harvest was wiped out, and even a little bit beyond Chen Lin's imagination.

For the harvest of sky crystals alone, Chen Lin obtained tens of millions of sky crystals from the sky island where Oz fell.

Such a huge amount of "windfall" and "wealth".

Not only did it make up for Chen Lin's previous depleted wealth, but it even greatly exceeded a part, which can be used as a support point for Chen Lin's next development.

In addition, Chen Lin also got the loot that exists on the Sky Island of Oz, which is more precious than the sky crystal.

The first piece of loot is a unique resource type of wonder.

called the Well of Gold.

This kind of strange thing called a resource type will speed up the speed at which Sky Island absorbs the free energy around it, and will automatically generate a thousand sky crystals every day.

It is precisely because of the existence of the Well of Gold, coupled with the establishment of a safe zone, by providing shelter for others to conduct transactions and other means of profit.

Oz was able to maintain the rapid growth of his corps while occupying this chaotic airspace for many years, and was able to accumulate such a huge amount of sky crystals.

This golden well alone has made Chen Lin overjoyed. After all, the existence of the golden well can basically solve Chen Lin's current problem of depletion of all arms.

With the buff of a hundred times growth, the efficiency of collecting sky crystals of this golden well will be about 100 times that of the normal golden well.

In other words, Chen Lin can collect about 100,000 sky crystals every day on average.

30 million sky crystals can be collected in one year, which is three times larger than the sky crystals that Ozzy has accumulated over the years.

Such a huge daily income not only fully made up for Chen Lin's shortfall, but also allowed Chen Lin to completely open up his training of arms.

Let Chen Lin's current arms also have more resources for development.

However, after being shocked by this huge number, Chen Lin also woke up in a short time.

After some careful calculations.

It was only then that Chen Lin realized that although looking at his own arms now, with such a huge income, he could even grow almost unscrupulously.

But in fact, from the specific situation in reality, this kind of collection speed can only temporarily make up for the current shortfall.

After all, he is only at the tenth level now. If he waits until the future, Chen Lin's sky island will grow to the sanctuary, or even a higher level.

Then, at this stage, these arms units, which can already be called money-burning machines, will consume even more terrifying resources, which is simply beyond the imagination of other sky island owners.

After all, Chen Lin's Sky Island not only supports a large number of heroes and relatives, but also has a large number of elite troops.

Think here.

Chen Lin suddenly realized that he must have the thought of being prepared for danger in times of peace, even if he is not worried about developmental problems right now

You must also find a way to obtain more sky crystals. Only by being prepared at any time can you prevent yourself from encountering such things now. You need to use all of Stud's wealth to fight against the enemy.

".~If you have the opportunity, you must not let go of any strange objects that can accumulate sky crystal resources."

After roughly estimating the sky crystals he might need to consume in the future, Chen Lin immediately made up his mind.

In addition to the Well of Gold, Chen Lin also received a treasure contributed by Shalltear, which was found from Oz's body after his death.

This treasure is also the original ordinary Ozzy, who can stand out from his own group, grow into a hero unit, and then be able to obtain such a unique source of heroic power.

The shape of the treasure is very strange, like a bead with blood-colored light. After Chen Lin took the treasure in his hand, he discovered that the name of the treasure was Dragon Blood Orb.

Judging from the fuzzy information sent back from the treasure, this treasure should be a terrifying real giant dragon that has reached the legendary level. The chaotic airspace finally formed this Dragon Blood Orb.

If a creature can hold this dragon blood orb, it can continuously purify the dragon blood in its body and transform into a real dragon.

Of course, this kind of treasure is useless for single (Zhao Le's) people who don't have dragon blood.

Obviously, Ozzy, who has the blood of a half-dragon, relied on this dragon blood orb to continuously purify his blood, and finally successfully evolved from an ordinary lizard to a half-dragon.

In the end, he even purified his bloodline to the point where he could be promoted to a Sanctuary-level sub-dragon through the power of a hero.

If it wasn't for Chen Lin beheading Oz in this place now, then wait until Oz really sets foot in the sanctuary by relying on his own power instead of the power of a hero.

This dragon's blood orb can also support Oz, and continue to improve towards a more pure dragon's blood level.

At that time, if there is enough time to grow, Ozzy may grow into a new true dragon-like existence that only exists in the legend!

Got everything in Oz.

Chen Lin has become the new master of the safe zone, and at the same time his troops are comparable to the sanctuary.

If it continues to develop day by day, sooner or later it will eventually become a legendary god.

By then, Chen Lin will be immortal!

Think here.

Chen Lin stood on Sky Island and looked at the surrounding starry sky.

Ambitious ambitions for the future are ignited in my heart!

(End of the book).

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