The next morning, Chu Ming took a high-speed train back to Yuzhou City like an ordinary person. The first thing he did when he returned to his rental house was to copy down the spiritual power cultivation method in the soul bead, which had more than 5,000 words in total. A piece of memory bread could barely print it all. Directly! It melted in his mouth! The next moment, Chu Ming felt a burst of pain in his brows, and his spiritual power grew stronger at a very fast speed. The spiritual power level was like a fishmonger riding a small electric donkey, soaring all the way! Black Iron Stage 2! Black Iron Stage 3! Black Iron Stage 5! Black Iron Stage 6... It soared all the way to Black Iron Stage 7 before stopping! "Frog fun? This mental power formula is quite powerful! At least it is of the third grade, right?"

Chu Ming was pleasantly surprised. He thought that he could get a second grade low-level mental power formula, but he didn't expect it to be so much more powerful than he imagined!

Just after learning this formula completely, and before actively practicing it, the mental power level automatically soared to the seventh stage of black iron!

Before the college entrance examination, those who can reach this level of mental power are all top geniuses in the province, right?

You know, the difficulty of practicing mental power is much higher than that of spiritual power.

After all, the practice of mental power requires thinking... Physical thinking is extremely dangerous, and it is easy to be brain-dead if you are not careful.

Therefore, most people are cautious when practicing mental power, and the level is generally slow.

If Chu Ming, who has a terrifying speed of six levels in a few minutes, tells others, no one will believe it.

This! It's memory bread!

Moreover, this is not the end yet...

After mastering this mental power formula, Chu Ming found out without surprise that he could improve it into a more powerful formula!

"Get started!"

Chu Ming immediately focused his mind and started to improve it.

Seven or eight hours passed in a flash.


A mental power formula of at least the third grade high level was successfully improved by him!

Chu Ming named it - "Chu Shen Jue"!


"Chu... Beast Formula? It seems a bit unlucky?"

Chu Ming frowned, and after thinking about it, he changed it to "Ming Shen Xin Fa".

Well... Although it doesn't feel much better, it's at least a little more normal.

It's just a name, it doesn't matter!

After eating "Ming Shen Xin Fa" with memory bread, the mental power level successfully reached the ninth stage of black iron!

Chu Ming closed his eyes and felt it, and nodded with satisfaction.

If my mental power was just a grain of rice before, now... it's at least as big as a high-level player!

After improving to this level, I feel that I can definitely find Doraemon to trade for more awesome props.

I don't know if the blue fat man is willing to sell...

After hesitating for a moment, Chu Ming decided to give it a try.

He took out the sixty blood spirit copper ray banyans that were not used up last time from the Lingxu Pearl.

Since they were placed in a space without the flow of time, these copper ray banyans are still very fresh at this time.

There is no difference from what was just pulled out! It's still steaming!

Then, Chu Ming closed his eyes and operated his mental power.

Trader of All Worlds, start!

Soon, he found the world of Doraemon in countless worlds.

However, when he entered this world with his consciousness and saw the figure of the blue fat man, he was stunned.

Doraemon, Nobita, Fat Tiger, Shizuka and others were walking in a dense jungle, and there was a white puppy next to them.

Which episode is this...?

Chu Ming was a little confused. He remembered that most of the plots of "Doraemon" took place in the city.

Like this kind of outdoor battle... No, there shouldn't be many scenes in the wild, right?

Could it be that this is the plot of a certain theater version?

Chu Ming was too lazy to think about it. There are too many episodes of this animation, and there are dozens of theater versions. Who can remember them?

Directly use [Trader of All Worlds] to send a message to the blue fat man: "Hello Doraemon, I'm here again."


Doraemon was startled again, but this time it reacted quickly and looked helpless.

After saying hello to Nobita and others, it hid in a deserted place, looked up at the sky and said: "What are you doing again? Didn't you come here yesterday?"

"I just happened to get some Dorayaki again, the kind from yesterday. Do you want it? See if there are any props you can sell to me?" Chu Ming opened the door and saw


"Another one?!"

Doraemon's eyes lit up instantly, and he subconsciously reached out to look for props, but he was stunned.

He said dejectedly: "But now I don't have any props on me..."


Chu Ming was stunned, how could this be possible?

Doesn't the blue fat man always have props on him?

Don't they want to sell them to me?

Doraemon explained: "When we went out to explore, Fat Tiger insisted that I leave all the props in place, saying that there would be an adventure atmosphere without props!"

