Residential area,

It is the place where the girls of the crew are produced and housed for them,

Su Mu can also live in it.

super battleship production line,

It can produce cruisers, battlecruisers, aircraft carriers, battleships, etc.

The role of the fighter production line is even more self-evident.

While other pioneers are developing steadily with subsistence allowance resources,

Su Mu has started building an aircraft carrier!

On the third day of entering the galaxy,

A locust-class-solar whale mothership hovered in front of Su Mu,

It is fully equipped with a total of 60 fighter planes and escort boats!

Alpha was promoted to the captain of the aircraft carrier by Su Mu,

Lead 39 sisters to drive this hidden behemoth!

Unless resources are insufficient,

Su Mu can't wait to do it directly!

"Alpha, your next mission is to take down the mining base of the Fierce Tiger Privateers!"


Alpha takes the lead now!

Just two days after the construction of the aircraft carrier,

The FG-300 sent out for investigation also sent back a message,

Discover the mining base at 142 jim to the west.

This mining base is equipped with mineral extraction equipment,

It can speed up the mining speed of engineering ships!

There are also large and sophisticated mining areas around,

Su Mu is going to take this place,

Move the base there!

The FG-300 responsible for the investigation has set up a jump beacon,

Subsequent fleets can quickly rush to the battlefield through interstellar jumps.

Su Mu sits at the base,

You can use the star map device to observe the status of the fleet in real time,

Alpha led the fleet to the target battlefield.

that afternoon,

A Sun Whale mothership and three FG-300s successfully converged,

And launch an attack on the mining base!


With a cannon fired,

The mining base was hit hard immediately,

The fleet groups located in the mining base are dispatched one after another!

look far away,

The entire starry sky is illuminated by artillery, missiles, and lasers,

It turned into a sea of ​​flames!

"What's the situation?! There's a fight at the mining base?"

"Crazy! It's only the third day, who has the strength to attack the mining base?"

"Although it is a mining base, there are four fifth-tier fleets!"

"That's a privateer group of destroyers and cruisers!"

"Even if the big guy who got the cruiser went there, he would die!"

As the attack was witnessed by several pioneers,

The interstellar communication channel suddenly exploded!

"You guys know nothing! This is our Cherry Blossom Country trying to wipe out the forces of privateers!"

"Hehe, this must be my beautiful country's handwriting."

"I'm dying of laughter, are there people from you around here? Only my country, Longxia, has a second-level city nearby!"

The whole area is vast,

Regardless of the third-tier city,

There are as many secondary cities built here as there are stars.

Those closest to the mining base,

It has to be the second-level city built by Longxia Kingdom-Qianyuan!

If Long Xia's troops are cleaning up the surrounding privateers,

This statement is quite credible.


The Fierce Tiger Privateers think so too...

"Bastard! Long Xia dares to do something to our mining base!"

"Leader, we can't let them be so arrogant! We must fight back!"

"Yes! Call back!"

It must be too late to rescue the mining base at this time!

But you can surround Wei and save Zhao!

The head of the Fierce Tiger Privateering Group,

Clement was also very angry at this time,

If there is no mining base,

They will cut off all income!

Immediately ordered,

"Assemble the troops and attack Qianyuan City for me!"

but half an hour,

Five fleets of Level 9 Fierce Tiger Privateers arrived within the range of Abyssal City,

Immediately alarmed the high-level Longxia in the city,

City owner Wu Qing immediately rushed to the command center,

"What's going on! Why did the fierce tiger privateers besiege the city?"

"Report sir, the privateer group has sent a message requesting that we withdraw our troops from Liehu's mining base!"

"The mining base of the Fierce Tiger Privateers? Withdrawal?"

"Fart his grandma! I never sent soldiers out!"

hit if you want,

What excuses are you looking for?

"Expand the energy shield of the city moat, and dispatch the fleet to prepare for the battle!"

When Wu Qing gave the order,

I heard the news again,

"Report sir, someone is indeed attacking the mining base!"

"The fleet is unknown, and its affiliation is unknown!"


Someone really hit it?

Wu Qing was stunned for a moment,

This is the second week of opening up the star field,

How can anyone be so powerful and brainless as to openly provoke the privateer group?

And the new recruit pioneers have only entered the star field for the third day,

They don't have that strength at all!

"Sir, the opponent seems to be coming down soon, should we send someone over to have a look?"


What a fart!

"Report sir, the shield loses 40% of its energy, and the fleet loses 5%!"

At this time, there is a tough battle in front of my family.

Most of their secondary cities are destroyers and cruisers,

Not even a battlecruiser is equipped!

Facing the fierce tiger privateers is enough!

Then go find out who is attacking the mining base when you have time!

"Grandma! It's best not to let me know which bastard country started to frame us Long Xia!"

Wu Qing spat fiercely,

Immediately personally command the team to fight!

Fortunately, the number of fleets is dominant,

Finally, the protective cover loses 60% of energy, and the fleet loses 40% to fight back privateers.

The beaten Wu Qing looked ugly,

"It actually consumes so many resources. When the second-level city is built, this debt must be recovered!"

"Hurry up to replenish the energy of the protective shield!"

"Repair and rebuild the fleet in the city, we must restore the city defense as quickly as possible!"

After giving the order,

Wu Qing looked down at the messenger,

"What's going on in the mining base?!"

No matter who the attacker is,

He'd better knock down the mining base,

If it was a cover created by the Fierce Tiger Privateers,

Wu Qing must wipe out the Fierce Tiger Privateers!

But listened to the messenger report immediately,

"Report sir, the battle at the mining base has also ended, it has been taken down!"


Although Wu Qing was in a state of anger,

But I couldn't help being shocked when I heard that the other party had successfully laid down a mining base.

Really beat it down?

That must be the hands of other countries' advanced fleets!

It is impossible for ordinary pioneers to have this strength!

But which country sent the advanced fleet?


Su Mu is in the base staring at the star map,

Seeing the ruthless output of fighter planes all over the sky like locusts crossing the border,

Privateer warships bloom like cosmic fireworks!

Especially the A4-super artillery platform of the Sun Whale Mothership,

The twin cannons fired,

The opponent's ship will blow up one!

The power is terrifying!

The battered fierce tiger garrisoned the fleet and retreated in fear,

Fleeing to the asteroid belt 200 Jim away!

Let Su Mu successfully lay down the mining factory,

He even relocated the base immediately!

The moment the base merged with the mining factory,

Just listen to the report of the brain connected to the base,

[Newly detected mining mining equipment]

【Advanced acquisition equipment】

【Expected mining speed increase: 100%】

【Discover the factory's retained resources】

【Obtained metal: 1.94 million】

[Acquired Crystals: 450,000]

[Get deuterium: 270,000]

[Detection of small metal mines in the surrounding area*3]

[Detected that there is a small crystal mining area in the surrounding area*3]

[Detected that there is a small deuterium mine in the surrounding area*1]


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