All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 153: Star Refining God Technique! (Part 1)

Qin Luo browsed the panel after skill evolution.

Star Alchemy Method (Lord God Level)

Grade: None

Effect 1: Any type of damage reduction +20%, including: physical, magic, real damage, etc.

Effect 2: Actively absorb the power of the stars, strengthen the body and condense the soul, increase damage reduction and four-dimensional attributes.

Very powerful main god level ability!

It is also worse than the Xuanhun Golden Body Art.

After all, it is a fairy skill.

This method provides Qin Luo with damage reduction, and it is a passive effect, which can be effective at any time.

Just absorb the power of the stars.

The degree of reduction can be increased to 50%, 60%... or even 100%!


Qin Luo sighed in admiration.

Noticing his expression, Hermine laughed softly: "It seems that you are very satisfied with the reward."


Qin Luo smiled.

Immediately, he said: "I still have some things to do, so I left first.

Hermine nodded.

He activated the props and returned to the capital.

"A man from beyond the sky..."

Hermine looked at the sky silently, as if it was a cage, imprisoning her in this piece of heaven and earth.


Church of the Sun.

Qin Luo returned to the church.

Soon, the two women got the news and rushed over.

"Master, you are finally back!" Milin happily hugged him.

"I haven't seen you for a few days."

He reached out and rubbed the little guy's head.

at the same time.

Qin Luo looked to the side, and Idril stood where she was, with an uncontrollable look of excitement on her face.

She changed her outfit today, wearing a crown and a delicate dress, adding a touch of nobility and elegance to her.

Three days ago, Idril had become the new queen of the Sun Empire.

Just the next moment.

There was hesitation in her eyes.

Qin Luo asked curiously: "What do you want to tell me?"

Idriel said hesitantly: "Your Excellency Qin Qin Luo, there is something... I would like to seek your opinion."

"you say."

"According to the rules of the empire, after I inherit the throne, I need to choose a son of God from the church as my husband, so...(dafb)..."

"So you... agree?"

Idril stared at him blushing.

His eyes were full of hope.

Qin Luo was silent.

He was naturally willing to accept Idril.

However, the world of Carlisle is a world that participates in promotion tasks, and players cannot conquer it.

And after reaching the realm of senior professionals.

He cannot enter this world through the portal.

Can only rely on cross-border transmission props.

The minimum quality of this kind of props must be god level.

Once, Qin Luo also got a [Silver Flash Pocket Watch], but after leaving the world of Boros, the pocket watch broke directly.

Think here.

Qin Luo looked at Adriel.

She has just become a queen, it is impossible to leave this country directly and leave with herself.

Seeing Qin Luo's expression, Idril's heart fell to the bottom, and her face turned pale.

"I... I know."

Her voice was a little low.

Seeing this, Qin Luo sighed: "You must have known my identity from the goddess."


She bowed her head in response.

"In 5 more days, I have to leave this world. You can go with me, but you will never be able to come back in the future. Are you willing?"

"Of course I would!"

"What about the Sun Empire? Can you find the next heir?"


Idril was speechless for a while, and was stopped by the question.

Wanting to inherit the throne is not easy, it needs to pass the test, it has high requirements on the age, bloodline and strength of the heir.

at this time.

The church became extremely quiet.

at this time.

A voice came.

"I can help you with this."

The three of them followed the prestige, and the figure of Hermine appeared in front of the statue.

He stepped on the void with bare feet, and came to them step by step.

Hermina smiled and said: "I have a prop in my hand that can allow you to return to this world at any time. w

Hearing this, Qin Luo narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "What about your conditions?"

She whispered, "Make me your follower!"


Qin Luo was taken aback, thinking he heard it wrong, he couldn't help asking: "Why?"

"Because I want to go outside and have a look."

Hear this sentence.

Qin Luo immediately understood.

Hermine is the innate god of Carlisle's world. Although she is born with powerful divine power, she cannot leave her native world.


She can become the player's follower.

At that time, as a half player, you can naturally go to other worlds.

Qin Luo said: "I can agree, but you may have to wait a few months, because the strength gap between us is too great."

Players recruit Aboriginal people as followers.

It is necessary to meet the condition that the level is not higher than itself.

"It doesn't matter, I have been waiting for tens of thousands of years, and it is not short of a few months."

Hermine smiled from the bottom of her heart.


She handed up a key.

It records the coordinates of Carlisle's world, through which one can travel between the main world and this world.

Put away the props.

Qin Luo turned to look at Idriel, smiled and said, "I agree to your previous request."

The girl nodded heavily.

"Your Highness, thank you for your help!" She lifted her skirt to express her thanks.

Idril left the church and told the elders about it.

at the same time.

Qin Luo also asked Hermine to help.

As the goddess of the moon, he went to the Moonlight Empire and declared his surrender to the Sun Empire.

The gods I believe in have said so.

Moonlight elves can only obey the oracle.

Easily complete promotion tasks.

After returning to Zhutian City, Qin Luo's realm will break through to a senior professional.

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