All-People Transfer: My Skills Are Automatically Maxed Out!

Chapter 92 Black Dragon Boots! Flame Explosion! Monster Infighting! Braised Flying Dragon! [Subscrib

After clearing the wave of monsters just now, the harvest was quite good.

There are more than 100 pieces of various equipment below gold alone, most of which are exploding from elite monsters and bosses, and a small number are exploding from mobs.

In the abyss-level dungeon secret realm.

The explosion rate of the mobs has also been greatly increased.

These equipments were sold for money later, Jiang Li just glanced at them a little and didn't pay any more attention.

The focus is still on a few more precious treasures in the hands.

The first is the epic treasure that Jiang Li is most concerned about!

I didn't have time to check it during the previous battle, so I started checking it right away.

This is a pair of combat boots, with a pair of tiny black dragon wings on the back of the combat boots, which looks very handsome.

【Black Dragon Boots】

Quality: Epic

Attributes: Agility +20000, Constitution +10000, Movement Speed ​​+50, Black Dragon Jump with additional skills (you can charge and jump in any direction, don't worry about the shock, cooldown 5 seconds)

Requirements: Iv35 and above

A surprise light sputtered in Jiang Li's eyes.

It is worthy of the epic equipment of lv35!

The basic attributes alone have increased by 30,000!

Simply exaggerated.

Not to mention the skills that come with that!

Black Dragon Jump!

It can be said.

Half of the value of this epic boot is concentrated on this additional skill, Jiang Li has never seen an additional skill with such a short cooldown.

It's almost catching up with his full-level skills.

It can be added to your own combat system as a frequently used skill.

The charge jump of the Jackal King just now gave him a great impression, but he didn't expect to rely on this pair of boots to do it.

"This pair of boots should be the reward of the Black Dragon monarch to his dependents, but unfortunately, it will cost me less!

With the black dragon jump, with the devil's wings.

Jiang Li's mobility is greatly improved.

It can work wonders when it is not suitable for flickering.

For example, when the king of the jackal "683" used the dark three consecutive slashes before, Flicker could only avoid two of them due to the distance of only 90 meters.

But if there is a black dragon jumping.

It can be completely avoided!

"The only pity is that these boots can only be used after Iv35.

Jiang Li smacking his lips regretfully.

"But it's not a big problem. After I clear the dungeon, it won't be a problem to upgrade to lv35! 55

"You can wear it when you go out to complete the promotion task! 35


Now that the winner's suit is in a system, a single piece of epic equipment is really not enough for Jiang Li to replace this golden equipment.

That might actually reduce his strength.

"Just in no hurry, kill the remaining three golden bosses, and you can explode a few pieces of epic equipment, which can be replaced together at that time!

Jiang Li's thoughts turned in his mind.

Thinking of the three golden bosses I saw through the purple tree before.

Black Scale Flying Dragon!

Dog Demon Chief!

And the strongest demigod!

"Today they were fooled, and it is estimated that the dark tide will not be so easy to hunt tomorrow, and then we will see who to start with."

Put those thoughts aside.

Jiang Li continued to look at the next two pieces of gold equipment.

【The Ring of the Gnoll】

Quality: Gold

Attribute: Strength +4000, with 50 cubic storage space

Requirements: lv35 or above, warrior class

This is the best ring that can be used by warriors, with a full 4000 strength blessing.

It is a rare storage device.

"Not bad, this storage equipment at least doubles the ring of the Gnoll Ring! It is comparable to some low-level epic equipment. 35

Jiang Li was in a pretty good mood.

Before he knew it, his pace had begun to catch up with the four major families of Jincheng.

for these families.

It is not easy to get an epic equipment, but Jiang Li is much easier than them.

The reason is simple.

Jiang Li has the strength far beyond the same level, so he can go down to some dangerous dungeon secret realms and single-handedly kill golden bosses of the same level or even several levels higher.

The drop rate of such equipment will receive an additional bonus from the Will of the World.

So it seems that the equipment is so good to get.


Not to mention epic-level treasures for other professionals, gold-level treasures are hard to get.

For example, Yan Jun, the head of the Yan family.

After so many years of business, he has not collected a set of golden equipment for his own use, so he knows the difficulty.

The remaining piece of gold equipment is a pair of bracers.

