All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 151 World Gap! Legendary Yaozu Chili (Part 1)

After the upgrade.

Qin Luo looked at the environment in the gap between the worlds, the fog filled the air, the sky and the earth were hazy, and the stars, sun, and moon could not be seen.

"Where's the location of the Xiantian Monster Race..."

He closed his eyes slightly and released his mental power to investigate with all his strength.



The composition of this space called 'World Gap' is very weird, and it greatly suppresses one's perception.

"The will of this world doesn't give me coordinates, so I can only find it slowly..."

Qin Luo felt helpless.

Fortunately, the system map will light up the area he walks through, so that he won't get lost in the gap between the worlds.

In order to speed up the journey.

He invested 4352w experience and raised the kamikaze domain from level 7 to level 10.

Out of combat state, movement speed +200%!

The figure of Qin Luo walks through the gap between worlds.

Move at an astonishing 5 times the speed of sound!

Time passed slowly.

1 day.

2 days.


Somewhere in the gap between worlds.

Five monsters of different shapes gathered here.

They are the innate demon clan from the Myriad Demon Ancestral Realm. They are currently in the form of beasts. After breaking through to the epic realm, they can gradually transform into forms.

One cannot have a human form until the Divine Spirit Realm.

The leader of the demon clan is covered in red and looks like a tiger, with a pair of bird-like wings growing on its back, and each feather is surrounded by a trace of red fire.


It is a member of the demon clan "Chili".

Possesses a bloodline of legendary quality.

In terms of strength, the Chili clan is ranked second to last in the Ten Thousand Monster Ancestral Realm.

The lowest race is the epic bloodline.

For non-player units, achieving epic quality means that it has the aptitude to become a god.

This is also the foundation of the Wan Yao Ancestral Realm!

at this time.

Chili looked around and said, "There are still 2 days left before we can escape the blockade of this world..."

A demon tribe asked: "My lord, what about the gods who blocked us?"

Chi Li smiled:

"Of course I will take revenge this time!"


"Dedicate the sun's blood that was plundered during this period to His Majesty the Demon Emperor. It is more important to obtain the blood of the great goblin."

"When I take the blood of the great goblin, my strength will rise to a higher level. At that time, I will be more confident in finding revenge on this god!"

The four monsters nodded and agreed: Master Jili is right!"

"Going back first to improve your strength is the most important thing.

at this time.…………

"No. You have no chance to go back."

A leisurely voice came from a distance.


Chi Li's face changed slightly, and he roared sharply.

The demons looked in the direction of the sound, and Qin Luo's figure appeared in the field of vision.

"Human?" Chili narrowed his eyes slightly.

It looked at Qin Luo, felt the scorching sun aura exuding from his body, and a look of surprise suddenly appeared in Chili's eyes.

"Such a strong power of the sun! It must be the legendary blood!"

"Jie Jie, in an intermediate world, we met 3 humans whose Sun bloodline quality meets the requirements!"

"Not bad."

The five-headed monster clan stared at Qin Luo with greedy expressions.

"His blood is worth at least 3 drops of the blood of a big goblin in the spirit realm, let's attack together and kill him!"

Say it.

Chili took out a golden divine feather.


The golden feather burst into bright golden light, falling on Qin Luo's body, suppressing the Lieyang blood in his body, and the increase in attributes suddenly returned to zero.


Perfect for adapting talent to play.

【You have been affected by blood suppression effect, corresponding resistance +49%】

【You are subject to...】

Several reminders sounded.

In an instant, the resistance rose to 100%, the suppressing force was dispelled, and Qin Luo returned to normal.

However, the five-headed demon clan did not know.

They act decisively.


Chili rushed out, and his whole body merged with the space, turning into a red shadow. Setsuna passed through the void of hundreds of feet, and his claws were like spears, piercing Qin Luo's body.


A look of surprise appeared in Chili's eyes.

Its attack seems to be stabbed in the air, without any hindrance.

next moment.

'Qin Luo' burst like a bubble.

"It's not the real body, what about that person?"

Chi Li looked around with an ugly face.

Qin Luo had already dodged to the distance and entered a stealth state.

He opened the Eye of Reality and observed the monster clan's attribute panel.

Chi Li (Lord) (Enhanced)

Level: 50

Quality: legend

Life: 1.2e/1.2e

Attack: 59w

Skills: Nanming Lihuo, Vermilion Bird Demon Art, Fire Shield, Feather Thorn, Flying Flash.....

Description: The young patriarch of the Chili Monster Clan has a trace of Vermilion Bird blood in his body, with extremely high growth potential.

Good guy.

It has the blood of Vermilion Bird, it seems that its background is not low.

Qin Luo looked at the other four monsters.

All epic quality.

Sure enough, it was the innate demon clan of the Ten Thousand Demon Ancestral Realm.

Very strong!

However, Qin Luo's [Xuanhun Jinshen Jue] is even more powerful, forcibly suppressing 40% of their attributes, and their blood volume has dropped to about 7000w.

"Kill Chili first, and then kill other monster races!"

Qin Luo immediately made a decision.


Hunter Angel!

Titan Totem!

At this moment, the booster skills are fully activated, and there are more than ten kinds of BUFF icons in the status bar, exuding a terrifying aura.

The end of pure white!

The five-headed monster clan was banned by the domain, and their bodies could not move. The ability of the main god level was not something that a mere epic or legendary monster clan could ignore.

"Damn it!" Chili's demon pupils burst into bright flames.


A gray sword turned into a stream of light, piercing through its chest easily, and a column of blood soared tens of meters away. 137-651w!


Chi Li wailed.

The anger in its heart became more violent, and it was about to fight back, but Qin Luo dodged in front of him, slashing out dozens of sword lights with his sword.



A series of spell damage numbers rose.

The second injury exceeds 2800w.

Chili's blood volume dropped by one-third, but the paralysis effect added by the super state had little effect on it.

"Die to me!"

In its rage, it unleashed its strongest attack.

The wings are folded in front of the body, and the top wings form a sharp blade, which is dripping with a chilling light.


The wings condensed Nanming Lihuo and stabbed at Qin Luo.

"Mysterious Golden Body Art!"

As soon as the active effect was activated, Qin Luo didn't dodge at all and resisted the blow.


Qin Luo was not injured.


The face of the five-headed monster clan changed drastically.

At this moment, they already understood that the strength of the human beings in front of them is very strong!

I am definitely not his opponent.

And Qin Luo continued to release spells to suppress the epic demon clan, and then slashed Chili with his sword, causing its blood volume to decrease until it reached the state of blood.

"Human beings in the middle world, why are they so strong?! They have obviously suppressed the power of his bloodline.

Chili couldn't believe it.

Immediately, panic flashed in his eyes.

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