All-People Transfer: My Skills Are Automatically Maxed Out!

Chapter 77 The legendary powerhouse is coming! Where is this kid a monster! [Please subscribe for cu

The trial officers in the entire southeast corner made a sound of surprise, and even attracted the eyes of the trial officers in the other corners. .

"Golden City?"

"Isn't that a small town near the Blackrock Mountains, if I remember correctly?

"It seems that it has stayed on the twenty-first floor for decades and has not changed.""

"Now it has soared directly to the twenty-sixth floor?"

There was something incredible in the eyes of everyone.

Could it be that there is something wrong with this trial tower?


Everyone shook their heads.

"It shouldn't be. The trial tower is the foundation of my Yanlong Kingdom. How could there be a problem with the strange objects that many demigods and powerhouses returned from Tongtian Divine Tower together.""

"It seems that Jincheng also has a good genius this time! 39

The trial officers showed amazement in their eyes.

But not too shocked.

after all.

The twenty-sixth floor was indeed a record-breaking event for a small remote city, but the entire White Tiger main city was under the jurisdiction.

Geniuses who can reach such heights are not as common as crucian carp crossing the river.

But that's not to say it's rare.

"Not bad, it seems that the great world is coming soon!

"Even in a small town like Jincheng, there are talented people who have broken through to the twenty-sixth floor. They can already be selected as the seed players of our White Tiger Main City, and then they can replace our White Tiger Main City in the national trial!"

The eyes of the people were still very happy.

The more geniuses that appear in the main city of the White Tiger, the greater the possibility that the main city of the White Tiger will achieve excellent results in the national trials in the future.

This will allocate more resources.

In this world where monsters are rampant and games and reality merge, various precious resources are still extremely scarce.

Competition is required.

"Send a few people over there? 35

"Although the talents of small towns may not have the solid foundations of those of big cities, they have even greater potential. If you cultivate them well, you will have great achievements in the future!

Everyone nodded.

This is the truth. "Five Ninety Seven"

Reaching the same height on the basis of enjoying resources far inferior to those of the big city must mean stronger talent.

We are discussing sending those people there.

At this moment.

A spirited white-haired old man walked in. The old man was dressed as a warrior. The big sword behind him was like a door panel, and his voice was extremely loud:

"Jincheng, right? Let me go!"

The trial officers hurriedly stood up and saluted, with extremely respectful attitudes, and said in unison:

"I have seen Palace Master Wu! 35

Everyone's eyes were full of surprise, and they couldn't understand why the old man in front of him was interested in going to Jincheng.

To know.

This old man's identity is unusual.

It is the deputy head of the five top universities in the Yanlong Kingdom, the White Tiger Academy, Wu Jiangwei!

The dignified legendary peak powerhouse!

Looking at the entire Yanlong Kingdom, they are well-known bigwigs.

Wu Jiangwei waved his hand, glanced at the twinkling Jincheng Tower, and couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

Another black-clothed old man next to him joked and said:

"Old ghost Wu, what are you doing in such a remote town when you are so idle?"

The trial officers were shocked.

Anyone who dares to call Palace Master Wu like that must be a boss of the same level!

Someone quietly looked up, and suddenly his heart was shocked, and he took a breath of cold air.

"The seventh elder of the Magic Research Association, Cao Dong!

Magic Research Society.

However, the huge power standing at the top of Yanlong Kingdom spanned the five major cities, and Cao Dong in front of him was the most powerful figure among them!

The strength may be even higher than Wu Jiangwei!

Wu Jiangwei didn't care about Cao Dong's name either, he laughed and said:

"There just happened to be a disciple in Jincheng, and it's fine anyway, just take this opportunity to take a look and go together?"

Cao Dong nodded indifferently:

"Go, it's only an hour or two left or so. 35


The staff in Cao Dong's hand suddenly burst into bursts of faint golden light, and then, under the shocked gazes of everyone.

A pale golden two-person portal appeared on the spot.

"Let's go!"

"It's still your mage who is comfortable, you don't have to leave the teleportation formation.

Wu Jiangwei clicked his tongue twice.

Step into the portal with Cao Dong and disappear into the trial hall.

Only one after another shocked gaze remained:

"Just now...that's a portal that legendary mages are too little to master? Once you know the coordinates of the destination, you can teleport to a fixed point!

"As expected of the Magic Research Society, it has a profound background!"

The crowd sighed with emotion.

Then he turned his head and continued to work on his own affairs. Since big figures like Wu Jiangwei and Cao Dong went to Jincheng in person, it was no longer necessary to arrange for other people to go there.


The twenty-sixth floor of the trial tower.

After Jiang Li sent out a meteor shower and extinguished the two flaming sawtooth tigers, he didn't know that the big figures in the main city of the White Tigers had already arrived.

him at this time.

He is looking at the sixth winner's suit component with joy in his eyes.

Victor's Cloak!

The familiar black and gold cloud pattern forms a mysterious magic symbol, rendering the whole cloak handsome, even better than the devil cloak.

