The two pots of green plants on the bedside table were originally only 20 centimeters high, but now they have grown dozens of meters of vines, entwining the bed, the ground and the ceiling. On the bed, a green figure sat cross-legged, his skin was as green as the finest jade, and between his breaths, he was wrapped in a large amount of wood spirit, rising and falling like waves. If someone saw this scene, they would definitely exclaim: I'm super! The Hulk! No, it's wrong. It should be: I'm super! Gold-level boss!

That's right, at this moment, Chu Ming has completely tempered his internal organs, making each of them a container of spiritual power, and the toughness has increased dramatically!

Even if you shoot his kidneys with a pistol, there will be no damage!

At the same time!

Chu Ming has successfully condensed a wood-type spiritual body, which is why his whole body is glowing green.

And this also means that he can enter the gold level at any time!

When a silver-level spiritual practitioner has tempered his heart, the level has reached the peak of silver, and every piece of skin, muscle, and internal organs on his body are filled with extremely pure spiritual power.

At this time, as long as a spiritual power formula of the third grade or above is cultivated to the third level, the conditions for condensing a spiritual body are available.

After the spiritual body is a small success, the spiritual power of the whole body returns to its original state and finally condenses at one point - the dantian.

When the dantian opens up a spiritual power ocean, commonly known as the spiritual sea, it means that the spiritual practitioner has officially entered the gold stage!

"Tsk, I have achieved a minor spiritual body, but it will take more than a short time to open up the spiritual sea..."

Chu Ming opened his eyes, and two green lights burst out, revealing a helpless look.

For more than two weeks, he was in seclusion to upgrade, and he was so hardworking that he didn't even look at a small piece.

He spent hundreds of intermediate spiritual beads, but he barely raised his spiritual power level from peak bronze to peak silver, and there was still a gap from gold level.

Fuck! How can it be so slow!

Chu Ming was quite dissatisfied. Although this upgrade speed was not ridiculously fast compared with other spiritual practitioners, it could only be said to be like a curvature spaceship compared to a snail.

There is a difference of nine small levels from peak bronze to peak silver. Even if ordinary geniuses have enough spiritual beads, it may take seven or eight years to reach it.

But Chu Ming was still not satisfied. This was far from his expectations. He originally thought that he could at least reach the gold level.

Chu Ming felt even more helpless after taking a look at the debris of the intermediate spirit beads scattered all over the ground.

As the level gets higher, the auxiliary effect of the intermediate spirit beads on cultivation becomes worse and worse. At the beginning, one spirit bead could offset ten days of cultivation time, but now it can't even offset one day.

It seems that when you reach the gold level, you must use the advanced spirit beads.

One hundred advanced spirit beads don't seem to be enough...

At most, they can help you cultivate to the fifth stage of the gold level, right?

After using them up, where can you get some advanced spirit beads or higher-level spirit crystals?

Chu Ming touched his chin and thought, wondering whether he should go to the safe of the provincial spiritual cultivation department again...

"Forget it, think about it later."

Shaking his head, Chu Ming put away his thoughts, looked at the vines that covered the entire room, narrowed his eyes, and his mind moved.


In an instant!

Those lush green vines seemed to have experienced decades of time in an instant, and quickly withered and died, turning into a pile of dead vines.

"Niu Bo Yi!"

Chu Ming's eyes flashed with joy, "It's worthy of being a fifth-grade spiritual skill!"

During this period, in addition to improving the spiritual power level.

He also spent nearly twenty pieces of memory bread to deduce "Wood Vine Technique" to the original fifth-grade spiritual skill, no... it should be called "Years" at this time.

The higher the level of spiritual skills and spells, the closer they are to the "essence" of a spiritual attribute.

For example, wood-related spiritual skills below the third grade can only condense wood vines, wood thorns, and tree trunks for physical attacks.

And the fourth-grade and above wood-related spiritual skills are the essence of wood-related spiritual energy - life!

