All People Star Wars: My Battleship Can Be Infinitely Advanced!

71 The White Flash Of The Southern Cross Mothership! (Please Customize)

"Kabo Luo Cheng is lost!"

Sky Lobito City,

Merlin headquarters shook,

"The giant fleet we sent to support is gone too?"

"Only the battle report came back?"

When viewing the battle report details,

Their already shocked mood couldn't be further increased,

Galaxy Real Estate's war damage is even lower than theirs!

So what is the difference between this support and free gift?

"What's the situation in the first district now?"

"Has there been any news from other city lords?"

Merlin doesn't care about the third-tier cities,

What he cares about is the control over the first district!

But the subordinate crew members shook their heads,

"Galaxy Real Estate cut off the communication node of Kabo Luo Cheng, and we can't receive any news from the first district."


Merlin's senior management frowned,

If they can't handle the affairs of a district,

Soon other forces will come to share this cake.

a district,

Su Mu is sitting in the base control room,

Then listen to the prompts from the brain,

[Wandering poet joins Galaxy Real Estate Alliance]

[Received relevant crew unit intervention control rights]

heard the news,

Su Mu smiled with satisfaction,

As long as Xiang Xing is the first collaborator,

Other privateers are sure to be moved too.

Su Mu immediately contacted Sun Yiqiu,

"Scatter the news that Xiang Xing has taken over Kabo Luo Cheng.

"At the same time contact privateers everywhere to buy mineral resources at double the price."

After Sun Yiqiu received the order, he implemented it immediately.

I also breathed a sigh of relief,

"Fortunately, I don't need to manage the city this time."

"It is cumbersome to be responsible for the construction and resettle the residents.


Sun Yiqiu's announcement appeared on the public screen in the first district,

She not only posted the announcement in District 1,

It is sent to the entire star field through Kabo Luo Cheng.

Although Su Mu cut off the communications of the other eight cities,

But it doesn't mean that District 1 refuses to communicate with Star Field.

It's just that all the content released in the first area,

All are dominated by Galaxy Real Estate.

"The wandering poet has joined Galaxy Real Estate?"

"Oh my god, they are so brave!"

After seeing the privateers from all sides, they complained one after another,

See also Galaxy Real Estate members wooing,

"Brother, you will have a future with Galaxy Real Estate!"

"Aren't you considering joining a wave?"

"The purchase price of metal in the league is even better!"

This news was also seen by all major forces,

But they have their own ghosts,

Is this area going out of control?

Merlin gone?

No, let's go!

Give us the cake from District 1!

Cetus is the mine of Troy crystals,

How much profit can the whole area bring!

just think about it,

They just grinned and drooled.

The other eight cities looked at the public screen and did not dare to speak,

Even if you open your mouth,

Their news cannot be sent to the entire star field.

At this time, the eight masters of the city were in a state of panic,

Especially Gong Tai and Wu Ren,

They originally wanted to hug the thigh of 873 Merlin,

The city was built too close to Kabo Luo Cheng,

Now it is the most dangerous place!

Now the eight city lords have jointly established a discussion group,

are negotiating,

"You can't sit still, let's start the raid!"

"Yes, the mopping up plan cannot be terminated!"

"If a large number of privateers cooperate with Galaxy Real Estate, the situation will be even more serious!"

"Taking advantage of this time, quickly mop up and disperse Xinghe Real Estate!"

Now the bases of Galaxy Real Estate members are scattered all over the place,

Haven't moved in together yet.

Proposals for the mopping up plan,

It was unanimously approved by the eight city lords.

Once the plan is drawn up,

The city lords will start implementing it immediately!

Each city sent part of the guard fleet,

Specially looking for a single Xinghe base to attack!

Members of various departments of Galaxy Real Estate sent back news one after another,

"Brothers, the enemy has started a big sweep!"

"A group that can hold a group!"

