In this era, the power of traditional technology has been greatly weakened, so psychic technology combined with spiritual energy was born. For example, the psychic gun used by the military to deal with spiritual practitioners. Another example is the psychic combat suit. Its function is very simple, which is to enhance the combat power of the wearer. At present, the latest generation of psychic combat suits has an enhancement range of one to ten times. Of course, there is an upper limit to the combat power after the enhancement. Generally speaking, at the platinum level and above, the role of psychic combat suits is negligible. Unless it is a specially customized high-end version. Since psychic combat suits are extremely expensive and require the use of spiritual crystals as energy, ordinary people basically cannot afford them. Basically, only the combat team of the spiritual cultivation headquarters will be equipped with it.

Most of these students also saw the psychic combat suit for the first time.

The tenfold increase in combat power can completely allow them to fight across levels!

"Give you half an hour to adapt to the combat suit, and set off in half an hour."

"The combat suit has a protective shield that can withstand the attack of a gold-level monster. Once you actively or passively trigger the protective shield, it means you are out and eliminated."

The combat suit is a tight black style, with a sense of design and technology. On the wrist of the combat suit, there is a low-level spiritual crystal inlaid. This spiritual crystal alone is not something that ordinary people can get.

Just as everyone was experiencing the psychic combat suit, Chu Ming jumped down from the sixth floor and walked over.

"Hey, Team Leader Zhao, can you give me a set of this thing too?"

For Chu Ming, this basic version of the combat suit is almost useless, but he can use it to modify and upgrade Gray Wolf.

Zhao Weiguo smiled:

"You don't have to participate, why should I send you."


When Chu Ming heard that there was a chance, he asked:

"Unless what?"

Zhao Weiguo seemed to have been waiting for Chu Ming to ask, and said:

"For this national exam, we will send several team members to go in with the candidates to avoid accidents, that is, safety officers. It just so happens that there are many things in Beijing recently, and our team members are not enough, you come to help."

What do you mean, let me be a safety officer?

Chu Ming looked at Zhao Weiguo suspiciously, suspecting that this guy was setting a trap for him.

However, a silver-level secret realm, no matter what, I don't have to be afraid.

"Okay, deal."


Soon, several cars transported the candidates to the entrance of the test secret realm.

At the same time, the national live broadcast was officially launched.

A drone will follow the head of each candidate for real-time shooting.

The screen showed the candidates wearing combat uniforms and looking excited.

"Silver-level secret realm, this year's candidates are actually going to challenge the silver-level secret realm!"

"It seems that the country has really invested a lot this time."

"Wuhu, I saw our Haitian candidates, so handsome, Haitian is invincible."

"Beijing No. 1, Luo Feng No. 1!"

"Long live Sichuan and Chongqing! Alas, I heard that our Sichuan and Chongqing champions did not participate in the competition, which feels very bad."

As the live broadcast started, various barrages swarmed in, most of which were cheering for their hometown cities.

Soon, the national exam officially began, and all the candidates rushed into the secret realm together.

Chu Ming and several other members of the security team also walked in.

His task was to send a candidate to a safe point when he lost his combat ability.

After entering the secret realm, the candidates found a direction and rushed in.

Soon, various broadcasts sounded in the headphones.

"Candidate Luo Feng, kill a bronze 6th level monster."

"Candidate Luo Feng, kill a bronze 8th level monster."

"Candidate Luo Li, kill a silver 1st level monster."


In just a few minutes, while other candidates were still adapting, two of them began to swipe the screen.

"Haha, Luo Feng is invincible, killing monsters is like killing chickens."

"Who is that Luo Li, who can actually be ranked on par with Luo Feng from our capital."

"Luo Li is the top student in our Haitian City, she will definitely not lose!"

Gradually, some other candidates also got into the state.

Wu Di, Li Tianyu, Feng Ziang and others began to report kills.

Gu Yuexi also killed a silver 1st level monster.

"Candidate Luo Li, kill a silver 4th level monster."

"Candidate Luo Li, kill a silver 6th level monster."

As time went by, Luo Li on the kill list

Li and Luo Feng began to have a huge lead.

Luo Li and Luo Feng were the first echelon.

Wu Di, Li Tianyu and others were the second echelon

Feng Ziang, Gu Yuexi, Xiao Chuanbo and others were the third echelon.

At this time, somewhere in the secret realm.

Gu Yuexi was facing a silver level 4 monster alone.

Facing the fierce attack of the monster, Gu Yuexi was soon overwhelmed and fell heavily to the ground. The gray wolf she summoned was also quickly torn and dissipated.

Is this the end?

A trace of unwillingness flashed across Gu Yuexi's face. Thinking of a certain figure, she gritted her teeth and continued to stand up.

At this time, a member of the security team suddenly appeared and reminded:

"This candidate, your current situation is no longer suitable for continuing to fight. Please release the protection shield and follow me to a safe point."

Gu Yuexi shook her head stubbornly, looked at the figure of the monster, and made up her mind.

No matter what, she had to give it a try.

Watching the monster rushing towards her, Gu Yuexi closed her eyes directly, and soon, a trace of blood flowed from her facial features.

This is a manifestation of extreme mental overdraft. In serious cases, it is likely to directly damage the brain and turn people into fools.

Beside, the members of the security team shook their heads and prepared to take Gu Yuexi away immediately after the shield on her combat suit was triggered.

Soon, the monster bit and came, and just when the members were concentrating, unexpectedly, a burst of extremely hot breath descended, accompanied by angry roars.

Is this... an S-level summon?

I saw a huge, flaming bear appeared in front of Gu Yuexi out of thin air, grabbed the attacking monster, and tore the silver-level monster into pieces in a few seconds.

Behind the fire bear, Gu Yuexi opened her eyes a little, and a smile bloomed on her extremely tired face.

I did it.

Then, she fell backwards and completely fainted.

"Candidate Gu Yuexi lost her ability to fight and was eliminated."

Secret Realm, jungle.

Chu Ming sat on a tree trunk, looking at the report and sighing slightly.

The area he was responsible for was close to the center of the secret realm, and no candidates had come here yet.

Suddenly, an abnormal wave came.

Chu Ming squinted and saw a man and a monster fighting not far away.

The monster's strength reached the seventh level of silver, close to the boss level of this secret realm, but the figure fighting with it did not show any fear and rushed over directly.

One of her eyes was emitting a strange blue light.

The next second, the seventh-level silver monster fell down with a bang and was killed instantly.

Oh, it was this little loli.

When Chu Ming looked at the other party, the blue eye seemed to have discovered him and looked straight at him.

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