All People Star Wars: My Battleship Can Be Infinitely Advanced!

53 Killing Crazy, Killing Crazy! Grab Those Two Battleships For Me! (Seeking Data)

Twenty sun whale motherships!

Qiao Xiu immediately turned his head to look for Wu Qing's figure,

laugh out loud,

"You old boy! You actually have so much wealth in your possession!"

This sun whale mother ship has a special style,

Joe Hugh had never seen it before,

They are now identified as Wu Qing's fleet.

Hearing this, Wu Qing shook his head and sighed,

If only he was so good!

He couldn't even imagine,

This kid Su Mu actually has twenty sun whales in his possession!

You can even come to support as soon as possible!

But the enemy has a hundred motherships,

Five hundred battle cruisers,

These twenty motherships are just a drop in the bucket.

beautiful fleet,

Nelson saw another twenty sun whales appear,

Don't mention how excited I am!

"Quick! Take these motherships for me!"

"With their help, are we afraid that we won't be able to defeat the ninth-level city of Longxia?"

Not just Nelson,

Other fair pioneers saw the sun whale,

It's like seeing a beautiful woman,


We must carve up a Sun Whale Palm Eye!

But when they cheered up,

However, Su Mu's sun whale is slightly different from Wu Qing's,

First of all, the carrier is different!

T800 and Vb ion bombers are insignificant,

Especially the Vb ion bomber,

In their eyes, like a little light spot,

If you don't look carefully,

There was no way to see where the fighter jet was flying to.

Even more shocking,

This sun whale mothership not only flew out 40 drones,

Instead, they sprang out continuously,

It didn't stop until 100!

"Hold the grass? How many drones flew out of the mothership just now?"

"I can't see clearly, let alone count, but a lot is right!"

"Look at the top, Watfak? Are there small planes all over the universe?"

Not only the fleet of the beautiful country is dumbfounded,

Even Wu Qing was dumbfounded!

So many drones?

Isn't it only able to carry 40 planes!

Su Mu still has a backup?

Qiao Xiu patted Wu Qing's shoulder fiercely,

Excitedly pointing to the sea of ​​planes in the sky,

"Too fierce! You are too fierce!"

"It's impossible to count how many drones there are!"

"There are as many stars as there are stars in Interstellar!"


Wu Qing laughed awkwardly,

But it's really not his carrier,

He can only follow along with envy!

Just when the two groups of people were surprised,

The pulsed laser lights up again in the sky,

T800 began to sweep the enemy drones!

lightspeed lock,

Two cannons for one!

The fleet of the beautiful country was immediately prompted,

"Report! Our drones are being destroyed!"

"The number has dropped by 50!"



"Report, our army's drones are decreasing crazily!"

heard the news,

Nelson was shocked,

"What's going on! If you get hit, hit it back!"

"With 100 aircraft carriers and 1,600 drones in our army, it's impossible to be at a disadvantage in air combat!"

If Su Mu hears this,

Definitely question him.

Is 1600 a lot?

He can have 2000 drones,

It's just that you can't count!

And not just aircraft carriers,

UAVs in the beautiful country are not as good as T800 and Vb!

Before Nelson could find a way to solve the T800's air defense problem,

Just listen to the subordinate crew reminding again,

"Report! Our battle cruiser has been ion-bombed!"

"Our battlecruiser armor has been penetrated!"

"Our No. 1 battle cruiser has lost contact!"

"Battle Cruiser No. 2 lost contact!"



Nelson suddenly went numb!

What's happening here?

Why is the situation suddenly reversed?

Just because of those twenty motherships?

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

As Nelson yelled,

The battle patrol on his right wing suddenly exploded!

He couldn't open his eyes from the dazzling fire.

"It's the problem of the fighter plane and the escort boat!"

"It's not just a T0-class mothership, it's also a T0-class drone!"

Nelson came to his senses,

T0 level drone,

It was something that existed only in concepts,

Let him meet the true master today?

"Damn it! When did Long Xia develop a T0 drone!"

"This level of combat power is still arranged in the first district!"

"What is Long Xia's intentions!"

Blue Star's existing starfighter and escort craft technology,

But only T2 level,

At this time, the beautiful country is still developing T1 fighters.

He's directly at level T0? !

Qiao Xiu also saw hope,

Immediately command the whole army,

"Give me the cover of the aircraft carrier! With it as the core, fight this battle around the aircraft carrier!"

"Rush! Rush for me!"

"There is still a chance to fight back!"

Su Mu's Vb-ion bomber is too strong,

A battlecruiser with heavy armor,

In front of it, it is like paper.

Boom a few shots and go straight to the dry bomb!

Not to mention cruisers,

Even a round of ion projection from Vb can't withstand it!

As the fighting intensified,

T800 completely cleared the enemy planes,

Move over to ship-to-ship battles, too!

Although the Su Mu2000 UAV also hit only 1400,

But the overall situation is very good!

Qiao Xiu and Wu Qing seized the opportunity,

rearrange the fleet,

Start the counterattack!

Qiao Xiu even pointed at the front line and shouted,

"Did you see the two enemy battleships!"

"Anyone can run today, but those two battleships can't!"

Battleships are different from battlecruisers.

That's a behemoth bigger than an aircraft carrier,

Armor, firepower, the two attributes have been upgraded to the extreme!

But the very slow speed has also become its Achilles heel!

Want to build such a battleship,

It consumes ten times more resources than an aircraft carrier!

If you knock it down!

Beautiful Blazers can have a stomachache for a whole year!

Nelson also felt that the situation was not good.

Almost gritted his teeth and ordered,

"This Chu'an city can't be defeated at all!"

"Reserve strength, retreat quickly!"

want to run?

Su Mu saw the actions of the opponent's fleet through the star map,

Immediately add the order,

"Alpha, don't worry about the cruiser and those two battleships!"

"Aim me at the battle cruiser and aircraft carrier!"


No value at all!


That's a big bone,

I won't be able to eat it for a while!

But battle cruisers and aircraft carriers are all fish on the chopping board,

You can make whatever you want!

Alpha received the order,

reintegrated 1400 drones,

Two Vbs and two T800s form a team,

A total of 350 teams,

Carry out precise strikes on the enemy's remaining aircraft carriers and battle cruisers!

"Report! Our battleship is locked by attack!"

"Report! The power systems of a large number of aircraft carriers and battle cruisers have been blown up!"

"Unable to enter the jump navigation state!"

Nelson pulled out his gun upon hearing this,

Killed the subordinate on the spot.

"Don't talk nonsense with me!"

"Retreat! It is a ship to be able to withdraw!"

as he yelled,

The battleship he was in shook violently,

Immediately glared at the battleship captain below,

"what happened!?"

The captain glanced tremblingly at the body of the orderly,

Carefully replied,

"Boss, my ship's power system has been destroyed... I can't escape."

Nelson collapsed on the seat upon hearing the words,

The news was like the straw that broke the camel's back.

Make him suddenly discouraged.

to the opposite,

Qiao Xiu's eyes turned red with excitement at this moment,

Holding up the detonator of the bomb on his body,

shout loudly,

"All counterattack! Don't let a single enemy ship go!"

"And those two battleships!"

"Board me and take the enemy's head, and grab the battleship for me!"

... * ... * ...

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