All People Star Wars: My Battleship Can Be Infinitely Advanced!

59 Stabilize The Second District And Take The Sixth-Level Upgrade Task! (Thanks For The Monthly Tick

next day,

The members of Galaxy Real Estate quickly built the base,

Su Mu stayed directly in Fengqing City,

And open the star map in front of the room table,

Use the communicator to command the fleet.

"All members of Galaxy Real Estate are in place, ready to go to the asteroid belt.

"The Wind and Cloud Alliance is ready, we will follow the right wing of Galaxy Real Estate.-"

this action,

It will be co-operated by Fengyun Alliance and Galaxy Real Estate Shuangmeng,

When the troops are assembled,

The number of fleets on both sides is the same,

But the number of Fengyun Alliance is six times that of Xinghe,

There are more than three hundred people!

The pioneer rescued by Feng Su,

Almost all joined the Wind and Cloud Alliance.

Su Mu frowned and looked at Fengyun Fleet,


"They are all novice ships?"

【Longxia Class-Defense Frigate】

【Longxia Class-Railgun Destroyer】

Not even a cruiser,

All are novice battleships drawn after signing the agreement.

to be honest,

Calling them T4 is flattering.

this battleship,

How could it be possible to beat the stick Blazers?

Su Mu asked in surprise,

"Fengsu, you haven't changed the battleship blueprint yet?"

"Didn't you get a few cruisers?"

And Feng Su couldn't understand it better than Su Mu,

"Where can I change the battleship blueprint?"

"But you, why are the battleships different from ours?"

Tier 2 cities don’t sell cruisers either!”

It can only be said that when Su Mu sold blueprints,

The small star gate is not yet connected to the second district,

The drawings were not passed on,

The Longxia pioneers in the second district didn't get any benefits.

Let Su Mu feel bad for a while,

Just this novice ship,

How did they call here?


The fleet group sails into the target asteroid belt,

The target mining area is ahead.

Originally the domain of privateers,

At this time, it has been defeated by the stick pioneers,

And occupy the mining base in this mining development.

"Frigate ahead! Call me!"

Without waiting for Su Mu to speak,

Hearing Feng Su's shout resounded through the group,

The frigate of the Wind and Cloud Alliance immediately fired artillery,

Not very powerful,

But it shocked all the stick pioneers!

"What's this about?"

Seeing this, Su Mu was dumbfounded,

One-handed first attack was beaten like this?

The artillery has not yet smoked the enemy ship,

One's own battleship was violently counterattacked.

Immediately afterwards, I heard Feng Su's voice ordering,

"Crew abandon ship! Hit me!"

Hit it?

Not only Su Mu,

All members of Galaxy Real Estate were stunned upon hearing this!

Then even seeing escape pods bursting out from the frigate,

After that, the frigate rammed into the enemy ship under the gunfire,

Play a one-for-one explosion!

Insufficient firepower,

Here comes the main body of the battleship!

Commonly known as: Frigate class - oversized torpedo!

So far Su Mu fully understood,

No wonder the Fengyun Alliance is seriously short of resources,

In this way of fighting,

It is simply the master of tigers and wolves.


In order to preserve the strength of the Fengyun Alliance,

Su Mu hurriedly shouted to stop,

"Fengyun Alliance don't bomb the ship, let us work.

"Brothers, don't stand still! Hurry up and fire!"

Galaxy Realty's fleet has just been updated by Su Mu,

All thunder hidden frigates,

Fires a torpedo each round,

But the firepower is absolutely full!

Occasionally hitting asteroid dust,

It will also directly blast the dust into powder,

The attack power is terrifying!


There is also the heavy artillery fire cover of the God of God,

Whether it's enemy ships or asteroid dust,

swept together,

Blast them all to pieces!

Coupled with Su Mu's bullfighting level to open the welding torch mode,

Pulse laser brainless cutting,

Destroy the stick fleet in minutes!

