All People: Soul Puppet Master, God-Level Talent At The Beginning

Chapter 162 Rescue The Field, Command In Shock!

With the addition of the King of Wrath, Jimmy changed from the bear T form to the ice wolf form.

This is his special transformation form, with ice attribute damage when attacking.

Compared with the leopard form of the traditional druid, it has a lot more attribute damage.

Although the White Knights are the last to join the team.

But after several sets of consecutive moves, DPS directly rose to the second place.

Watching Jimmy break out in a cold sweat.

Where did this perverted hunter come from, the output is too fierce.

"Haven't you all eaten?"

Jimmy yelled at the output profession behind him.

One must know that what he brought were all elites from the Ice Wolf Mercenary dungeon.

A hunter who came in later hit the second DPS, and I lost my face to my grandma's house.

After all, this data is displayed in the background of the battle, and Mo Xing and others can see the data changes throughout the process.

"The value of this 1000 flowers."

There was a smile on the corner of Mo Xing's mouth.

Sure enough, he was right and asked the two most powerful members of the opponent to come.

Soon, the output of the white knight went straight to the first place.

Now in the entire Duke battlefield, MT is the King of Wrath, and Ye Be's team ranks first in output.

It made Jimmy's face as red as if he had been slapped two times.

"Team A3 is out of hatred "TQ2 fills up quickly!"

Mo Xing saw that the formation on the A3 side was clearly in disarray.

The pastor was approached by the Marquis's little boss.

Keep turning around the MT in that circle.

But MT just can't pull away the hatred.

If this continues, the team will have to be downsized.

At this stage, if you want peripheral members to enter to pull hatred, it will definitely not work. After all, hatred determination has a certain relationship with skills and output.

When Jimmy heard that it was the A3 team, he was even angrier.

A3 is another team he brought over.

The newly promoted team belonging to the Ice Wolf Mercenary Corps is still relatively young overall, but they are all talented.

Unexpectedly, the boss battle went wrong.

Ye Be saw that the foreign aid could not keep up with her falling fast even though the priest was blooded.

I know this guy can't hold on for a few seconds.

And the Marquis BOSS has obviously entered the fourth stage, and the attack frequency is extremely fast.

"Xiaobai is misleading, do me a favor!"

Ye Be can't do nothing, no matter what, they are all members of Nandao.

Although the White Knight is in the Duke's battlefield, the hunter's position is relatively backward, so he can reach the A3 battlefield.

A misdirection hit Ye Be, and then Tranquility fired a direct concussion blow.

Even the small boss is forced to be stunned for 3 seconds by him!

Ye Be had already rushed to the priest's side at this time, pulled the priest's Xuanyuan sword and slashed it.

With the blessing of the knife crit, the opponent will be chopped down in 3 seconds.

Mo Xing rubbed his eyes!

After a long time, this guy is close combat, so you took a broken bow and shot there just now!

"Add 1000 blood crystals, or we will reduce the staff."

Ye Be received the Xuanyuan Sword, and patted Grass Star, which could hold an egg.

"I'll add 3000 to you!"

At this time, Jimmy had already retreated from the battlefield of the Duke.

Anyway, there are white knights for output, and natural kings for pulling monsters.

I really have nothing to do with myself.

If it wasn't for the face of his teammates, he would have quit the battle directly.

People later all played DPS first and what to do.

"Boss Jimmy is rich."

Ye Be smiled and accepted the 3000 blood crystals handed over by the other party.

People can't be broken!

"Are you interested in joining our ice wolf mercenary group?"

Although Jimmy is not the boss of the Icewolf mercenary group, he is still the leader of the third group.

It is no problem at all to recruit a few strong and powerful members in this capacity.

"I'm used to being free, so be tolerant!"

Ye Be declined the other party's invitation.

Although the mercenary group makes money, they are not really only for money, everything is based on human needs

"That's right. With the strength of your team, it's absolutely no problem to be a high-level mission team. If you are lucky enough to go out, you will be a friend in the contact list of price professionals."

"it is good."

Ye Be nodded and went back to Cao Xing.

Continue to watch other teams kill BOSS.

The little Marquis bosses fell one after another.

The Duke just struggled a bit and was ruthlessly brought down.

In the end only the prince remained.

His final form was also activated after all his younger brothers were killed.

Huge bat wings take up half of the battlefield.

The body is like a giant dragon, and the head is like a devil bat.

Totally demonized!

Chong Xiaoyu clenched the double shields in his hands, and put a shield wall just in case.


Prince BOSS, the devil's claw pointed at the heavy whisper.

Chong Xiaoyu suddenly felt his body blurred a lot, and then lost control of his body.

"2T pick up, chaos hatred!"

Obviously 2T's hatred is also in chaos, and the boss still didn't look at him after releasing several hatred-inducing skills.

Seeing that the boss has rushed to the treatment team.

Mo Xing could only shout: "Healing and long-range hatred target go out."

Now it can only be based on the preservation of life.

Even if the first land reclamation fails, the staff cannot be reduced.

He has roughly calculated.

In the form of the current prince boss, rush into the auxiliary professional team.

The crispy pastor is basically the second!

Milk cavalry and milk virtue can last a few times, but they cannot escape the fate of being killed.

MT is banished (can neither attack nor be attacked)

2T didn't take over either, and the auxiliary team is currently the number one hate target.

It is understandable that the blood-increasing profession is the first target to be attacked after the chaos of hatred.

So now there are two paths.

One is to rush out of the prince's bedroom and give up the launch of the ship.

The other is to carry it hard, but there is a high probability of being killed in the end.

Professions with life-saving skills can last for a few seconds, but those without life-saving skills like priests.

If you don't run out, you can only wait to die.

As for how to fight without the treatment team.

These are not currently considered by Mo Xing.

Not reducing staff is the key to ensuring the main tasks in the future.

So there's nothing wrong with his approach.

At this moment, the obedience of the Huaxia regiment is undoubtedly revealed.

Even though many members didn't understand, they still ran out of the bedroom according to Mo Xing's command.

The chaos and hatred continue.

After Prince Chong successfully assisted, he aimed at the long-range output team.

From Mage 090 to Warlock Hunter.

The most exasperating thing is that the hunter's suspended animation will be immune to the prince.

Until, Mo Xing was also involved in the hatred system.

"Get ready to give up, do-it-yourselfer!"

After leaving a paragraph, Mo Xing also teleported out of the Prince's bedroom.

"Stay back, lean back."

Ye Kitahara hadn't entered the scope of the prince's boss battle, and at this time he was constantly falling behind.

But he didn't walk out of the portal, because there were fewer and fewer people.

Give him more chances.

If it weren't for the fact that Chong Xiaoyu was still in exile, he would have wanted to attack the big bat demon immediately.

The assassins were still locked after disappearing one by one, and finally had to rush out of the portal.

Ten minutes later, only the four-man team from Ye Be's side and Chong Xiaoyu, who was still in exile, were left in the Prince's BOSS room.

"She can't see us?"

Ye Be looked at Xiaoyu's direction.

"The state of exile is invisible."

Breaking the formation canceled the phantom formation, ready to start the battle.

Ye Be summons the Legion of Skywrath.

At this stage, the Prince BOSS will continue to create random hatred.

But the Skywrath Legion is not afraid of this mechanism at all.

Being named, the boss will burn his soul and explode if he gets close.

After a few rounds, the BOSS was defeated.

Seeing that the boss was about to be killed, Ye Be quickly put away the King of Wrath.

The broken formation and the white knight also changed their appearance with the phantom formation.

The battle inside is drawing to a close.

But outside, Mo Xing and others confronted the elite team from the Maple Leaf team. .

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