All People Star Wars: My Battleship Can Be Infinitely Advanced!

39 Lei Yin Shows His Power! Start The Alliance Mission. (Seeking Data)

As soon as the three benefits of Galaxy Real Estate come out,

Attracting pioneers to join again,

Su Mu's warship order is also on the agenda.

For every Thunderhidden frigate built,

Su Mu both collected 10,000 metal resources.

Limit three per person,

And it is given priority to the first-level base pioneers.

Looking at the busy frigate production line,

Su Mu raised her hand and rubbed her chin with a smile,

"By the way, I can earn more than 500,000 units of metal, and I should be ready to upgrade to the fourth level."

Starting from the fourth-order task,

It is slightly different from the previous missions of upgrading the base,

If you want to accept the task,

Rated Mineral Resources must be provided.

So before Su Mu went to Chu'an City to accept the fourth-order task,

We need to raise a wave of resources.

And help alliance members build frigates,

And just in time to raise metal,

Kill two birds with one stone!

"Leader, can this Leiyin frigate really beat a level 7 privateer?"

"Is it true that three ships are enough?"

Yuci at the same time,

There is also Aite Su Mu in the alliance channel,

Don't trust this Leiyin frigate.

"Leader, don't set a limit of three ships, give us more!"

"That's right, leader, resources are not a problem!"

Su Mu responded jokingly when she heard the words,

"I also want to make money from you guys, but there are still only three ships, let us first-level members develop first!"

"In addition, I guarantee that you don't need to send the rest of the ships, just send these three Leiyin ships, they will definitely be able to fight!"

Su Mu's promise made everyone doubt,

Level 7 privateer,

That's a fleet with cruisers!

How could a mere three frigates survive?

Su Mu must be teasing them, right?

but soon,

When the first batch of Lei Yin arrived at the gate of the member bases of the alliance,

They were immediately shocked.

"The Leiyin frigate has arrived? Where is it?"

"The lord asked me to pick up the goods, but I didn't see the battleship at all."

"I didn't see it either, maybe it was sent to the wrong base?"

When everyone was wondering,

Then listened to the prompts from the base brain,

【warn! 】

【Unknown frigate*3】

【Logged into the port】

Unknown frigate?

This... This is the landing port?

When they rushed to the port to check the situation,

Then I saw a group of girls leaving,

There are only three Leiyin frigates left!

"Fuck! I received the Leiyin frigate!"

"This thing can actually be invisible!"

"If you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all, brothers! Be careful!"

Invisible and invisible Leiyin frigate?

After hearing comments like these,

Those members who didn't believe it before also placed orders one after another,

Ask Su Mu to help them build!

And in the alliance channel,

There are also new system prompts appearing one after another,

[Member: Cang Mao promoted to level two]

[Member: Xiang Xiumei promoted to level two]


They all asked the crew to drive Leiyin to find the level 7 privateer,

The heads-up effect is outstanding!

"Brothers, just as the leader said, just let Lei Yin go!"

"That idiot privateer, he didn't find out where my Lei Yin fleet is!"

"Lei Yin is too strong, woo woo woo, I want to confess him like a treasure!"

"Ah—my Thunder Hidden Armor was scratched, this knife cut my heart!"

Su Mu looked at Mengpin speechless,

If the armor is scratched, just repair it yourself!

That's not the core hardware,

Properly repaired with tactical camouflage.

Then he went to the alliance channel to encourage,

"Brothers, there is a reward for the first one to reach level three!"

"Two Sensitive-class aircraft-carrying cruisers, arrange to go directly to the base!"

Two cruisers for nothing? !

The members of the alliance heard the frying pan again,

but weeping

Liu Xiaosi chatted privately with Su Mu,

"Boss, we can't mine overlapping composite metals at all!"

"The nearest planet Begaard is blocked by the fleet of the Pretty Kingdom!"

"Why don't we call him down?"

The situation of the planet Begard,

Su Mu naturally knew.

Since he broke in with Sun Yiqiu last time,

Not only is there no shortage of blockade fleets on Planet Begaard,

Instead it tripled.

How can there be pioneers who can break in?

While Su Mu was thinking hard,

His communicator beeps,

"Sun Yiqiu?"

He opened the message,

Hearing Sun Yiqiu's voice,

"Su Mu, I see you have formed an alliance."

"Are you interested in cooperating?"

Su Mu raised her eyebrows upon hearing this,

"Cooperative action? Planet Begarde?"


Sun Yiqiu's melodious laughter came from the communicator,

"It seems that we coincided with each other?"

Both of them have this intention,

Conquer and occupy the planet Begarde!

Su Mu said bluntly,

"Shall I make an appointment?"

Seeing that Sun Yiqiu had already arranged everything,

"At three o'clock in the morning tomorrow, assemble and attack on time!"

"18573X, 57693Y, 15823Z."

"At this coordinate set!"

Su Mu sliding star map,

Find the coordinates of Sun Yiqiu,

Near the planet Begard,

is an outpost,

The fleet going here can enter the state of jump sailing.

After getting the coordinates,

Su Mu turned to look at the still noisy Alliance Channel,

The members are still cursing the evil deeds of the beautiful country,

He immediately issued a mission.

[Mission: Occupy Begarde]

[Time: 3:00 am tomorrow]

[Coordinates: 18573X, 57693Y, 15823Z]

[Task requirements: The fleet arrives at the coordinates on time and participates in the battle]

[Mission Reward: Merit +1 in the Alliance]

I wipe!

The already noisy internal channel completely exploded,

Liu Xiaosi shouted even louder,

"It's me! I proposed it to the lord!"

But no one listened to him,

They are all discussing what can be exchanged for military merits in the alliance from Su Mu,

After all, our ally,

It's too generous to make a move!

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