All People Star Wars: My Battleship Can Be Infinitely Advanced!

17 From Now On, The Abyss City Will Cover You! (Seeking Data)

Ai Yiqing knew that Su Mu would bring her surprises,

But I didn't expect that there would be two drone blueprints!


【Sanity Level A1-Fighter】

She knows both drones,

Classified as T3 class,

The combat power is not bad!

These two blueprints have also been circulated on the market.

But it was only sold three times before and after.

I didn't expect Su Mu to have it!

Little did he know that this was the resources that Liehu had accumulated for half his life,

The blueprint that I finally bought,

Unexpectedly, Su Mu would lay down the military base,

Let Su Mu pick it up!

Until the fierce tiger rushed into the Abyss City in a hurry,

He didn't tell his subordinates about these two drone blueprints.

Ai Yiqing looked at the two blueprints,

I haven't dared to speak for a long time,

because she knows

This UAV blueprint is more valuable than the general aircraft carrier blueprint,

What's more, it's still a T3 blueprint,

She could only turn her head to look at the city lord Wu Qing,

Let him decide.

But seeing Wu Qing's complexion was stiff,

It seems to be struggling inside.

(what to do?)

(This is the drone blueprint!)

(I can't even afford one, but I still have two!)

(This may be Qianyuan City's last hope, so we must find a way to buy it!)

struggled for a long time,

Wu Qing tremblingly took the two blueprints,

Signal Su Mu to follow him first.

such a big thing,

It's better to negotiate in the private room,

People are afraid of being famous, pigs are afraid of being strong,

Su Mu is already a little famous now,

It's better to hide it.

Immediately, under the eyes of everyone, Wu Qing,

Receive Su Mu personally to the private room.

Ai Yiqing hurriedly spoke up,

Greet the follow-up pioneers to come forward,

"The next one, please sign."

But it couldn't cover their discussion,

"Boss Su Mu was invited in by the city lord!"

"It should be to give the blueprint to Su Mu, right?"

"The city lord is domineering, and the blueprint will be given away as soon as you say it!"

As everyone knows...

In the private room,

Wu Qing and Su Mu sat at the same table,

But Su Mu is sitting in the main seat,

But Wu Qing stooped to sit in the guest seat!

Su Mu didn't dare to sit down at first,

I thought Wu Qing was confused,

But he was pushed to the chair.

"Su Mu, let me tell you the truth, these two blueprints are too valuable, I simply can't afford them."

Originally Wu Qing was rich,

But recently Abyss City has purchased metals at a high price,

His treasury has been emptied long ago.

Now even with the funds for building the city and the salaries of subordinates,

You can only make up one billion interstellar coins,

But this little money,

Can't even buy a drone blueprint!


Su Mu doesn't care much about money.

He has 100 million in hand,

can't spend it all,

He now wants Qianyuan City to be completed quickly,

So that he can go to the third-tier city through the small star gate,

Receive the task of upgrading the base to the third level.

Wu Qing also saw the corporal badge on Su Mu's chest,

Knowing that it was the Abyss City that slowed down Su Mu's footsteps,

I feel even more sorry.

Before Su Mu could speak,

Wu Qing took the initiative to propose,

"Su Mu, look at the commodities on the trading platform, and take all the ones you like!"

"The finished battleship, weapon technology, yes, I still have the cruiser blueprint!"

Different from the Common novice blueprint drawn by Su Mu,

What Wu Qing holds is the blueprint for a T2-class cruiser!

[Connemara Chaos-Rail Gun Cruiser]

High dodge mid-platoon cruiser,

This blueprint is also hard to see in the market,

Because it is a T2 battleship,

Occasionally, it can be sold for a high price of 300 million.


Compared with Su Mu's T3 drone blueprint,

Still insignificant.

Speaking of cruiser blueprints,

Su Mu was a little bit moved,

His first cruiser blueprint was upgraded to a mothership,

How about another one?

It should be advanced into a super powerful T0 cruiser, right?

But Wu Qing knew very well,

These things are not worth the value of the drone blueprint,

still talking,

"There is also the known star map vision of Abyss City, and the available jump anchor points are all open to you!"

"If there are privateers or pioneers from other countries attacking you."

"I, Abyssal City, promise to go to support as soon as possible!"


To know,

Su Mu has not joined the alliance now,

But he can get the help of Wu Qing's strength!

this treatment,

Even better than Yiqiu's newly established alliance!

Yiqiu, the fleet of the entire alliance,

No stronger than the defense fleet of Abyss City!

The fleet under Wu Qing,

Let alone start with a T2 class warship,

There are even T1-class frigates!

Seeing Wu Qing still opened his mouth,

Su Mu quickly stopped,

"City Master, stop talking."

"I actually only have one request."

a request?

Wu Qing shuddered suddenly,

He looked at Su Mu intently.

"When exchanging resources with these two blueprints, it is also open to other countries."

"Whoever is the most ruthless on the public screen today will charge a high price."

"It's a high price that they can't afford to gather all the resources in a district."

I warmly invite you to buy,

But the kind you can't afford!

Wu Qing was taken aback when he heard the words,

Immediately laughed.

When he purchased resources on the public screen today,

Being ridiculed by the pioneers of other countries,

At that time, Wu Qing was extremely upset!

Sure enough, Su Mu saw it too,

It's a little embarrassing to think about it.

Then he patted Su Mu on the shoulder,

"That's easy to say!"

"That's what I mean too!"

The anger I received on the public screen,

lost face,

This time he must get them all back!

Previously, Wu Qing was because of measuring value,

I just plan to give Su Mu various items and resources,

but now,

Wu Qing felt that he really liked this kid in front of him!

"Su Mu, from now on, you will be covered by my Abyssal City!"

"Take whatever you want!"

Su Mu laughed when she heard the words,

His fleet now,

It seems to be slightly stronger than the garrison fleet of Abyss City,

But the blueprint for the T2-class cruiser,

Su Mu really wanted it.

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