"The intelligent brain that can't be grouped will transfer by Lei Yin!"

people are not stupid,

If you can't beat it, run away,

Not to mention the Leiyin frigate,

As long as the rest of the battleships and Lei Yin run separately,

The enemy will not be able to find it.

Su Mu received the message,

Immediately make the latest instructions,

"Brothers, move here with me at the center!"

"Forget about mining for now!"

"We have the family background of Lyra, and we have enough money to buy mines!"

There are privateers successively cooperating in transactions,

Still use them to mine?

This wave of sweeping,

Not only did it not break the morale of Galaxy Real Estate,

Instead, let the crowd shout with arms raised,

"Hey, I forgot if the leader didn't tell me."

"We still have 19% of the real estate in Lyra!"

"There are also shares in the Great Star Gate!"

"Rich! Willful!"

And there was movement from Su Mu's super battleship,

[Completed construction: Southern Cross Mothership*1]

"It's finally built."

Su Mu was excited after hearing the news,

Shout out again,

"Add business tonight! Brothers who are free come to make military achievements!"

[New business: Acquisition of Little Parang City]

[Assemble at the front line, fight as soon as there are enough people, first come, first served!]

Little Palang City had launched an attack on Su Mu's base before,

The garrison fleet was completely wiped out by brain-controlled operations,

This is a second-tier city,

It is estimated that there are only 7 Tier 8 garrison fleets left,

At this moment, the fleet is sent to sweep,

Their city defense fleet must be insufficient!

Received the news,

The members who were on the run sailed towards Su Mu,

The scattered troops marched directly towards the small Parang city!

Petit Pahrump,

Mrs. Gong noticed the changes in Xinghe Real Estate,

Instead of being frightened,

Anti (ciab) and start grinning.

"I knew you would covet my little city of Parang!"

"If you dare to attack this time, I will make you suffer!"

at the last meeting,

All propose to sweep,

Mrs. Gong is no exception,

But he additionally applied to the city lords to send troops to reinforce the small Palang city,

for no other reason,

It is because he lost the first battle,

I am sure that Galaxy Real Estate will take advantage of the void!

Inside the Su Mu base,

Knowing that Su Mu is going to attack Little Palang City,

Luo Liuli immediately rushed to the command room,

"Master Su, Major Su, you can't fight in Brown City!"


Su Mu is checking the experience income of the last battle,

Acquire fighter technology value: 2

He just buffed Vb's ion cannon damage,

Hearing Luo Liuli bluffing into the control room,

The guard girl at the gate still wants to stop,

But afraid of hurting Luo Liuli,

They did not stop.

Seeing this, Su Mu waved his hand,

Signal them to let go.

Hearing Luo Liuli rush in to persuade,

"Major Su, it's clear that the garrison fleet in the city of Palang has suffered losses."

"Everyone knows!"

"He will definitely send troops from various places to supplement the city's defense strength!"


Su Mu smiled and nodded,

Know. "

if he

He will also transfer back to the member defense base as soon as possible,

Isn't this a very normal thing?

Luo Liuli widened her eyes in surprise when she heard the words,

"Know? You still fight if you know?"

This really made Su Mu laugh,

"You know why you can't fight?"

While the two were talking,

The fleet has assembled near the small city of Parang,

The brain also sent hints,

[The number of fleet assembly has reached the standard]

[can start attacking]

Su Mu heard that Luo Liuli was not in charge,

Immediately ordered in the channel,

"The later brothers have no chance, start attacking!"


Luo Liuli immediately collapsed upon hearing the words,

Co-author, was she all barking just now?

Su Mu didn't listen to a word, did she?

Seeing the fleet of Galaxy Real Estate launched an attack,

Mrs. Gong was also extremely excited,

"They're coming! They're really coming!"

"So few people dare to launch an attack?!"

"When he sees my more than 30 fleets swarming out, don't scare him to death!"

The fleet assembled by Galaxy Real Estate is not many,

Luo Liuli even had a headache after seeing it,

For 1000 Leiyin frigates,

400 God of God,

There are only a few dozen battle cruisers and aircraft carriers.