Not only did Fengsu and the others look dumbfounded,

The stick pioneers were also stunned,

"The other side is the destroyer fleet?"

"Can the destroyer fleet fire so fiercely?"

"This firepower can hit cruisers and battle cruisers!"

"Is it obvious that you are bullying?"


Not only their warships,

Even this asteroid belt was smashed to pieces by Galaxy Real Estate,

Only dust and powder are left floating in the starry sky,

The offensive directly changed the terrain!


Off the spectrum!

Feng Su lightly swallowed his saliva,

"Crack! This is a battleship!"

"What kind of toys are we driving? I want a real man's battleship!"

while sighing,

See also the stick pioneer destroyer fleeing,

I don't have the courage to fight Su Mu at all!


Seeing this, Feng Su widened his eyes,

Since the battle between Long Xia and Bangzi in the second district,

All Long Xia pioneers turned around and ran for their lives,

This is the first time he has seen the stick lose the wind!


This is a comfort!

They also tuck their tails sometimes!

See the stick run away,

Su Mu didn't chase after either,

Instead, I chatted with Fengsu privately to discuss,

"Occupy the mining factory here first."

"Then transform it, speed up the collection speed, and make up for the problem of lack of resources first."


Su Mu will also transform mining factories?

They can't even build,

Su Mu can transform herself?

Is this Star Sergeant!?

Feng Su is more begging for Su Mu,

"Brother, your battleship is too fierce!"

"Could you please build us some?"

"If we can have such a strong battleship, we won't be chased and beaten by sticks!"

Being chased and beaten by a stick?

Su Mu is still too modest to see Feng Su,

With his [Frigate-class torpedo] style of play,

Doesn't it also make the scalp numb?

Definitely a master of tigers and wolves!

But their blueprint is indeed too backward.

think twice,

Su Mu decided to throw an olive branch to Feng Su,

"Are you interested in joining the Galaxy Real Estate Alliance?"

Feng Su was overjoyed when he heard the words,

Immediately open the alliance channel,


"Brothers! Let's join the Galaxy Real Estate Alliance, because of our legs!"

"What do you guys think about this?"

Join Galaxy Real Estate?

They just saw how awesome Starship Real Estate's fleet is,

At this moment, I heard Feng Su say that I can hug my thigh,

So what else could they think?

"The leader is amazing! Take us to hug our thighs!"

"Thigh hug! I want to hug thigh!"

See members are so enthusiastic,

Feng Su quickly responded to Su Mu,

"Please let us join Galaxy Real Estate!"

voice just fell,

He then heard a reminder from his brain,

[Galaxy Real Estate Alliance sends you an invitation]

【Leader: Su Mu】

【Do you want to join the alliance?】


Fengsu joined without hesitation,

【Officially join the Galaxy Real Estate Alliance】

[The current alliance star field share is 3.3%]

【Main Alliance: Galaxy Properties】

【Branches: Yiqiu, Fengyun】

【Leader: Su Mu】

【Vice Leader: Sun Yiqiu】

look further down,

Just see the rich benefits inside the members!

commissioned warships,

Get blueprints for free!

You can also exchange military achievements for various super battleships!

"Can this blueprint be obtained for free?"

Feng Su couldn't believe it,

He is the second-level pioneer at the moment,

Immediately try to press the receive button,

There were really two tiger-level repellent blueprints sent to his brain!

But there are still many first-level pioneers,

Unable to receive benefits.

Su Mu didn't push the request too hard,

Appear on the alliance channel to remind,

"Level 1 pioneers want the blueprint, they can contact Fengsu to get it.

Once again, the members burst into cheers!

Since then, under the optimization and strengthening of Su Mu,

Mining base equipment enhances mining speed by 500%!

Let the Fengyun branch develop rapidly,

Soon, countless Tiger-class frigates will be formed!

Although it is a T3 battleship,

But it is also tens of thousands of times better than the novice ship.