After practicing "Years", a fifth-grade intermediate spiritual skill, to a thorough understanding, Chu Ming felt that he could control the life of all plants in a single thought.

It can make a towering tree wither and decay in an instant.

It can make a sapling grow into a century-old tree in an instant!

"Is this the reason why this spell is named "Years"? "

Chu Ming muttered to himself, very excited.

The most important thing is that he feels that he can also rely on "Years" to control the lives of other spiritual practitioners!

In a thought, he can make the other party look decades older or younger!

However... it is definitely not as arbitrary as controlling plant life. It will inevitably consume a lot of spiritual power, and the more powerful the spiritual practitioner, the worse the effect will be.

But no matter what, this is definitely a big trump card second only to Doraemon's props.

A fifth-grade intermediate wood-type spiritual skill should not be so powerful.

But... Chu Ming has a cheat!

Theoretically, the spells and spiritual skills in this world have nine stages of cultivation, which are the so-called nine layers and nine levels.

But most people can only cultivate to the third stage. If they can cultivate to the fifth stage or above, their comprehension can be regarded as the best among the heroes.

Therefore, after a general spiritual practitioner has cultivated a spell or spiritual skill to the third stage, if he wants to go further, he will definitely choose to cultivate a higher-grade one.

For example, after a black iron-level spiritual practitioner has cultivated a low-grade spell to the third level, he will most likely switch to a medium-grade spell to cultivate.

Instead of choosing to cultivate this low-grade spell to the fourth level, because it is too time-consuming.

But Chu Ming, relying on memory bread, can instantly cultivate every spell and spiritual skill to the ninth level and ninth level! And can also deduce the new stage behind!

Even, different spells or spiritual skills can complement each other and merge into a new higher-level spell or spiritual skill! For example, "Yi Mu Ling Jue".

This means.

Chu Ming's spiritual power quality and combat power can always absolutely crush all spiritual practitioners of the same level!

This! It's hanging on the wall!

"How much can the combat power be increased by cultivating the fifth-grade spiritual skills to the ninth level? At least thirty times, right?"

Chu Ming's eyes flashed with brilliance, secretly estimating his current maximum combat power.

The average combat power of the peak silver level is infinitely close to 100,000. With the quality of his spiritual power... it's not too much to multiply it by two, right?

That is, 200,000.

If the ninth-level "Years" can increase combat power by thirty times, then his maximum combat power value... wouldn't it be more than 6 million?

That is comparable to the ordinary platinum sixth stage, which has surpassed Chen Xiuyuan!

This is just Chu Ming's conservative estimate, and it must be higher in reality.

If you want to know the specific number, you can only rely on instrument testing... No, when the combat power exceeds one million, you can only use magic arrays to test the combat power.

But no instrument can withstand a million combat power. After all, this is a combat power that can knock down a concrete building with one punch...

Six million combat power can knock down six buildings!

Well, it seems a bit hasty to calculate like this...

Shaking his head, Chu Ming stopped thinking about these messy things. After roughly calculating his combat power, he felt that he could go to the college entrance examination with confidence. If he really encountered something, he could run away!

Then he picked up his mobile phone and looked at the time.

June 8, 168th year of the Resurrection Calendar, three o'clock in the morning.

"Well, after three hours of sleep and rest, I can go directly to the college entrance examination!"

Chu Ming stretched his body.

After upgrading continuously for more than two weeks day and night, even though he had reached the peak of silver and condensed his spirit body, he felt a little sleepy.

Take a nap!

At the same time, next to his bed, there was a wooden box with some soil in it, and on top of the box, there was a bag with a clock pattern printed on it.

Before Chu Ming went into seclusion, he took out a few seedlings of second-grade spiritual herbs from the Lingxu Pearl, but he didn't know what they were.

With a trial mentality, he planted a few seedlings in the soil and covered them with a time bag to see what they would look like when they matured.

Then... Chu Ming forgot about them.

At this time, a bright green light was faintly visible under the time bag, and a rich breath of life was slowly flowing...

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