"Have you heard that the top scorer in the college entrance examination is from our Luhai City!"

"Oh my god, is this true?"

"He is right, and it’s from our No. 1 Middle School, hehe!"

"That boss seems to be called Wen Xiu, right?"

Soon, the news that Wen Xiu won the top scorer in the college entrance examination spread throughout Luhai City.

At the same time, many powerful guilds were also inquiring about Wen Xiu's news, wanting to pull him into their guilds.

At this time, the Dragon Blood Guild

"You said that the person you had a conflict with before was Wen Xiu, the top scorer in the college entrance examination?"

Long Chuan, the president of the Dragon Blood Guild, who was sitting in the main seat, raised his eyes and looked at the tall man next to him.

The tall man was Liu Meng, who had a conflict with Wen Xiu in the dungeon hall and was finally scared away by Ye Fei.

At this moment, he was looking at Long Chuan tremblingly.

He would never have thought that the boy who had said such arrogant things at the time could actually get the top scorer in the college entrance examination! He was thinking about making trouble for him at the time, but now he felt a chill down his spine when he thought about it.

"Yes…yes, boss!"

"You've called me the president so many times, and you're making me look like a gangster!"

Long Chuan glared and said angrily

"Yes…yes, President!"

"Get out!"

"Yes, I'll get out of here right now!"

Liu Meng said as he lay down on the ground and rolled out quickly, closing the door behind him.

"President, what are you going to do?"

The man next to Long Chuan asked

"Do you want to recruit him into the guild?"

Long Chuan rubbed his brows and said,"That kind of genius is not something our Dragon Blood Guild can afford!"

"What's more, Liu Meng, that bastard, has offended others before, so it's good enough that he doesn't cause trouble for us."

"It’s best not to offend that kid in the future!"

"Do you think so?"

Yun Haotian was a little surprised

"Even if he is very talented, he has only just awakened. There is no need for us to be so afraid of him, right?"

"Do you think I'm kidding?"

Long Chuan snorted coldly and spoke again.

"I heard that the kid's initial pet has reached platinum level. With this terrifying improvement speed, can you guarantee that he won't be promoted to diamond or even king level in a short time?"

"Platinum... Platinum? How is this possible?"

Yun Haotian's pupils shrank in disbelief. What kind of monster is this? He has only awakened for a few days and he is already platinum? Compared with him, even the geniuses in the imperial capital are not good enough, right ?

"That's why I said we can't afford to offend this kind of genius. Don't try to recruit him, and don't offend him. This is the best choice!"

Long Chuan said calmly.

Yun Haotian took a deep breath, calmed down, and said:"I know!"


"Hey, brother, have you decided which guild to join?"

Wen Xiu, who was lying comfortably on the bed with Yae Shinko in his arms, received a call from Huang Jun.

"Hmm~ Who is it, little guy?"

Yajyou Shenzi's fox ears moved, his eyes were not open, and his voice was very lazy. At such a close distance, it sounded very comfortable.

"Um, Huang Jun asked me if I had chosen a guild."

Hearing this, Yae Shenzi slowly opened her beautiful eyes, and hugged Wen Xiu's neck tightly with her jade arms, seeming to be somewhat interested.

"Do you have a guild you want to join?"

"Hey, brat, I'm asking you a question. Stop being so annoying, bastard!"

Huang Jun on the other side immediately understood that this brat was being annoying with his beautiful spirit beast!

He has no humanity when it comes to the opposite sex!

"I am happy to do so!"

Wen Xiu said calmly.


Yae Shinko's eyebrows curved, and he seemed very happy.

Huang Jun on the other end hung up the phone unbearably. This brat!

"Hey, he hung up. Forget it, forget him. As for the guild, let me find out first!"

Wen Xiu put down the phone, hugged Yae Shenzi, and said with a smile.

As soon as he finished speaking, the phone rang again.

Wen Xiu picked it up and saw that it was the principal Luo Hai calling.

"Hello, what's up?"

"Hey, kid, come to school quickly, these guild people have been calling my phone like crazy!"

Luo Hai seemed a little mad.

Oh, it's also a headache to have students who are too outstanding!

"All right, I'll go over now!"

