All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 148: The Spirit Of Wishing Got It! (Part 2)

"However, I have gained so much experience that I can use it to upgrade my skills.

Qin Luo opened the skill panel.

Invested more than 140 million experience points in one go, and upgraded [Spirit Hunting] and [Pure White End Yan] to the full level.

【Spirit Hunting (God Level)】

Level: 10

Effect: Summon the soul-killing sword, lock the enemy's soul and cause [law attack x1000 points of soul damage.

Each higher soul level, damage +15%.

【Pure White End (Lord God Level)】

Level: 10

Effect: Enemies within the range are blocked with pure white domains, and the sword of the final sword is used to cause 6W + magic attack x1150%] points of magic damage.

Killed units cannot use resurrection items/abilities.

Qin Luo has about 630 million experience remaining.

After the skill reaches the full level.

The increase in effect is not small, and [Spirit Hunting] has become the highest burst damage skill in my hand.


Qin Luo took out the diamond equipment, 077, and evolved it into two qualities.

Blessings of the ancient gods!

"Ding! The Starlight Necklace has evolved into Legendary Equipment: Star Shining Necklace."

[Star Shining Necklace (Legendary)]


Mana +60000

Additional: Constitution +700, Dexterity +900, Spirit +950

Special effect: lucky +11

Ability: Starlight Barrier

Equipment requirements: 40-level legal profession

"Not bad! It turned out to be lucky equipment, which can just replace the 20th-level Sun Oath Necklace.

Qin Luo secretly said.

He put on new equipment directly.

"Alright, let's go back and hand in the quest.

Qin Luo took Milin out of the secret realm.

The two returned to the forest.

At this time, it was already late, and the moonlight shined on the ground through the gaps in the leaves.

Activate the legendary item.

They returned to the church of the Church of the Sun in an instant.

The Great Elder prayed alone in front of the statue.


Hearing the strange noise, he turned his head quickly and found that it was Qin Luo. He was surprised and said, "Son of God? Why did you come back so quickly?"

"Did you get the evidence?!"


Qin Luo smiled.

He took out the mission props, a photo stone, which recorded the conversation between the three elders and Amud.


Amud recorded the video to blackmail the third elder.

Unexpectedly, Qin Luo was fulfilled.

The Great Elder took the stone, poured mana into it, and a virtual picture emerged.

The next moment, a familiar figure appeared.

"It turned out to be... the third child!"

"He would betray our faith."

His tone was a little heavy.


The Great Elder looked at Qin Luo and said solemnly: "Son of God, thank you for bringing the evidence. As for the reward, I will take you to the treasury after I settle this matter."

"it is good."

Qin Luo nodded slightly.

"Ding! Congratulations on completing the mission. Mission reward: 300w experience, Sun Empire reputation +1000..."

"Progress of promotion task: 50%."

Then, the Great Elder sent a message to the rest of the people, telling them that there was an urgent matter to discuss, and he didn't directly talk about the inner ghost.

Nine elders rushed over one after another.

The Three Elders were the last to arrive at the church.

As soon as he stepped into the gate, when he saw Qin Luo, his face changed drastically, and he turned around suddenly and tried to escape.

"Want to run?"

Qin Luo sneered.

The end of pure white (daaj)!

The third elder's body was locked in place, he did not launch an attack, he simply controlled the opponent's actions.

"My lord, are you...?"

The remaining eight elders were a little confused.

At this time, the Great Elder asked in a deep voice: "Third brother, tell me, why did you betray the country and compatriots!"

The third elder also knew that he had been exposed.

He simply didn't pretend, and said sarcastically: "You still ask me why. His Majesty the Elf King died, and the Sun Goddess lost contact again.

"Just say, what shall we serve with the Moonlight Empire?!"

"Since the Sun Empire will be defeated sooner or later, why can't I join the Moonlight Empire?"

Facing his rhetorical question.

The elder's expression froze.

He naturally knew that what the third elder said was true.

However, betrayal is betrayal, and the three elders must bear the punishment for this crime.

Qin Luo asked in a low voice, "How are you going to deal with him?"

"According to the laws of the empire, this crime should be executed.

Say it.

The eyes of the nine elders were a bit complicated.

"Hehe, I will wait for you to come down in hell!" The second elder roared ferociously.





Qin Luo casually used several single-target skills, piercing through the bodies of the three elders, killing them easily.

"Ding! Kill the three elders of the Sun Elf Clan, gain 540,000 experience points (+90%), free attribute +8, and world reputation +500."

The elder said softly:

"Son of God, thank you very much. The old man will take you to the treasury right now."

Now that he has made a promise, he will naturally not break his promise.

The three entered the treasury...

Qin Luo wandered around inside and discovered many good things through the Eye of Reality.

such a pity.

He can only choose one.

In the end, Qin Luo got his target prop.

Wishing Spirit (1 piece)

Quality: special

Effect: Only valid for advanced professionals and below. You can cancel a system contract without penalty, or extract 1 epic skill book or epic equipment.

This is a one-time prop.

Disappears after use.

Qin Luo put it in his backpack.

After returning, hand it over to the old principal Wu, and the agreement between the two is over.


Qin Luo and Mi Lin returned to the palace to rest.

It wasn't until the next day that Idril knew that the inner ghost was killed last night.

Regarding the death of the third elder, she looked a little depressed.

After all, the elders watched him grow up.

However, thinking of the dire situation of the empire, the girl quickly restrained her emotions.


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