It is all the remaining intact warships that attacked Kabo Luo Cheng,

the rest of the warships,

Either it was blown up, it was returned to the factory for repairs, or it was still not there.

But Su Mu didn't wait for them,

He even ordered an attack directly!

No matter how strong Galaxy Real Estate's battleship is,

Is he too bloated?!

Just when Luo Liuli was secretly criticizing and sighing,

She saw Su Mu's video screen suddenly light up,

A rough blue ion cannon shot out,

Direct bombardment on Little Parang City!


Is ignoring the protective cover of the small Parang city,

Hit it on its carrier port!

Seeing this, Luo Liuli opened his mouth wide on the spot,

His eyes were as wide as copper bells.

In contrast to Su Mu,

He was smacking his tongue while watching the video,

"What the hell is this little Palang City Lord thinking?"

"If you don't send out a garrison fleet, it will be too late."

Send a garrison fleet?

how to send

Southern Cross Mothership's White Flash primary weapon,

It is aiming at the port of Little Parang City and bombarding it wildly!

The palace lady in Little Parang City was even more confused,

"what happened!"

"Why is the city shaking?"

"Report! Enemy warships are attacking our port!"

"The garrison fleet at the port suffered heavy losses!"


Mrs. Gong only felt that her eyes were blurred,

The legs are momentarily weak,

The whole person fell to the ground in a dazed state.

There was no one to help him,

Because the people in the control room who heard the news were completely dumbfounded.

As the city shakes again and again,

Gong Tai suddenly spoke,

"What about the energy shield?"

"We didn't activate the energy shield!?"

"Opened! But the enemy ship's attack ignored the shield of our city and penetrated directly!"


What kind of battleship is that!


This is why Su Mu gave priority to building the Southern Cross Mothership,

Can carry hundreds of drones,

The white flash of the main weapon can also penetrate the shield!

"This power is still a bit weaker."

"Slightly inferior to the emperor's gamma storm ion cannon."

Hearing Su Mu shaking her head and smacking her tongue,

Luo Liuli became more numb,

Isn't this his strongest attack method?

Is there any emperor class that can be stronger?

As the Southern Cross mothership continued to bombard,

The energy shield of Little Parang City was exhausted eventually,

Su Mu ordered Yueshenxing to bombard the city's defense guns.

Waiting for the city defense gun to be bombed,

After the port was also shattered,

Su Mu

officially ordered,

"Okay, brothers, start logging into Little Parang City!"

"Take this city!"

At the same time, send a message to Xiangxing,

After a while, when Xinghe Real Estate captured the small city of Parang,

Send messages directly to the whole star field!

Xiang Xing was shocked when he heard the words,

He is immersed in the joy of getting Kabo Luo Cheng,

Su Mu actually beat up Little Palang City again?

Small Parang City Command Room,

Gong Tai sees that the situation of the city is gone,

suddenly lost hope,

"Kabo Luo Cheng has no survivors, and they will definitely kill them all."


Speaking of which,

Gong Tai directly picked up the gun,

Immediately pull the trigger on yourself.

twenty minutes later,

The crew of Xinghe Real Estate saw a lot of corpses in the command room.

Once the message arrives, it is sent to the entire star field again.

[Galaxy Real Estate successfully occupied: Little Parang City]

The entire Cetus constellation was in an uproar,

"Did Xinghe Real Estate go crazy?"

"Is he going to eat the next area directly?"

"Okay, let's fight! The more chaotic the fight, the better!"

"We have a chance to share this cake!"

The Golden Dragon Alliance in the fourth district saw the news even more,

all cheering up,

"Galaxy Real Estate is doing so well!"

"Leader, why don't we go and meet up with Xinghe Real Estate?"

"That's right, don't hang around in four districts anymore!"