After hearing Luo Hai's words, Wen Xiu could even imagine the headache that Lao Deng was having.

It just so happened that he also wanted to know about the situation of the guild, so he might as well go directly to Lao Deng!

"Okay, okay, hurry up!"

Luo Hai said and hung up the phone.

"Hmm? Are you going to school?"

Yae Shenzi pinched Wen Xiu's earlobe with her jade hand and asked softly.

"Yes, that old Deng is almost driven crazy by the phone call! It's just right to find him to learn about the situation of the guild!"

The sudden action of the Son of God made Wen Xiu tremble, and he almost lost control. He quickly calmed his mind and said

"Will Shenzi rest at home or come with me?"

"It sounds interesting, so I'll go too!"

Yae Shenzi thought about it and realized that she was bored at home, so she might as well go out with the little guy!

"Okay, let’s go!"

"Little guy, help me put on my clothes!"

Wen Xiu:...

Who can resist this seductive action and tone?


No.1 Middle School, Principal's Office

""Principal Luo, is Wen Xiu not here yet?" The person who spoke was a woman.

She was very beautiful, wearing a long dress as white as snow, and her eyes were as white as water, but they were slightly cold, as if she could see through everything.

"Chairman Ye, I have already called that kid, he should be here soon."

Luo Hai didn't dare to look directly at the woman in front of him, mainly because the woman's aura was too strong.

Ye Lan nodded slightly and stopped talking.


In Ye Lan's slightly surprised eyes, Wen Xiu came out of the divine power.

Wen Xiu didn't look at Ye Lan, and asked directly:"Lao Deng, tell me what's the matter!"

Luo Hai's mouth twitched, you little bastard, don't I have any face?

"The main reason why I asked you to come here is that Guild Leader Ye Lan Ye wants you to join her guild!"

���Xiu then looked at Ye Lan who was standing beside him.

"The top scorer in the college entrance examination is indeed worthy of his reputation!"

Ye Lan said with a faint smile

"Are there any benefits to joining a guild?"

Wen Xiu asked

"The most direct benefit of joining the guild is that you are no longer alone. If you encounter any difficulties, you can come to me!"

Ye Lan raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

"In addition, after joining the guild, you can get special rewards by completing guild tasks or clearing guild-exclusive dungeons, and we will not restrict your freedom. You only need to show up at each guild competition!"

No restrictions on freedom?

That's great!

"What is the Guild Competition?"

Wen Xiu was a little confused.

"Each guild has its own exclusive secret realm, which is filled with all kinds of treasures, including spirit beast eggs, dream stones, energy cubes, etc."

Ye Lan explained.

"The purpose of participating in the guild competition is to fight for control of the secret realm. The winning party gains control of the other party's secret realm. It's that simple!"

"And the guild I belong to is ranked in the top three in China!"

Wen Xiu nodded thoughtfully.

"How many secret realms does our guild have?"

Ye Lan laughed when he heard this.

Because Wen Xiu was asking about our guild, it meant that he had agreed to join the guild!

"There are currently five secret realms. If you want to enter a secret realm, you need to have enough contribution points. Contribution points can be obtained by completing guild tasks and challenging guild copies!"

"But I can make an exception and let you enter the secret realm once!"

The Eightfold God in his arms thought: It sounds very interesting!

"Wen Xiu, the name of our guild is 'Ye Weiyang'. When you arrive in the imperial city, you can go directly to the guild to find me!"

"Sorry to bother you, Principal Luo. I'll leave now!"

Ye Lan stood up.

"Don't bother me, don't bother me. Take care!"

Luo Hai sent Ye Lan out.

"Good boy, you are about to take off!"

Luo Hai looked at Wen Xiu with envy.

"Joining a guild means taking off?"

Wen Xiu was a little indifferent.

""You know nothing, kid. There are countless beastmaster guilds in China, and the leader Ye is from one of the top three guilds in China. She is a top beastmaster at the peak of the emperor level! She has two emperor-level pet beasts and several king-level pet beasts!"

Luo Hai was a little mad.

How could this idiot not understand?

"It's really amazing!"

Wen Xiu said calmly.

"Nothing else, I'm leaving!"

Wen Xiu said and left.

Luo Hai:...

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