All People Star Wars: My Battleship Can Be Infinitely Advanced!

92 Traveling To Hein's Headquarters With Luna War Star! (Please Customize)

somewhere in the universe,

Nova-Nova Headquarters Base,

This place probably cannot be called a star field.

no asteroid belt, no planets, no stars,

Only bases made of countless steel alloys,

There is also a blue light emitted by an unknown energy source.

The frigate is like a drop in the ocean,

Drifting and sailing in the middle of this group of huge buildings.

Until sailing into the blue ray,

Then suddenly disappeared.

inside the port,

Xiao Shi, the diplomat on this mission, showed up again,

As you walk into the city,

His spacesuit faded like a tide,

Automatically change into casual clothes.

"Welcome back, Diplomat Shaw.

"The leader and the four generals are waiting for you in the meeting room."

Xiao Shi smiled at the front desk receptionist,

"Understood, I have worked hard for you today."

when speaking,

Then I saw Xiao Shi turned into a stream of light,

Quickly enter the interior of the base.

up to the conference room,

I saw four men and one woman sitting around a table,

They all turned to look at him.

"Hey, it's really rare that Miss Qing Hantian is present at the meeting hall?"

Xiao Shi looked at the four generals,

The most conspicuous among them is the female general Leng Qinghan,

as the name suggests,

I got colder,

Rarely shows up for meetings.

But the appearance of a starship on the Sun Constellation-Blue Star this time is a big deal,

This made her sit at the table.

"Xiao Shi, hurry up and take your seat, the meeting has officially begun."

Bai Hao, the leader of the new star-Nova, urged.

Although Xiao Shi is a diplomat,

if he is not there,

The leaders and generals at this table have to wait for him to take their seats.

Among the interstellar forces,

The lord of the most prestigious,

Generals are best at leading troops to kill,

The diplomats are the most powerful in the alliance.

Whether it is a battleship,

Or personal wrist,

All must be tyrannical.

In order to have a more say in the many forces in the interstellar world.

"The appearance of a starship in the Sun constellation this time is indeed unimaginable."

"The one being transformed is Moon and Star."

"And no shadows of other Three Emperor forces were found."

The information is gathered here,

Everyone smiled and raised their eyebrows.

"Blue Star is a rising star!"

"I personally recommend contacting the initiator of the Luna War Star and including him in our new star-Nova."

Blue Star has a capable newcomer,

This is a happy event.

Bai Haoyan also nodded in agreement,

"I heard that this person is from Long Xia, and he is a descendant of our tribe."

"Before I Carlos and Antonios make a move, let's send out the invitation letter first?"

Having said that,

but listened to Leng Qinghan's objection,

"This is against the rules, he has no idea of ​​contacting the Three Emperors, and he knows very little about Interstellar.

"Such a person, even if he can build a starship, shouldn't be included in the Three Emperors."

Whether it is an invitation,

or ignore it,

There are people on both sides.


Xiao Shi suddenly smiled at this time,

"You're all still the same, arrogant and arrogant."

"Even if an invitation is issued, he may not necessarily come."


Seeing Xiao Shi standing up leisurely,

Then he walked out of this conference room.

"It's not easy for six people to vote, right? You five should study slowly.

During this meeting,

Su Mu is also meditating in the base camp of Cetus,

"The Nine Star Guards attacked Blue Star to contact the Three Emperors?"

"But what should I do to contact the Three Emperors?"

"Aren't the Three Sovereigns interstellar pirates?"

"And why would he protect Blue Star?"

There must be something hidden in it that he doesn't know about.

while thinking,

Hearing the report from Dolores,

"Master, the blueprint of the Hein-class destroyer has been analyzed."


Su Mu hurriedly turned her head when she heard the words,

I saw Dolores holding a blueprint and presenting it with both hands.

Then the system sound sounded.

[New blueprint detected]

【Advanced acquisition】

【Mirage Class-Killing Skyship】

[Mirage Energy System: The hull is connected to the energy system, which can absorb radiation and convert it into energy storage. 】

【Mirage Energy Shield: It can emit microwaves and reflect light to achieve the effect of stealth】

[Radiation pulse system: gather radiation energy, convert it into radiation pulse and shoot out, causing huge radiation damage]

[Energy Scattering System: Distributes radiant energy, interferes with all surrounding technological equipment, making it invalid]

[Light wave power system: a powerful propulsion system that can make the ship reach a speed of 500]

Su Mu stared at the blueprint in a daze,

This weapon system is a bit dehumanizing.

Even if this pulse can't blow up the battleship,

It can also use radiation to kill the crew units in the battleship,

Super scary radiation main weapon!

After Su Mu calmed down,

The first reaction is to strengthen the armor of the silicon-based girl!

"Intellect, does the silicon-based girl's alloy armor have radiation protection?"

[There is a plan, but it has not been studied

"Research now!"

Seeing Su Mu so impatient,

Dolores smiled slightly,

Silicon-based girls are clear,

The owner still loves them very much.

Immediately Su Mu gave Dolores the blueprint of the Mirage Class-Killing Skyship,

"Step up the production of skyships and enhance the combat power of warships."


Dolores smiled tiredly,

The engineering team she manages has been busy lately.

Build titans, skyships,

It is also necessary to install a wormhole transition system on the Luna War Star,

Seeing that Maria is about to finish surveying the Pandora satellite,

At that time, the Pandora Battle Star project will also start.

While Dolores was thinking in her heart,

Then I heard the news from Maria who was far away on the Pandora satellite,

..." Master, the geological survey is completed and the documents are being passed on. "

next second,

The file appears in Su Mu's communication device,

Haven't waited for Su Mu to check it out,

Just listen to the system sound ringing in the ear.

【Pandora satellite data up to standard】

【Advanced acquisition】

【Pandora Battle Star-Retrofit】

Then even seeing Su Mu take out the transformation map,

to Dolores,

"We have to start building a new starship, and I will hand it over to you."

Dolores looked tired,

But still smiled and took the modification drawings.

The master's battleship is constantly getting stronger,

She can do her part,

Naturally, I am very happy.

Su Mu sees her tired,

will also feel distressed,

"Give priority to equip the Luna War Star with an impulsive system."

"Other tasks can be put on hold for now."

After seeing Dolores leave,

Su Mu looked back at the map of star domain forces,

Lock your eyes on Tianmen,

This is the constellation where the headquarters of the Hein Defense Force is located.

Next step.

Su Mu then planned to lead Luna War Star over to say hello,

what he doesn't know,

Heinfang (Nuo's Zhao) Weijun must know.

half a month later,

The Hein Defense Force is still wondering why the Three Emperors haven't appeared yet,

Now I can't sit still anymore,

Decided to send the fleet to Sunny Seat again.

Just as you high-ranking generals,

I heard a strange voice suddenly came from the public screen,

"This is the headquarters of the Heine Defense Corps?"

"It looks different from Tong Xing Yuan."

Su Mu!?

See the name of the speaker on the public screen,

Hein's high-level officials were all shocked,

"Why does he appear in Tianmen?"

"It doesn't matter why he came, hurry up and send the fleet to catch him for me!"

"Dare to come to Tianmen, he is courting death!"

Then everyone started to lock on Su Mu's position,

"In the third district?"

"Then hurry up and send a fleet to the third district!"

"What? The third district has become a little different?"

"An extra planet?!"

heard the report,

The higher-ups quickly opened the star map,

Suddenly saw an extra satellite in the third area of ​​the star field,

And still flying hoo at them!.

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