"Originally I had a random door, but it was eaten by a crocodile just now..."

Chu Ming was speechless, and he could almost immediately determine that this was the plot of a certain theater version.

In order to make the plot more interesting, the screenwriter of the theater version always tried every means to ban the blue fat man's props...

Chu Ming still remembered that when he was a child in his previous life, he was so angry that he cursed because of this when he watched a certain theater version of "Doraemon".

Damn, you don't allow me to use props, stupid screenwriter!

"It seems that I came at the wrong time today..." Chu Ming sighed helplessly and said, "Okay, I won't bother you today."


Doraemon was very disappointed. It finished the 40 Dorayaki yesterday in an hour. It was so unsatisfied that it was still greedy.

If I had known earlier, I would not have come to explore with Nobita and the others today...


Just then, it suddenly felt that there was something extra in its hand. It picked it up and found to its surprise that it was two Dorayaki!

At the same time, Chu Ming's voice sounded again: "I'll give you two, don't be polite, we are all brothers!"

"Wow! Thank you! You are such a good person!"

Doraemon was deeply moved and thanked the sky repeatedly.

After brushing a wave of favorability.

Chu Ming controlled his consciousness and left this world. He wanted to go back to reality directly.

But after thinking about it, he decided to go to other worlds to have a look.

Nothing to do, just want to take a stroll.

After all, I haven't traveled around the world for several days.

And... my mental power has improved so much, I should be able to enter some more advanced worlds now, right?

With some expectations, Chu Ming used his mental power and controlled his consciousness to "travel" in countless worlds in the world.

"Well, my consciousness can really enter more worlds... Hmm? What kind of creature is this? Why does it look like a parasite?"

"But the aura of this thing is a bit scary, at least it's platinum level?"

"I can't afford to offend it, go to the next world to have a look..."

It has to be said that the feeling of traveling in the world is still very wonderful. All kinds of strange and abstract creatures made Chu Ming say that it was eye-opening.

In just half an hour, he used his consciousness to stroll around more than 500 worlds.

The mental power was not consumed much, and it was still very abundant.

Not bad!

Finally, I can intuitively feel the improvement of mental power!

Chu Ming was quite satisfied. In the past, if he used his consciousness to enter more than a hundred worlds in a short period of time, he would feel dizzy and dizzy.

Now he can enter any world at will, crazy and rough!

But... it's still useless.

There is nothing useful to trade with these creatures.

After traveling through dozens of worlds, Chu Ming felt a little bored. Just as he was about to withdraw his consciousness, he was suddenly attracted by a certain world.

It was a low-level world.

But... the style of painting was the same as Doraemon, it was cartoon!

What the hell?

Encountered another animation world?

Is my luck so explosive?

Chu Ming's breathing suddenly became a little hurried, and he didn't hesitate, and directly prepared to enter this world with his consciousness.

"Eh? What the hell, the level of this world seems to be a bit high?"

Chu Ming was stunned, and he clearly felt that the level of this animation world was much higher than that of the Doraemon world, and the world consciousness was very powerful.

At least 90% of your mental power is needed to barely enter...

Wow, what kind of anime world is this?

Chu Ming was full of surprise and curiosity.

Having entered countless worlds, he had already summed up some experience.

The level of the world, or the strength of the world consciousness, depends on how many supernatural powers exist in this world.

Like the world of Doraemon... To be precise, it is Nobita's world.

Although there are many heaven-defying props, they are all brought by the blue fat man from the future. This world itself is very low-level and there is almost no supernatural power, just like the earth in the previous life.

Therefore, Chu Ming's consciousness entered it very easily and almost did not consume any energy.

What kind of mental power.

And this newly discovered animation world... must have a lot of supernatural powers.

It also means that he may be able to trade items in this world that are more awesome than Doraemon's props!

Chu Ming narrowed his eyes slightly, hesitated for a moment, and finally couldn't suppress his curiosity.

Directly called on most of the mental power and collided with the world consciousness of this world!

After a difficult confrontation.

Consciousness successfully inserted into this world!


A gloomy and dark forest came into view!


Chu Ming was stunned for a moment, not caring about the dizziness caused by excessive mental power consumption, his eyes were full of confusion and puzzlement.

Just because!

In the open space in the middle of the forest, he saw a huge castle with a wolf claw logo above the gate.

On the balcony of the castle, a humanoid wolf with a gray body, a broken leather hat, and a scar on his face was tinkering with a strange machine.

"Oh my god! Gray Wolf?!"

"Is its world... so high-level?"

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