After this modification,

The strength of the Fengyun branch has been greatly improved,

Let Feng Su's confidence double,

Immediately found Su Mu,

"Should I call you the leader now?"

"Leader, let's go to the third-tier city where the stick is played!"

Faced with such an exciting wind,

Su Mu had to pour a basin of cold water,

shook his head and said,

"Not for now."

"The most important thing about the Fengyun branch is the advanced level two pioneers."

"Too many first-level members."

Advanced level only,

In order to expand the number of crew units,

Thereby continue to expand the fleet!

There are three hundred people in Fengyun Branch,

The number of fleets is pitifully small,

how can this work

"Also, let the second-level members start sweeping along the edge of the second district."

"Anyone who encounters a stick pioneer will be killed."

"Remember to destroy enemy engineering ships first."

These things,

Su Mu not only arranges Fengyun Branch to do it,

The 50 members of the department also perform the same.

After increasing in strength,

Even relying on the advantage of numbers, starting to play more and less,

The Blazers were miserable.

Not only the engineering ship was bombed,

The mines were also robbed,

A large number of sticks were driven to Outland,

Only a small number of stick pioneers can escape to the third-tier city,

Then they built a base around the city,

Start to guard in groups.

This scene,

But the fighting people who watched the excitement in the second district were stunned!

One after another in the public screen to take the lead,

Da Mao Blazers: "Didn't the Longxia Blazers be suppressed and beaten two days ago?"

"I remember Long Xia's pioneer curled up in Fengqing City and dared not go out?"

"How did you become a bastard and develop so obscenely that you don't dare to take the lead?"

How many days have passed?

Coming directly to the wave two-level reversal?

It's too funny, isn't it?

Seeing that the stick pioneers are weak,

Feng Su also played very happily,

I want to go to the public screen to shout,

Get back the anger you have suffered during this time!

But it was banned by Su Mu,

"All staff are silent on the public screen, no ridicule is allowed."

No mocking?

Da Mao can taunt a few words while watching a play,

Fengsu and the others held their breath for so long,

Can't you just say a few more words?

"This is to scare chickens and monkeys, and sticks are not a threat in the first place.

"The purpose is to show power to the big hairy boy.

Everyone was silent, pretending to be profound.

At the same time, there is no trace of the pioneers on the public screen,

It also shows that they have been scared by Su Mu.

two days,

Recaptured the mining area, began to mop up,

Hitting the stick, the Blazers even fart on the public screen

dare not let go,

This in itself is a terrifying achievement.

……… Ask for flowers…

"Continue to sweep, I will send people to establish an outpost in the third-tier city.

"Attack to the city tonight, attack the third-tier city!"

I heard that the third-tier city is finally going to hit the stick,

Only then did Feng Su and the others settle down.

The third level of Bangzi-Erdu City,

At this moment, there are 20 pioneer bases stationed here,

The city defense fleet is sufficient,

But faced with the pressure of Su Mu's army,

The city lord of Erdu still gasped,

"What a crime, how did we provoke such a thing?"

"Can we hold on this time?"

"Keep your ass! Let's find a way to run!"

Bangzi Country doesn’t even have a fifth-tier city,

There is not even a small star gate in the city of Erdu,

Can only take the fleet to break through and escape,

Even more desperate after seeing the army of Galaxy Real Estate pressing down on the land!

At last the soldiers approached the city,

Feng Su looked particularly excited,

Immediately lead the troops to the front,

Su Mu couldn't help shaking her head after seeing it,

"This Fengsu is too impatient, so we can't open the construction of Leiyin and Yueshen star warships to him.

With the fighting style of Fengsu,

It will definitely hit Lei Yin in the face of the enemy ship,

Even if the battleship has a higher dodge,

There was no way to dodge the shelling either.