Say something.

The higher the quality of the equipment, the more beautiful it is basically.

【Victor's Cloak】

Quality: Gold

Attributes: Spirit +1000, Constitution +1000, Victory Oath with additional skills (can form a temporary contract with creatures, and must not hurt each other)

Requirements: Iv26 or above, Mage occupation

There was joy in Jiang Li's eyes.

It is indeed a high-grade golden weapon.

Although the demon cloak is also a golden weapon, its properties are much worse in comparison.

In particular, the Victor's Cloak's Spirit +1000 attribute makes Jiang Li unable to refuse, so even if the Devil's Cloak has the Devil's Eye, a very good skill.

Jiang Li can only replace it.

"It seems that I have to buy some stealth-piercing skills in the future, otherwise it is not a problem to rely on the skills attached to the equipment.

But it's not a big problem.

Jiang Li is guarded by the Earth Shield and has a variety of damage skills covering a wide range of areas. He is not afraid of assassins' sneak attacks, and he can also use skills to wash the ground to make the assassins invisible.

"The oath of victory is also a good skill, and it may play a good role in some critical moments.

Jiang Li nodded inwardly.

What he couldn't refuse the most was.

After putting on the victor's cape.

The attribute of the winner's suit has finally been successfully activated!

Victor's Suit Attribute One (6/9): Increases the Mage's total spiritual attributes by 10%!

Look at the properties of this suit.

Jiang Li's eyes lit up!

What attribute is most important to him? It is definitely a spiritual attribute!

The full-level skills make his skill damage bonus very exaggerated, and every bit of spiritual attribute improvement is quite powerful!

The winner's suit is a full 10%!

Putting on the Victor's Cloak, Jiang Li's Spiritual Attribute reaches 9700, and then increases by 10%, that is 10670!

It's over a million!

This is an attribute that can only be achieved by Iv30 bronze professionals!

Jiang Li was delighted.

In this way, your own tower will be faster!

have to say.

Jiang Li's breakthrough in the entire trial tower has formed a positive feedback!

The stronger he is, the higher the number of layers he has broken through, the better the reward he will get, and the stronger the strength, the higher the number of layers.

"Rush rush!"

"With three suits left, you can collect the entire winner's suit, which means that I only need to get to the twenty-ninth floor!""

Jiang Li's spirit was suddenly high.

Under the gaze of everyone in Jincheng, they took Mo Qingqing and the two to step into the door of light to the next floor.

Seeing Jiang Li finally went to the next floor, which is the twenty-seventh floor.

Everyone's eyes showed excitement.

at this time.

Only the last four floors are left until the final clearance!

One by one, the sound of breathing began to rush.

That distant dream seems to be slowly starting to become real?

Many big figures in Jincheng are also not calm.

The fists are subconsciously clenched.

Even if they were used to seeing strong winds and waves, they were a little suffocated when they faced the miraculous achievement of clearing the trial tower.

This is the supreme glory of the entire Golden City!

If the previous record was broken enough to make them cheer, but clearing the 30th floor trial tower is really something they can't even imagine.

Just when everyone was engrossed in watching the game.

A pale golden door of light suddenly flashed in the void next to it.

With the slightest magic fluctuations.

Immediately after.

Two powerful figures walked out, and they stood in the void so naturally, as relaxed and natural as walking on the ground!

Many big figures in Jincheng were attracted by this magical fluctuation, and turned their heads in unison, and their eyes suddenly showed shock:


Immediately afterwards, they all sucked in the cold air.

This is a powerful spell that ordinary legendary mages cannot master, but anyone who can master it is either the best among the legendary mages, or a stronger sanctuary powerhouse!

Only after Bai Buyan was shocked, he revealed the joy from his heart, and he blurted out in surprise:

"Teacher? Why are you here!"

He was the disciple of Wu Jiangwei, the deputy head of the White Tiger Academy.

Bai Buyan respectfully drove the griffin under him and landed in front of Wu Jiangwei, with an extremely respectful attitude.

A middle-aged man is like a child, with deep admiration in his eyes.

At that time, he studied at the White Tiger Academy, and by chance, he worshipped Wu Jiangwei as his teacher.

It can be said.

He can have today's achievements, a large part of the reason is Wu Jiangwei's handwriting.

Wu Jiangwei was also very happy when he saw his students, he couldn't help laughing, patted Baibuyan on the shoulder and said:

"Xiao Bai, you did a good job. When I asked you to go to Dashan City to be the city owner, you wanted to go back to Jincheng, saying that you wanted to break the record of Jincheng's trial tower. I didn't expect you to do it, and it far exceeded your goal. what.

"Not bad, worthy of being a student of my Wu Jiangwei.

After receiving the award from his teacher, Bai Buyan's eyes were full of excitement, and his chest subconsciously stood up.

But immediately.

