The battle was over, and the two sides had a big fight.

Qingyuan University.

Spiritual Academy, fighting arena.

Luo Li squatted on the ground in pain, the red color of her left eye was unusually strange. A trace of blood had begun to flow from her eye socket.

Since the end of the national exam, Luo Li's eye ability has been further improved. At this time, her red eye state has increased from twice the original combat power to three times.

However, she is still far from being Li Batian's opponent.

The reason why she could hold on for a while was that Li Batian was teasing her. While teasing her, he was also humiliating Chu Ming:

"Haha, I didn't expect that Chu Ming was just a guy who could only stand behind a woman."

"That's it. I think you should get out of Qingyuan University. What do you think?"

Once Li Batian started to fight, he couldn't control his excitement.

As he spoke, he walked towards Luo Li with a crazy look on his face.

Halfway through, he suddenly stopped and looked up at the sky.


A small fire dragon swooped down from the sky at a high speed and flew towards Li Batian, spewing high-temperature flames from its mouth.

"Chu Ming?"

"Is he here?"

The flames swept towards Li Batian, and Li Batian had to retreat several times to avoid it.

As the small fire dragon landed on the fighting stage, whether it was Li Batian, the audience in the audience, or the camera in the live broadcast room, they all aimed at the dragon's back.

Everyone knows that this is the mount that Chu Ming's master Chu Yanzu gave to Chu Ming.

However, the dragon's back was empty at this time.


Someone shouted sharply.

Chu Ming was squatting next to Gu Yuexi on the martial arts stage.

He helped Gu Yuexi up, and rubbed Luo Li's little head by force, and said gently:

"Are you okay?"

"Go down and watch first, I will help you get revenge immediately."

Gu Yuexi supported her body and wanted to say something.

Luo Li slapped Chu Ming's hand away in anger, but the red light in her eyes finally went out.

"Shh, be good, don't talk."

Chu Ming calmly helped Gu Yuexi and Luo Li to the bottom of the martial arts stage and asked them to sit down.

Then he turned around and walked back to the stage step by step.

The moment he turned around, his gentle face suddenly became cold.

"Hahaha, Chu Ming, you finally dare to come out."

Chu Ming said nothing, walked to the side of the little fire dragon and patted it, and the little fire dragon flew up obediently and landed on the top of the fighting stage.

Li Batian laughed:


Li Batian drank halfway, and the corner of his mouth just twitched. Chu Ming's figure disappeared in an instant, appeared in front of him, and punched Li Batian in the face.


Although it was just an ordinary punch, with a combat power of more than 10 million, Li Batian was like being bombarded by a cannonball, flew out uncontrollably, and hit the edge of the fighting stage hard.

Fortunately, a magic circle light lit up at the edge of the fighting stage, which stopped it.

Li Batian fell to the ground, slowly climbed up, spit out a mouthful of blood, and his eyes became crazy:

"Haha, okay, I..."

However, he had just said half of his words, and Chu Ming's figure disappeared again.

The next second, Li Batian felt that someone grabbed his hair and lifted him into the air, and then a pair of big hands held his head down and slammed him hard on the floor of the fighting arena.

"Did I ask you to speak?"

"It seems that you can take a beating, which is good."

Chu Ming stood up, patted his hands in disdain, and then kicked Li Batian in the stomach again.


This kick was more powerful than an ordinary punch, and Li Batian flew backwards again, just like Gu Yuexi just now, spurting out a lot of blood.

Three consecutive hits.

Happened in a few seconds.

The stage was immediately turned into a library.

No one expected that Chu Ming would not show up, but once he showed up, he actually beat Li Batian violently, and Li Batian, a dignified man, could not even say a word.

Since Li Batian entered Qingyuan University, has he ever been so miserable?

Thousands of students could only stare at this scene blankly.

At this time, eight students were also shocked on one side of the stands. These eight people were the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth of the ten core members of the Genius Club.

"How is it possible? How can Chu Ming's combat power be so high? According to the information from my second brother, isn't his hidden trump card a mental attack?"

"Haha, don't worry.

, the boss carried a magical weapon to defend against divine cultivators, and was not afraid of the influence of mental power at all. As for combat power? Do you think the boss is just like that? "


On the stage, Chu Ming stood in the middle of the stage and stopped for a while.

As he said, Li Batian is very resistant to beatings, which is good, so he can be beaten a few more times!

Li Batian stood up in a somewhat embarrassed manner, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and even spitting out two teeth.

This made his face completely crazy:

"Okay, okay, your combat power can actually reach tens of millions, I underestimated you."

"But who doesn't have tens of millions?"

"Today, let me fight to my heart's content! "

Just then.

On the fighting stage, there were suddenly several more magic array lights.

It turned out that a teacher on the stands had activated the test magic array of the fighting stage. After this magic array was activated, the cultivation of the people on the field and the combat power value of each attack would be detected and displayed in real time.

A golden light emerged from Li Batian's body, which was his gold spiritual energy.

At the same time, the big screen on the side of the fighting stage also showed his realm:

"Li Batian, platinum ninth stage."

"Chu Ming... platinum third stage. "


Wow, Li Batian's cultivation is already at the ninth level of platinum, half a step to diamond, isn't this too scary? The professor in our school is only at the diamond level, and he is only a junior.

I am also a junior, but I am only at the gold level...

Wait, am I seeing right? How come Chu Ming is also at the platinum level! Isn't he gold? Platinum at the age of 18, my God!

Chu Ming is indeed a monster, but there is still no chance of winning against the ninth level of platinum.

Indeed, his own cultivation level is crushed, and Li Batian's combat power increase is also very terrifying, I heard that it has reached ten times...

Whether it is the audience or the live broadcast room, they are shocked by the strength of the two at this moment, and they are talking about it.

At this time, Li Batian finally launched an attack!

I don't know when his hands have more than one He drew a spear and attacked Chu Ming fiercely.

The spear came out like a dragon. On the screen, the data of real-time combat power detection kept soaring, showing that the combat power of this attack had reached 50 million!

Platinum 9th stage, hitting the extreme combat power of diamond mid-stage, worthy of a ten-fold combat power increase!

No, Chu Ming will not be killed!

Several teachers in the stands suddenly became nervous.

On the fighting stage.

Chu Ming frowned slightly.

It was not because of Li Batian's attack, but because of the real-time test array on the fighting stage.

This array is really overbearing. His realm has been exposed. If he attacks again, his strength will also be exposed.

Fortunately, things like spiritual power cultivation cannot be detected.

Damn it, why bother so much.

Kill these little bastards first!

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