After the battleship is blown up, we need to find Su Mu to continue building,

just think about it,

Su Mu trembled all over,

I think he's a battleship black hole

next moment,

Bullfighting torch salvo,

Successfully broke through the shield of the city of Kael,

Maria led the Leiyin escort fleet successfully landed in the port,

Then the battle for the city was launched internally.

The entire battle lasts no more than 30 minutes,

Very fast!

Su Mu immediately heard the summary of Zhinao,

[In this battle, the cattle level has gained 19040 experience]

[Tundra-level gain 33004 experience]

【Acquire Destroyer Technology Value: 1】

[Teka frigate gains 29938 experience]

[Leiyin frigate gains 73553 experience]

Enemy Taicai,

The amount of experience gained is too low,

Even frigates don't get tech value,

Let Su Mu down.

On the contrary, they successfully occupied the city of Erdu,

Let Galaxy Real Estate's occupancy rate increase again,

A staggering 3.8%!

This is the interstellar share that the newborn alliance can have?

Looking at the Lyra-07H star field,

The nascent alliances in other countries are struggling to survive,

Only Su Mu's Galaxy Realty is turning tables everywhere!

"Look at the fighting nation, see the big hairy pioneers, will they react?"

After conquering Erdu City,

Su Mu turned his attention to the nearby fighting people,

As the saying goes, when the snipe and the clam fight each other, the fisherman reaps the benefits,

If Su Mu,

He will definitely come to Erdu City at this time!

So even after listening to Feng Su's report,

"No response, but there is a fleet watching the battle nearby, but it has already left.

At the same time open the public screen,

You can also see the big hairy pioneers complaining,

"It's so fierce..."

"It's gone, be careful not to be bombarded by stray bullets."

"At that time, there will be no place to reason."

After some complaints,

The surrounding spectators left the field one after another,

I was completely overwhelmed by the firepower of the Galaxy Real Estate battleship.

Seeing this, Su Mu raised her eyebrows,


"Feng Su, I will leave this third-level city to you."

"Afterwards, I went to City Master Feng to rebuild the head brain."

"Remember, always be alert to the movements of the big hair pioneers."

This third-tier city will be handed over to him?

Feng Su immediately excited,

"Let me manage the third-level city, wouldn't that be more powerful than City Lord Feng!"

Su Mu was speechless,

This wind stay is really refreshing,

Words that come to mind come right out of your mouth.

After conquering Erdu City,

Su Mu also led troops to stay here for two days,

Seeing that the situation in the second district tends to be stable,

The Maozi pioneers also had no plans to besiege Erdu City.

Then Su Mu led his team back to the first area,

Then go to Luowu City to submit the task.

"After completing this mission, you can also get a cruiser blueprint."

thinking about this,

Su Mu rubbed her hands excitedly,

TO class battleship blueprint,

The more the better!

When Su Mu arrives at the General Brain Hall of Luowu City,

Just finished the assignment,

The blueprint was clutched in my hand before I had time to unfold it,

He heard urgent footsteps from behind.

"Sergeant Su."

"Master Jiang Cheng?"

Do not know why,

Su Mu sighed unconsciously after seeing Jiang Xingchen,

Every time Su Mu comes to Luowu City,

Jiang Xingchen hurried over to chat,

Too many times made Su Mu feel a little annoyed.

But Jiang Xingchen raised his eyebrows and said,

"Long Xia has just issued the mission of the sixth-level base, will Sergeant Su accept it?"

Tier 6 Base Mission!

Su Mu's disliked thoughts just now were swept away,

"Go! How many resources do you need?"

Ha ha ha ha

Jiang Xingchen smiled happily,

"Let's not mention resources, Sergeant Su, you just take over the task!"


Then Jiang Xingchen brought up the task list,

Make an exception and let Su Mu receive the task,

【Advanced Base Mission-5: Occupy Fuji City!】

Seeing this, Su Mu was stunned,

Did he just take over the task in a daze?

Looking at the flower-like smile on Jiang Xingchen's face,

Su Mu always felt that something was wrong Liu. .

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