The atmosphere on the podium was a little subtle for a while.

Xue Hongfa and Xiao Chuanbo were silent, feeling that something was wrong.

At this time.

A candidate from Xingzhou suddenly said with a bit of joking: "By the way, where is the genius from Yuzhou who has awakened his S-level talent? It is said that he has already reached 2,000 combat power, right? Where is he? He won't give up the exam, right?"

"Could it be that he knew that our two cities were going to merge the city exams, and he was afraid of losing face and didn't dare to come?"

Upon hearing this, several other candidates from Xingzhou also showed a bit of strangeness on their faces.

Indeed, among the candidates from Yuzhou in the entire city exam, the one with the highest combat power was Gu Yuexi, who was only about 1,400.

Where did the person who awakened the [Trader of All Worlds] go?

Didn't he say that he already has a combat power of 2000? Why haven't I seen his shadow?

Did he really give up the exam?

Xue Hongfa said disdainfully: "Heh, what's the use even if that person comes? That useless S-level talent, let alone compare with my brother Chu, even I can't compare!"

After saying that, he smiled and looked at Chu Ming, "Brother Chu, are you right?"

Chu Ming nodded seriously: "Well, I think you are right."

Although the tone was serious, he had a tense expression on his face.


Xue Hongfa's smile froze, and the feeling of something wrong in his heart suddenly became stronger.

Turning his head to look at Xiao Chuanbo and others, he found that they were looking at him with a look of idiot.

And Lu Qing, Chen Xiuyuan and a group of principals also looked at him with a very strange expression, as if they wanted to say something but stopped.

"What's wrong?"

Xue Hongfa was completely confused.

Why are you looking at me like that?

Something is wrong... It must be 120% wrong!

Not only him, but also the ten candidates from Xingzhou who went on stage to receive the awards, except Guo Ziang who had no expression on his face, all the others were also confused, realizing that something seemed a little wrong.

"Didn't you notice that only nine people came up from Yuzhou?" Guo Ziang suddenly spoke, with a bit of sarcasm in his tone.


Xue Hongfa and others were stunned, and after counting carefully, they found that it was true!

Ten people came up from Xingzhou, but only nine from Yuzhou!

Aren't the top ten from both cities supposed to go on stage to receive the awards?

So, who is the one missing from Yuzhou?

Why is there one more person from Xingzhou?

How strange...

Xue Hongfa pondered for a moment, nodded thoughtfully: "So the top ten in our Xingzhou are eleven people?"

"...Not forty-one, but eleven people."

"Ninety-one people?"


Several candidates from Xingzhou suddenly started talking nonsense in a low voice.

Because they thought of an incredible possibility, the CPU was a little overloaded for a while.

Brother Chu...can't he be from Yuzhou?

And he is the awakener of the [Trader of All Worlds]? ? ?

It shouldn't be?


It's unscientific...

And just as Xue Hongfa and others doubted their lives.

The thousands of candidates under the stage also looked at the high platform in unison. Whether it was the candidates from Xingzhou or Yuzhou, they all had unparalleled pride and complacency in their eyes.

Especially the candidates from Xingzhou, each of them was radiant.

This combined city exam is so cool!

The top ten are all from their Xingzhou!

There is also a peerless monster, Brother Chu!

This pretense is even better than setting up!


Just at this moment.

Chen Xiuyuan picked up the microphone, and the voice came from the radio: "Okay! The award ceremony officially begins!"

"Please invite our General Lu Qing to present the city exam awards to the top ten candidates in the two cities!"

"First! The first place in Yuzhou City - Chu Ming!"

As soon as the voice fell.


"Ohhhhh! Chu Shen is awesome!"


"Awesome! The light of Yuzhou!!!"

The Yuzhou candidates below suddenly burst into a deafening cheer!

Xingzhou candidates: "o_0??"

Suddenly, more than 2,000 candidates on the Xingzhou side fell into a confused and stunned silence.

Chu Ming?

Who is Chu Ming?

Just when they were wondering if Chen Xiuyuan had pronounced the name wrong.

On the high platform.

Lu Qing took a small exquisite box, walked to Chu Ming and handed it to him.

This scene.

Instantly made more than 2,000 people in Xingzhou

U stops running.

This, this is not right?

Isn't he Ji Bochu, the only survivor of Xingzhou Nanyuan Middle School?

How did he become Chu Ming from Yuzhou? ?

I'm so... I traveled through time?

Where did I come from?

Is this still China? ? ?

The Xingzhou candidates were buzzing and stunned for a long time.


Someone exclaimed: "Fuck! Chu Ming? The Chu Ming who awakened the S-level talent in Yuzhou? I just thought that this Ji Bochu looked like Chu Ming! I didn't expect it was really him!"

Just like a stone stirred up a thousand waves, the Xingzhou candidates exploded instantly!

"Me too! I've seen Chu Ming's photo online before! Damn Ji Bochu! We've all been fooled by him!"

"Damn it, I was wondering why the name Ji Bochu is so abstract, I just thought it was a fake name!"

"That's right! You actually believed such a fake pseudonym? I'm convinced!"

"? Just now you were the one who yelled 'Chu Shen Niubi' the loudest!"

"...If I don't yell, wouldn't it seem like I'm not in line with the group?!"

A group of Xingzhou candidates finally reacted, and they were spitting excitedly.

The person who was still yelling 'Chu Shen Niubi' the last second now shouted angrily: "I fucking knew he was Chu Ming a long time ago!"

However, no matter how hard these people tried to save face, their faces were still burning with pain, as if they had been slapped twice.

Damn it! This wave of shame is numb!

Throughout the city exam, they were actually cheering for a candidate from the next city?

And mocking the neighboring city because a genius came out of the neighboring city?

What the hell...

Who wrote this plot?

What the hell idiot wrote this plot? !

The Xingzhou candidates were immediately defeated.

And on the podium.

Xue Hongfa and others were not much better, staring blankly at Chu Ming receiving the first prize from Lu Qing.

In their minds, it was like a revolving lantern, playing the scenes of being brothers with Chu Ming and cheering for him.

For a moment, they seemed to be wearing invisible clown masks.

After all this time... We were all fooled by this Chu Ming? !

Chu Ming ignored their resentful eyes and looked at the small box of rewards in his hand expectantly.

The reward for the first place in the city's college entrance examination must be better than the reward for the third mock exam, right?

He opened the box without hesitation, but was stunned. There was a red spiritual herb inside. Judging from the medicinal power it was just a first-grade spiritual herb?

"No, this is the reward for the city champion?!"

Chu Ming looked at Lu Qing in disbelief, but the latter looked at Chen Xiuyuan with the same puzzled look.

Because the city exam rewards are prepared by the spiritual cultivation department of each city.

"Uh..." Chen Xiuyuan scratched his head and smiled awkwardly: "Hehe, the safe of our spiritual cultivation department was stolen not long ago, and we are a little tight at the moment...please forgive me!"


Chu Ming's eyes twitched.

Is this what he deserves?

Forget it...

Let's look forward to the rewards for the provincial champion and the national champion.

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