The crowd on the antique street quickly fled.

Chu Ming glanced at the elderly people who were waiting to die, and hid in an empty alley with a blank expression.

He could already hear the sirens and the roar of armed helicopters not far away.

If he stayed on the street, he would soon be discovered by the police or soldiers and forcibly sent back to school.

In this era, students and young people with potential are the focus of protection, which represents the hope of a country.

As for the elderly... Not letting them go to the front line is already the last mercy.


Chu Ming put the two pieces of antique halberds on the ground, took out the restoration light flashlight from the Lingxu Pearl, turned on the switch, and shone it.

The antique halberd began to change at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The traces of decay caused by unknown substances on the surface slowly dissipated and became smooth, and the original black gold texture gradually revealed a bit of blood color.

It was irradiated for about twenty seconds.

There was a crisp sound!

The broken halberd merged into one, and the broken part was restored as before, without any trace of fracture.

The whole thing was more than three meters long, showing a scarlet color, faintly emitting powerful spiritual power fluctuations, and the breath was bloodthirsty and brutal.

"Sixth-grade spiritual weapon, Red Blood Halberd..."

Chu Ming muttered to himself, looking at the halberd on the ground and fell into deep thought.

This halberd has only a history of more than twenty years.

It took more than twenty seconds of irradiation with the restoration light to fully restore it.

If a diamond-level monster is irradiated with the restoration light... How long will it take to make its level fall below the fifth stage of platinum?

Chu Ming remembered that it was written in his high school textbook that the longer the monsters in the secret realm live, the stronger they are.

Diamond-level monsters... must have lived for at least thousands of years, right?

Then it would take at least several minutes of continuous exposure to the restoration light.

Chu Ming roughly calculated, then picked up the restoration light flashlight and took a closer look, and found that its switch had already shown signs of loosening.

Previously in Dongchuan City, on the way to the secret realm of the wronged souls, he used the restoration light many times to hide his identity.

Obviously, as he had initially thought, this thing would have a certain amount of loss every time it was used.

Moreover, the longer it was used each time, the greater the loss...

If he took action this time and used the restoration light to deal with the powerful monster that came out of the secret realm.

It is very likely that the restoration light flashlight would be scrapped on the spot.

Even if it is not scrapped, it is estimated that it will not be used for many times.

Chu Ming finally came to this conclusion and immediately fell into a dilemma.

He just got the artifact a few days ago and hasn't used it many times. He really can't bear to part with it!


That fraud brother is right. What does the life and death of others have to do with me?

I am not from this world. I am not the savior of the market!

I am not Luo Ji!

Chu Ming gritted his teeth and finally planned to go back to school to hide.

Just as he was about to put the Red Blood Halberd and the Restoration Light back into the Lingxu Pearl.

But he noticed that there were more than fifty Blood Spirit Dorayaki that had not been used up in that space.

Chu Ming was slightly stunned, and suddenly thought of something, with a gleam in his eyes.

Maybe... there is a win-win possibility that can save the city and make a profit for himself?

He pondered for a moment.

Chu Ming closed his eyes, activated his mental power, and activated [Trader of All Worlds].

Soon, he found the world of Doraemon in the heavens and all worlds.

Fortunately, the blue fat man had finished his adventure at this time, and was staying in Nobita's room reading comic books as usual.

Chu Ming narrowed his eyes slightly, and without saying a word, he directly sent two Dorayaki to it.


Doraemon was stunned at the time, his eyes suddenly burst into joy, and he threw away the comic book directly, picked up the Dorayaki and ate one by one.

After eating, it scratched its head in confusion and said: "Strange... How could there be two Dorayaki forgotten to eat?"


Chu Ming said speechlessly: "Is it possible that I gave it to you?"

Doraemon was stunned, and then he reacted: "It turned out to be you!"

It said cautiously: "Why did you suddenly give me Dorayaki? You are being nice for no reason..."

Chu Ming was too lazy to listen to its nonsense, and said directly: "Take out the polygraph you used last time, and I will give you five more Dorayaki."

Doraemon's face changed drastically: "No! I only have one polygraph! I can't sell it to

You! And... and five is too few, right?"

"I didn't say I wanted to buy it, I just asked you to take it out and lie to me."

"Ah? Why?"

"Just tell me whether you will take it or not!"

"No! You must have some other intentions!"

"Eight Dorayaki."

"How are you going to lie?"

Doraemon took out the lie detector at the speed of light, put it on the ground, and said with a well-behaved face.


Chu Ming's eyes twitched, and he asked unhappily: "Is the lie detector turned on?"

"It's on!"

"Okay, then listen to me."

Chu Ming took a deep breath and said seriously: "The city I am in now is facing the crisis of being destroyed, and it is very likely that hundreds of thousands of people will die."


The green light appeared on the lie detector.

It means that what he said is true.

"Several... hundreds of thousands of people? ! ”

Doraemon was stunned for a moment, and his eyes widened in horror: "Ah? Is your world so dangerous? Then...what are you going to do? Do you want my help?"

"Well, I'm here to ask you for help."

Chu Ming was a little surprised. He knew that the blue fat man was kind-hearted, but he didn't expect it to be so kind. He didn't even ask for it, and it took the initiative to ask for help.

Tsk... I'm a little embarrassed.

"What crisis are you in? How can I help you?" Doraemon asked hurriedly, his face full of tension, and he even forgot about Dorayaki.

"Well, please give me one... and sell me another restoration ray."

Chu Ming originally wanted to take this opportunity to ask for a lot of money, but for some reason, looking at the anxious look of the blue fat man, he couldn't speak for no reason.

Forget it, let's not blackmail a kind-hearted cartoon character...

"Ah? But I only have one restoration ray! "Doraemon suddenly became more anxious and turned around in the room.

Chu Ming frowned and was about to say something.

Doraemon suddenly stopped, rummaged in his four-dimensional pocket, and took out a piece of cloth with a clock pattern printed on it.

"This is called a time bag! Just like the restoration light, it has the function of restoring items! See if you can use it!"

"Time bag?"

Chu Ming was stunned, and his eyes lit up all of a sudden.

Fuck, this thing... is not worse than the restoration light at all!

Another time-related artifact!

Chu Ming suppressed his excitement and asked: "Doraemon, is there any limit to this prop? For example, how many times can it be used?"

Doraemon thought for a while and said: "Of course there is, but the time bag can be used tens of thousands of times, and generally it cannot be used up so many times. ”

“But, the restoration light you bought last time is very easy to be scrapped…”

Speaking of this, Doraemon said a little embarrassedly: “Well…mainly because I was afraid that you would use it to do bad things, I secretly dismantled several parts of it…”

Chu Ming: “?”

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