The first to be unlucky were the two nearest assassins.

This time, he blew himself up and instantly killed the two of them!

There wasn't even a complete body left, only the equipment and supplies that exploded all over the place.

Lancet did not expect that the other party would blew himself up so decisively.

After all, this kind of summoning like a small boss is not easy to get.

The other party should be a summoner.

Such decisive professionals are rare.

He immediately began to search in his mind which summoner would be so decisive in this instance.

After much deliberation, I couldn't find a suitable object.

He used the knight's talent to offset most of the damage from the blow just now, but the aftermath still made his chest tight, and the line dropped a lot.

Looking at the remaining hunter and assistant, Lancet hesitated for a moment before rushing back to the battlefield.

It's not that he is kind, but that he understands that if he doesn't help these two people.

After the two of them were dealt with at that moment, he was bound to be entangled by the remaining three summoned creatures.

As for where the Summoner is, he can be sure that it is within the next three floors.

But apparently there was no time to go downstairs and look for it.

Kill the three summoned creatures in front of you!

Although Chris is some distance away from the first explosion point.

But the self-destruction range of the small boss is very wide.

He was also bombed to the bottom of his health.

All kinds of medicines were poured into his mouth at once, which calmed his mind a lot.

At that moment, he felt like he was going to be useless.

After Shuangyou King Kong blew himself up, Little Ju saw Lanster turned back to join the battle.

Instead of fighting with him recklessly, he aimed the 120 target at the support.

The troll wizard constantly curses the support and Lanst.

The assistants didn't have time to replenish Chris' blood, so they could only keep applying healing to themselves.

Otherwise, the blood will fall like a waterfall.

At this time, the white knight also rushed to the battlefield.

The Nether Tiger swooped down and killed the assistant who had been busy brushing blood.

Turning his head and wagging his tail, he pulled Chris far away.

"who are you?"

Lanster had obviously never seen a white knight, and how could someone with this ability be an unknown person.

"The one who will kill you!"

The white knight charged up his bow and shot it with a charged attack.

Although the arrow was aimed at Lancet.

But in the middle, it suddenly turned and shot at Chris.

"I rely on!"

Chris hurriedly dodged Xiaoju's mace, rolled backwards and avoided a flying arrow.

This set of dodge moves is very well done.

But then Chris, who had no skills, was hit by Xiaoju's stone throwing (group stun) and water column (group knock-up) consecutively.

Up to 6 seconds were spent under control.

The white knight's arrow rain fell mercilessly, and then a charged attack took away the sad child.

Lanster used his skills to undo the group stun of the stone throwing, but the subsequent water column was still hit.

The 3-second knock-up and drop effect allows trolls, spirit druids, and ghost tigers to output with confidence.

After 3 seconds, a row of debuffs hung on Lancet.

Three curse spells, as well as the bleeding and broken tendons of the Nether Tiger.

The druid also gave him a concussion attack.

Let all his skills CD be extended by 2 seconds.

The white knight's concussion shot also followed.

These skills are not aggressive, but the effect of delaying time is very good.

"Dark God Seal!"

A black halo spread out from Lanster's body.

It just cleared all the debuffs on him in an instant.

"Stand in my way, go to hell!"

With the outbreak of the power of darkness, Lancet's aura soared from quasi-god to great god level.

It was only with a subsequent sword that Xiao Ju was pushed back several meters.

"Dark Retribution!"

It was another volley of swords, and the head of the troll wizard was split directly from the middle.

Ye Be lost this puppet before burning his soul.

In order to protect Xiaoju and the white knight, the druid could only transform and rush forward.

Lanster also wanted to make a quick decision, so he swung his sword and slashed at the bear-turned Druid.

This long sword wrapped in darkness seems to have done a lot of damage to the spirit body.

The sound of zi la zi la came out.

The blood line of the spirit druid also dropped precipitously.

"Burning Soul!"

This time Ye Be seized the opportunity to blow himself up.

Lanster also reacted very quickly, knowing that he couldn't avoid it, he raised the knight shield in his left hand.

A strong force of darkness firmly protects it within.

There was another loud noise that could shake the castle.

The white knight has already begun to charge when the druid explodes.

When the rage is over, Rizhi's fully charged long arrow passes through Zhongying who can go straight to the knight's shield after the explosion.


There was another loud bang.

Lancet was shot by the arrow and had to take five steps back to stand still.

A tingling sensation came from the arm.

Lance knew that the arrow would not be protected by the power of darkness and the shield.

I will definitely be beaten with blood.

"Where did the hunter (agei) and summoner come from! And the Nether Tiger, isn't it said to be extinct!"

At this time, Lancet already had the idea of ​​retreating.

Now is not the time to fully activate the power of darkness.

Otherwise, he is not afraid of any opponent at all.

But Dracula's coffin is also something he is determined to get.

The blood of the ancestors marks whether he can enter the realm of the blood emperor, and the power of Dracula allows him to rule the Dracula family for a longer period of time.

With Dracula's Coffin, you don't need to sleep for a long time, just enter Dracula's Coffin once a month.

"Which faction are you from?"

Lanster wants to buy the other party with benefits.

"Beiye Mercenary Corps, a small faction."

The purpose of the white knight is also to hold back the other party, not to fight with the other party.

"Make an offer, don't follow me anymore.

Lanster went straight to the point, not wanting to waste time.

Anyway, I am alone now, and the members of the Assassin Society have already burped.

"Who are you? Why should I believe you!"

The white knight is worthy of being a sixth child.

He knew that the other party didn't want to start a war, and wanted to buy him off as soon as possible.

If he offers particularly outrageous conditions, he will definitely start fighting again.

So drag the other party to talk first in terms of language.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that as long as your conditions are not outrageous, we don't need to fight to death."

"People from the assassination society have no credibility!"

The white knight shook the bow and arrow in his hand, with an expression of disbelief.

"I'm not a member of the assassination society, I just hired them to help me with my affairs. Make a condition, don't delay me for too long, otherwise I will have to see the outcome."

Lanster was already very anxious. After all, Baimu might also enter the Moonlight Holy Land.

Because there is not one route from the gate of the castle to the top floor.

He just chose the shortcut without the boss.

If the Huaxia team didn't go down, but took the sun and the moon to clean up all the way to the top.

It is also possible to get Dracula's coffin within two or three days.

Besides, he couldn't guarantee whether Bai Yue knew the shortcut.

Since I can deduce this route from the ancient books, then Sun and Moon, who are King Qing, can do the same.

"Two god-level seals, 20W blood crystals!"

The white knight hesitated and said.

The bargaining chip is said to be high, and it must be high.

But compared with Dracula's coffin, it seems insignificant.

However, he was sure that Lanster would not be able to get it out. After all, this guy had been hanging around all along, and he came here secretly only after Dracula's Castle was opened.

Sure enough, Lanster frowned.

This condition exceeded his psychological price.

He really has two god-level seals in his hand, which is to satisfy the conditions of Fan Jisha and the leader of another force.

It was also a finished product that cost him a lot of resources to exchange from the assassination society.

"Your conditions are a bit of a lion's mouth."

Lanster shook the black knight sword in his hand and said displeasedly.

At this time Ye Be also came out from behind.

"Compared with what you want to get, I think this condition is just right."

In terms of playing tricks, Ye Be is really not afraid of anyone.

The moment Lanster saw Ye Be, Ye Be was shocked by the appearance of the blood soul MM he turned into.

Does the family really have such a perfect woman?

Blood women have always been famous for their beauty.

But compared with Blood Soul, there is something missing.

It was a shock from the soul.

Ye Be just stood there, letting him look across.

Anyway, it can be delayed for a while. .

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