He scratched his head a little embarrassedly and said:

"I'm ashamed to say, Jiang Li's appearance was a complete accident, and the disciple also picked up a ready-made bargain. 35

"Oh, Jiang Li is the young man who is still breaking into the tower. He is breaking into the twenty-seventh floor now!"

Bai Buyan reacted immediately.

Knowing that my master 80% knew that someone in Jincheng had passed through the twenty-sixth floor, and just happened to drop by to see him together.

So he quickly introduced Jiang Li's current situation to the two.

Although he doesn't know the old man in black next to him, judging from the unfathomable aura and the means of using the portal, he is definitely not an ordinary magician!

After seeing the teacher who was actually the city owner coming, many big figures in the golden city beside him were also respectful at this time, and did not dare to overstep.

This world is extremely strict.

Although the legend is only one step higher than the epic, it is very different.

Hear this.

Wu Jiangwei and Cao Dong suddenly became interested.

Wild genius?

This seems a bit interesting.

Look away.

I saw Jiang Li was attracting monsters on the twenty-seventh floor.

Wu Jiangwei showed a smile on the corner of his mouth:

"A very smart boy, he knows to use every opportunity to enhance his strength, but someone has tried this a long time ago, and the growth he gets won't be too..."

Not finished yet.

Wu Jiangwei's face suddenly froze!

On the magic projection screen, the huge crimson fireballs of the meteor fire shower instantly killed all the monsters!

There was a hint of confusion in his eyes, and when he turned his head to look, he saw that old friend Cao Dong was also stunned.

He even said with some uncertainty:

" this a meteor shower??""

As a legendary peak powerhouse among mages, Cao Dong can of course recognize that this is a meteor shower.

But the point is.

The power of this Nima Meteor Shower seems to be a little too perverted??

Ordinary gold professionals are just like that, right?

The two of them subconsciously looked at the gold ranking list next to them.

Jiang Li, Master, lv27.

"It's just an ordinary mage??"

The two were completely stunned.

Originally thought that Jincheng just appeared a genius this time, the two didn't even take it to heart.

Seeds are not bad after all.

But back then, they also passed through this level, even higher.

But this time.

After seeing this extraordinary meteor shower, the two suddenly became interested.

"This genius of Jincheng seems to be a little unexpected?"

Wu Jiangwei waved his hand and stopped Bai Buyan's explanation.

He wanted to take it slow for himself.

On the magic screen.

Waves of monsters fell under the meteor shower, so Wu Jiangwei and Cao Dong, who saw this scene for the first time, couldn't help but be amazed, and turned their heads to ask Xiang Baibuyan:

"This kid named Jiang Li has always been like this?"

Bai Buyan hurriedly said:

"That's right, Jiang Li should start from the first floor and climb the tower slowly, and it takes half an hour for each floor to go to the next floor. According to estimates, he should have risen to at least six levels!


Wu Jiangwei and the two suddenly took a breath of cold air in their hearts.

Level 6??!

this efficiency.

Just a little calculation to know how many monsters died in Jiang Li's hands, and this, in disguise, shows how powerful Jiang Li is!

The two people's interest in Jiang Li has never been higher!


Jiang Li came to the gatekeeper boss on the twenty-seventh floor again.

Wu Jiangwei and the two were shocked.

Eyes began to condense, no matter how good the performance of the mobs in front, it depends on the final guard boss, the design of the whole 3.8 trial towers, the guard boss is the most important!

The guard boss on the twenty-seventh floor.

The same two ends!

Two golden bosses of Iv27!

All Jincheng people waited with bated breath, although they were a little nervous, but when they thought of the horror of the big dungeon just now, their hearts were filled with confidence.

It seems that in front of that terrifying cage, the golden bosses of lv26 and Iv27 will not be much different?

And Wu Jiangwei, who had just arrived, was full of curiosity in front of them.

I don't know how this young man will pass the test.


The battle begins.

Jiang Li, who has just put together the components of the winner's suit, goes one step further!

The mental attribute reaches 10670, which is enough to make the damage of the big dungeon cage reach a terrifying level of close to 1.7 million!

Three full waves.

That's a full 5 million!

What a terrible injury this is.

The golden boss of lv27 is only about 8 million HP.

"Twisting Mist!"

The two bosses began to kill each other!

"Meteor shower!"

The first round of flame rain began to wash the ground, and the blood volume of the two bosses dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"The Great Dungeon Cage!"

The terrifying cage of soil reappears, making everyone in Jincheng boil!

Waves of earth thrusts caused exaggerated damage, and both bosses were poked with huge blood holes.

"Meteor shower!"

The last wave of flame rain ended.

The two bosses were successfully killed!

Twenty-seventh floor, customs clearance!

Familiar formula, familiar operation!

Everyone in Jincheng couldn't help themselves with excitement!

This means that the latter layers can also be done in the same way!!

Clearance seems to be right in front of you!

On the other hand, Wu Jiangwei and Cao Dong were completely overwhelmed by shock. The two looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes:

"Fuck, where did this kid come from?

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