Ye Be also saw the army of professionals appearing a hundred meters away by using the vision of the Northern Falcon.

12 people flew in the air and 38 people ran on the ground.

"Why are you still here? Didn't see the team channel notification?"

The 40th-level senior in charge of security looked at Chu Yuxuan and the others displeased.

"We also just arrived here, and we didn't expect this kind of thing to happen."

Chu Yuxuan explained with an apologetic face.

"We only have four people, and we can only take four of you when flying with you. Think about it, and I will give you 10 seconds."

Anbao's seniors also take on tasks to earn credits.

The content of the task is to ensure the survival of the task team members as much as possible.

The more members survive, the higher the task completion.

It is better to save four than to die all five, at least the task completion rate can be better.

"Leader needs according to level." Lu Yong suggested immediately.

The level requirement is to select the ones with higher levels first, which is a form of dungeon allocation equipment.

Another option is based on occupational needs.

Obviously, the professional requirements here are not suitable.

"Why does your team still have a level 25 trumpet? Is the current Throne Tournament so sloppy?"

Only then did the senior security guard notice Ye Be's level!

"The temporary decision has already been approved by the school." Chu Yuxuan could only prevaricate it with formalities.

"The level requirements are not suitable. Each of you write a name and give it to me. Whoever's name appears the most will be kept."

This method is relatively fair, but it obviously has no advantage for Ye Be, a member who jumped in line later.

Chu Yuxuan and the others looked at each other, and finally turned around to write down a person's name.

The team leader looked at five notes with names on them!

Ye Be!

Five people actually wrote Ye Be.

Even Ye Be himself put his name on it.

"Which of you is Ye Be?"

Chu Yuxuan and the others looked at the calm Ye Be.

Not to mention how happy Lu Yong was!

This time to see if you die or not, you must compete for the spot with my family Feifei.

This is good, snatch yourself to death!

In order to be fair, the team leader spread out the note in his hand, so that Ye Be could die.

Seeing that the five names were all his own, Ye Be felt relieved.

Still not accepted.

Forming a team is really not suitable for me.

"Is there anything I can say to you?"

Ye Be froze for a moment, smiled and shook his head.

"Okay, although it is inevitable, I hope you can delay it for a while, at least die with dignity like this!"

The leader patted Ye Be on the shoulder.

Unlike freshmen, juniors are used to life and death.

In the past three years, the teammates around me have changed wave after wave.

Maybe the one being replaced is myself.

Watching the eight people gradually fly away, Ye Be also stretched his muscles.

Released all of his Skywrath army.

Team channel: "Attention all units, the MT is in place, and the battle is quick! The security team will buy us time."

If it weren't for the fact that the pre-missions must be completed through teamwork, Ye Be would have left the group long ago.

"Aren't we a little sorry for him by doing this? After all, he is still a freshman."

Although Chu Yuxuan also wrote Ye Be's name, there is still a Holy Mother in her heart.

"It's his own fault, who made him insist on jumping in the queue! After a year, everything will be fine, he deserves it!"

Lu Yong couldn't do it well, and finally he was able to express his anger.

"I'm still worried about how to face the Night God when I go back!"

What Fat Girl is worried about is not Ye Be's death, but Ye Shen's anger.

"Ahem, who are you talking about?"

The leader wondered if he had heard wrong.

"Night God, he was assigned by Night God to the Throne Dungeon mission."

The team leader wanted to slap himself a few times, he knew that he would have to bring Ye Be with him if he left anyone behind.

That Lu Yong is quite suitable for being left behind, he is big and tired even flying with him...

But it was too late. It is estimated that Ye Be's body could not be found now.

"Keep an eye on the team channel and see the death notification." The team leader reminded.

At least he must know who killed Ye Be, so that if he asks when he goes back, he will not be so passive.

Chu Yuxuan immediately looked at the team channel.

Team Channel (Leader): "Teams 1 and 3 quickly cleared the Gnoll squads at 1 o'clock and 2 o'clock, and the other teams healed and assisted the recovery of the T teams."

"Can the remote DPS give me some power? Didn't you f*ck eat? With this output, how do you open the boss later?"

[Level 33 Gnoll Warrior (Elite) caused 2300 damage to Huang Yuan! 】

[Level 33 Gnoll Mage (Elite) caused 1800 damage to Liu Hongwei! 】


There are rows and rows of battle records, but there is no reminder of Ye Be's death.

"There is no news about Ye Be yet."

"Always pay attention, PVP data will not be displayed on the team interface, but kills and deaths will be prompted!"

The team leader could only press down his frustration and speed up to fly to the BOSS target.

"Yes... yes!"

Before flying 100 meters, Fat Girl found a row of reminders in red fonts in the team channel!

【Ye Be successfully killed たかぎひとし】

【Ye Be successfully killed とちくぼけ】


"You mean he successfully killed the professionals on Sakura's side? More than one?"

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