Jin Hongyi was also very excited after seeing the news,

But he still suppressed the members,

Now the country of cherry blossoms has been confirmed to be in the constellation of Cetus,

I don't know where I was beaten,

The key is,

The cherry blossom country is here, how can the beautiful country not come?

Galaxy Real Estate is now on the stage,

Then their Golden Dragon Alliance must hide in the dark,

It is necessary to prevent the beautiful country from playing tricks behind its back!

And the remaining seven city lords in the first district,

After seeing the news on the public screen, I was completely dumbfounded,

"What the hell? Is Mrs. Gong a waste!"

"We borrowed so many fleets from him, but he still can't defend the small city of Parang?

Among them, Wu Ren felt the most uncomfortable,

"What the hell should I do?"

"I'm the only city left around here!"

"His next target must be me!"


Totally numb!

At the same time, there was another news on the public screen,

"Privateurs Wanted for Mineral Trading!"

"If you intend to join Xinghe Real Estate, you will be rewarded with a small Parang City!"

The little Parang city just won,

Is this going to be thrown out for hosting?

Those privateers who are already ready to move,

After hearing about this, I sent letters one after another,

"Double mining? How much do you charge?"

"Join the city?"

"Let's not talk nonsense, I want to sell mines to join!"

too many visitors,

Su Mu drafted a document,

Only sent to the first privateer contacted.

Immediately heard the message from the brain,

[Dusing Light Industry joins Galaxy Real Estate Alliance]

[Received relevant crew unit intervention control rights]

Seeing this, Su Mu smiled,

Send him a message immediately,

"Go and get your little Parang City."

"In the future, mining transactions, conquests and killings will also need to be responsive."

The man responded excitedly,

"That is inevitable!"

Soon privateer fleets approach,

Then he settled in the small Palang city.

Became the second privateer group to join Galaxy Real Estate.

There are wandering poets and Duxing Qinggong as examples,

Many privateers have started to export minerals to Galaxy Real Estate,

Don't even need Su Mu to double the price,

Even with a 20% discount,

They also readily sold to Xinghe Real Estate.

Just to curry favor with Su Mu,

Book a spot in your next city.

everyone knows,

There are only nine cities in one district,

If you come late, there will be no seats!

After dealing with the privateers,

Su Mu issued a new order again,

"Galaxy Real Estate belongs to it. Establish a blockade line in the middle line of the first district to cut off the communication between the upper and lower sides!"

"At the same time the intact fleet is marching towards the city of Bell Seba!"

Bell Seba City,

Located in the northeast corner of District 1,

Like Petit Pahrump,

It belongs to the purple Roland company system.

The wandering poets and the privateers of Duxing Light Industry also cooperated with each other,

Divide the whole area from the middle,

Prevent the remaining seven cities from responding to each other.

At this time, the two cities on the north side,

Five cities on the south side.

The frightened Wu Ren,

Just on the south side of the small Parang city,

Obviously not Su Mu's best goal.

Originally, Wu was the only one left in the city lord group who was still begging for help everywhere.

As a result, Jing Yu, the lord of Bell Saiba, suddenly appeared,

Xing Yu: "Stop yelling!"

"Grass, Galaxy Real Estate is here to surround me, Bell Seba City!"

"Someone come to help!"


upon hearing the news,

The other city lords also felt incredible.

Galaxy Real Estate is looking far away?

but soon,

They discovered that a district was divided,

"There is a blockade fleet from Galaxy Real Estate, privateers are also helping, we can't fight it!"

"Xing Yu, Ai Gema, you two wish yourselves good luck!"


the lord of Colonga,

Located on the northwest side of District 1,

Echoing Bell Seba City,

And Colonga is still a third-tier city.

After hearing that Galaxy Real Estate has set up a blockade fleet,

After cutting off the support from the five cities on the south side,

Aegma was filled with panic,

"Bell Seba City is under siege, so the next one must be me!"

Ask for help! Yes, hurry up and ask for help!"

Egma moved her gaze to the city of Lobito in the sky on the north side!

Call Merlin for help!.

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