All People Star Wars: My Battleship Can Be Infinitely Advanced!

193 Advanced Insect Mother, The Universe Also Has A Defense Net?

promoted female,

It is the instinct that every female Zerg possesses,

Spiders are no exception.

Under the arrangement of Su Mu,

Jin Hongyi also began to dispatch battleships to this place,

Then Su Mu looked at the spider,

"What is the promotion condition for the female worm?"

know the eligibility criteria,

Su Mu just help the other party deal with it directly,

need spiders to make,

Just control the Zerg in this universe.

Listen to what Su Mu said,

The spider worm responded immediately,

"Cocooning itself, when a certain number of dependents is reached, it will start cocooning and evolve, and there will be no self-awareness during this period.

"We can only rely on soldiers and insects for protection."

Wen Yan,

Su Mu looked at the insect soldiers in the whole base,

not many,

They are all low-level insect soldiers,

But the spider-worm would rather show itself,

I don't want them to suffer casualties.

Most likely, they have already had plans or ideas for advanced female worms.

"You start cocooning, I will be responsible for guarding this place during the period of the advanced female worm."

Jin Hongyi, who summoned the fleet group, spoke,

Signal to the spider that it is ready to start.

"Let me remind you that the Zerg 28 hormone will be released when I advance.

"The release of this hormone is so wide that almost all Zerg can detect it.

"The Zerg from the hostile forces will come and kill me."

when speaking,

The compound eyes of the spider worm narrowed slightly,

Obviously, they still don't trust Su Mu and the others.

For this,

Su Mu just rolled his eyes,

The right hand draws out an ion beam laser knife randomly,

The blade rests on its neck,

"I think you need to be clear, I'm not begging you."

"Now, I say whoever is the female worm will be thick.


The other party doesn't want to cooperate?

Feel sorry,

There is no such option.


The spider worm swallowed,

Then lead Su Mu and Jin Hongyi into the depths of the base,

And began to cocoon in the central hall,

Soon watch it weave a web,

and binds itself in the center of the net,

Turn into a huge White cocoon.

in an instant,

The insect soldiers in the whole base started to commotion,

It is obvious that the spider worm has begun to advance to the female worm.

"Alpha, can you detect this so-called Zerg Mother Hormone?"

Su Mu looked at Alpha,

I saw her nodding slightly,

"Master, the concentration of female worm hormones in the universe is increasing step by step."

Alpha is equipped with various timeless technologies,

Various signals can be detected,

Su Mu didn't know anything about this thing,

"Is there a way to block hormones?"

But Alpha shook his head,

see this,

Su Mu could only look at Jin Hongyi,

"Brother Hongyi, it seems that there is no shortcut, so I will leave this bitch to you.

"When the mother worm comes out, let it close the passage of the surrounding universe."

Jin Hongyi nodded upon hearing this,

"Leave it to me, even if there are high-level Zerg combat forces coming here, we still have star god crew members.

Now all Valkyries are advanced to star gods,

The strength of Galaxy Real Estate gave Jin Hongyi unprecedented confidence.


Jin Hongyi should not take it seriously.

Su Mu nodded,

this matter is done,

It's time for him to lead the team to the Hundred Worlds Universe,

After the Shi universe is blocked,

He also cannot travel back and forth between universes,

It's hard to do even with 【刻】.

But this is the only way to delay Tian Yun's space invasion.


Feeling the Zerg gradually gathering outside,

Su Mu teleports away with Alpha,

Those Zerg advanced combat power,

If you see Su Mu,

Surely they will use the power of the Zerg to attack this place?

Even if they would rather die,

I will not be willing to be a puppet of Galaxy Real Estate,

After all, if it wasn't for Galaxy Real Estate,

Zerg will not end up today.

When we return to Galaxy Real Estate,

Su Mu found Luo Liuli immediately,

"How is the production progress of the Star God Teka Ship?"

heard the sound,

Luo Liuli looked back at Su Mu,

"Leader, the progress is much faster than expected, sister Dolores is doing it herself.

Then Su Mu looked outside through the window,

Battleship Construction Port,

Dolores' busy figure is active everywhere,

Even if you are on your way, you can directly use 【暗】 instead,

Except for Dolores,

The rest of the star gods also rushed to work frantically,

Here is the battleship workshop,

It's almost like a fast-forward shot.

"How long is it expected to be completed?"

"Three days."

Luo Liuli gave an affirmative answer,

Citadel build speed,

Much faster than she expected.

Su Mu nodded upon hearing this,

Then I was about to go back to rest,

But Luo Liuli yelled again,

"Alliance leader!"

"Can I go to the Hundred Worlds Universe with you?"

When Su Mu stepped out of the Milky Way for the first time,

He couldn't take her with him.

this time,

Luo Liuli didn't want to miss another chance,

Be sure to contact high-tech for the first time!

But Su Mu shook her head when she heard the words,

"That is a strange universe, and the level of technology is even higher than ours.

"For this trip, I only intend to lead a Star God Teka ship."

"And after going there, it may not be possible to return in a short time."

"Security cannot be guaranteed."


When the spider worm has advanced to become a female worm,

The cosmic pathways here will be closed,

Su Mu also needs to build the destroyed Zerg Portal to return.

And this time to go,

Su Mu will only lead a star god ship,

According to the system prompt,

A universe with overlords,

There will be a complete cosmic defense network,

When foreign civilizations invaded,

will receive an alert message.

If Su Mu enters with a whole fleet,

Will be hunted down immediately.

If you want to escape the defense net,

The special card ship with the highest evasion and anti-reconnaissance coefficient is the best choice.

Luo Liuli was silent when she heard the words,

Obviously very dissatisfied with this result.

But Su Mu didn't say much,

leave the military base directly,

Before going to the 627 Baishi universe,

He decided to take a good rest.

The so-called cosmic overlord,

It is the existence that controls the entire universe civilization,

In the current main universe,

Su Mu is also considered half the overlord of the universe,

Control most of the civilizations in the universe,

The military force is the strongest in the universe.

"Should I also consider building a defense network for this universe?"

While Su Mu was pondering,

But listen to the system give the answer,

[There is still a defense net in this universe]

[It is in a damaged state at this time and can be repaired]

Have a defense net?

Can it be used after repairing it?

Su Mu was shocked when she heard the words,

In the main universe and the inner universe, I can only see the shuttle back and forth,

There was even a Zerg invasion,

I've never seen a defense net before!

"Where is the control system of the defense network?"

"Before I leave, I will repair the defense net!"

Su Mu suddenly became interested,

But the system responded mercilessly,

[Repairable, but insufficient materials

[This garbage universe does not have high-strength materials]


The level of civilization in the main universe has gone back hundreds of millions of years,

With the current technological level of civilization,

Materials that can repair defense networks simply cannot be produced.

"Then how did you build the defense network?"

【Back then we still had star gods, but now it’s only for you?】

The system choked to death with one sentence Su Mu,

star god


In the civilization era of the system,

But civilian sailors,

How can there be the status of the top combat power today?

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