All People Transfer Job: Pupil Master, God Will Kill You

Chapter 21 - Great Harvest, Win Hemp! (Ask For A Flower Evaluation Ticket For A Reward)

【Mangekyō Sharingan】

【Left Eye】: Mirror image.

[Right Eye]: In a dream.

Left eye ability: The eye is like a mirror, it can copy the ability it sees and use it repeatedly, the next ability will automatically forget the previous ability, and the person who sees at the same time will be able to copy it and summon it to be used by the host.

The combat power possessed by the clone will be calculated by the stamina consumed.

At the same time, the Host's eyes can generate a mirror.

The harm done to the person in the mirror will be returned to the person.

The mirror breaks the hand, the reality breaks the hand, the mirror person dies, the person dies!

Right eye ability: Can have the ability to pull people into a dream, with countless abilities in a dream, and Death in a dream, and Death in reality as well. (Note: The cooling time of pulling people into a dream is once a year, and the pupil technique can be increased to reduce the cooling.

And the ability to enter a dream needs to be within the range of the target before you can enter the dream, otherwise you cannot enter the dream. )

two abilities.

Simply invincible!

The ability of a mirror, with copy, damage and other abilities.

Another dream is able to pull a person into the dream to kill.

This is also similar to Freddy's ability.

In the dream, he is the invincible existence.

"Hey, Bai Ye, give me a message, your eyes..."


Bai Ye nodded, then continued: "Untie the magic barrier, just watch me come!"

"it is good!"

Xia Ningmeng nodded, and then closed the magic barrier.

The prop also dissipated at the moment of closing.


Poison Elvis and Thunder Guyno have been waiting for a long time.

Bai Ye's left eye Mangekyō turned wildly.


A mirror appeared in front of Bai Ye.

in the middle of the mirror.

Both Elvis Presley and Guy Nora are reflected in it.

"No, are you playing with the atmosphere by getting a mirror at this time?!"


You come up with a mirror.

What is this for?

"It looks good."

Say it.

Bai Ye punched the mirror directly.


The mirror shattered.

Countless blood flowed out of Bai Ye's left eye.

Immediately afterwards, Poison Elvis and Lulei Guy Luo shattered and dissipated together with the mirror at the same time, leaving no ash.

A sudden fainting sensation struck.

Behind him, Xia Ningmeng quickly caught Bai Ye.

【Ding! Your teammate Bai Ye killed Poison Elvis with Mirror Shatter. The reward: 10,000 experience points and a Poison Elvis card. 】

【Ding! Your teammate Bai Ye uses Mirror Shatter to kill the Thunder Guy Luo, reward: 10,000 experience points, and a Thunder Guy Luo card. 】

"Fuck, are you alright?"

Instant kill!


"It's not a big problem, I just feel a little dizzy."

I have to say that Bai Ye is even more dizzy with this brain pad wave.

It's like sitting in a lonely boat on the sea.

Barely opened his eyes.

That realization, incomparably vague.

Forcibly killing a monster stronger than himself consumes such a large amount of pupil strength and physical strength.

Bai Ye also secretly thought that it was a pity.

【Ding! Defeat monsters to complete the unique secret realm, reward: a special treasure chest. 】

"Let's treat Bai Ye first in late autumn!"


Xia Wanqiu raised his hand, and a soft white light covered Bai Ye's left eye.

"No, this is just a bit too expensive."

This trick.

Huge consumption.

Bai Ye feels that he will exchange for another Kamui later.

After the double eye surgery, own eyes will automatically be promoted to the eternal Mangekyō.

This way, there is no need to fear blindness anymore.

He knew very well that his ability, if it weren't for the eternal Mangekyō, would probably lead to blindness after a few uses.

It's just too buggy.

【Ding! The special treasure chest is defeated, and the reward: 200,000 experience points, 200,000 energy coins.

Equipment: Black Knife Dark Moon (artifact), God's Stone (legendary), Sacred Charm (hurricane)

Items: Alchemist's Deputy Profession Transfer Book, Outer Meteorite, Sacred Equipment Synthesizer...]

In addition to the rare props in front.

There will be many recovery medicines and so on.

200,000 experience points, 40,000 per person, plus 20,000 from the previous two monsters.

A total of 60,000 experience points have been added here.

And Bai Ye's level also increased from ten second-level to ten fourth-level.

【Bai Ye】

【Occupation】: Pupils

[Level]: 14 (2.5W/4W)

【Physical Strength】: 280

【Mental Energy】: 650

[Pupilation Ability]: White Eyes, Mangekyō (mirror into a dream)

[Other abilities]: Revolving Heaven

I have to say that Mangekyō's improvement is simply huge.

The points also reached 150,000.

It seems that this is also a lot richer.

Next, just exchange for Kamui Hitomi Technique.

【Black Knife Dark Moon】(Artifact)

Weapon Attack +400

[Special]: The attack has a curse effect, the double resistance of the cursed person is reduced, and the attacked person will be in a blinding state for a while, and at the same time, a dark attribute state is added. When fighting at night, it can absorb moonlight to restore itself, and increase by 30% attack power.


【Stone of God】(Legend)

Stamina +300

Mental Energy+300

[Special]: The damage is increased by 30%, and the consumption is reduced by 30%. At the same time, it can store energy into it. When the user needs to use it, the stored energy can be extracted from it, and the protective stone has the ability to revive the equipped person once. At the same time, as an item once used by Goddess of Luck, there is a trace of charm in it that no one has ever cracked. (The only binding equipment)


【Sacred Charm (Hurricane)】(Artifact)

Stamina +150

Mental Energy+200

[Special]: All attributes are increased by 10%, and the attack speed, release speed and movement speed are increased by 5%. When attacking, there is a 10% chance to summon a hurricane attack.


[Alchemist Sub-Professional Transfer Book]: You can transfer to a sub-professional alchemist. Note: You can only transfer to a sub-professional if you want to support the profession.

[Tianwai Meteorite]: The celestial meteorite is used to create artifacts and above, and requires a highly skilled blacksmith to use it.

[Sacred Equipment Synthesizer]: After use, two pieces of equipment can be combined to combine the effects of the equipment, and at the same time, new abilities can be activated. Note: Equipment of the same level and type is required.

Three pieces of equipment, three props.

Bai Ye and others were also shocked at this moment.

This property is simply...

It's a bountiful harvest! !


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