【Bloodthirsty Bracers】

Quality: Gold

Attributes: Armor + 5000, Health + 50000, with 1% all-powerful blood-sucking effect,

Requirements: lv35 and above

No restrictions on occupation, Jiang Li can also use it.

Especially the all-around blood-sucking effect made Jiang Li's eyes shine.

This means that both physical damage and magic damage can cause a lifesteal effect.

"It's good, well, you can put it on later if the winner's suit is replaced.

These three pieces of equipment are the most precious.

But among the treasures under the pile of gold, Jiang Li also saw a treasure that suits him.

A gnoll mage burst out.

Bronze level skill book!


"Just to supplement my output method! 35

Joy flashed in Jiang Li's eyes.

Learn to Pyroblast without any hesitation.

Talent takes effect automatically!

Fire burst instantly full level!

Pyroblast Iv30: Bronze skill, detonates fire elements on the sole of the enemy's feet, forming a burst of flames, consuming 200 mana, causing damage of spirit x150, chant time 0.5 seconds, cooldown time 2.2 seconds.


Unexpectedly, the damage of the pyrotechnic explosion is even higher than that of the whirlwind blade.

A full 150 times the bonus of spiritual attributes, with Jiang Li's current 45600 spiritual attributes, that is 6.84 million!

What's more, you can also turn on the 30% fire attribute skill increase of the epic ring Lava Heart.

Not inferior to the whirlwind blade after the blessing!

"Yes, it's easier to kill bosses now.""


There are also more than 20 dark crystals, which directly let Jiang Li complete his promotion task.

If he wants.

Now you can choose to quit the dungeon secret realm, and after handing over the total of more than 30 dark crystals to the elf sacrifice, you can directly be promoted to silver professional.

But how could Jiang Li be so satisfied.


Get more dark crystals!

Exceeded the promotion task!

Even into the inner city to see.

is what he wants.

After the harvest inventory was completed, Jiang Li was satisfied.

At this time, the dark tide in the outside world was already in a stable state, and the incomparably angry roar of the black dragon above the isolated central peak in the distance could be faintly heard.

Anyone who was lucky enough to be thrown into the world bubble when the world merged.

And it is an underground world with such a harsh environment.

Go crazy!

"No wonder the black dragon wants to reintegrate into the new world at all costs, what a pitiful cub."

Think from a different angle.

In fact, the black dragon is not wrong, but it just wants to survive.

Can only huddle in such a small place.

And whenever the dungeon secret realm is opened, it will be restricted by the will of the world and can only stay in the inner city, which is extremely embarrassing to think about.

Therefore, the operation of the black dragon polluting the elf mother tree can also be understood.

But understanding is understanding.

But for the elves, that is the monstrous hatred that destroys the family and annihilates the family!

Jiang Li is in the same position as the elves.

Of course there will be no mercy.

The new world after the fusion of the two worlds, the weak eat the strong, the strength is king, whoever has the bigger fist is the truth!

These eighteen years have lived in the Yanlong Kingdom.

On the surface, there are still social and legal constraints, but in fact, the privileges of the upper class and powerful professionals are far beyond the imagination of the lower class people.

It is said that it is not allowed to fight in the city.

But actually?

Behind the scenes, Jiang Li once saw a professional ambush and kill another professional in an alley.

This had a huge impact on him.

It is also the reason why he is so fanatical about strength.

Thoughts turn.

Jiang Li gradually closed his eyes to rest.

According to the information discovered by the elves.

The dark tide surging, the time of stopping is completely random, as short as a few hours, as long as a day or two.

Just wait slowly.

Time passed slowly.

"Whoa whoa-

Jiang Li was awakened by the sound of the receding tide, opened his eyes, and there was a glint in his eyes.

Seeing that the black curtain that originally enveloped the entire underground world receded like a tide, Jiang Li was a little surprised.

Sometimes the power between heaven and earth is indeed enough to be awe-inspiring.

"Keep hunting!

Not knowing when the next wave of dark tide will come, Jiang Li didn't want to waste time.

"Summon the giant tree of war!"

The victor's staff waved gently, and the black iron war giant tree appeared in front of Jiang Li again.

Although the combat power is not great.

But the ability to share vision helped Jiang Li immensely.

"Trees come alive!

"Shared vision!

For a moment.

The faint purple trees in the distance were instantly activated, and Jiang Li only felt that he had thousands of eyes.

Signal the earth to roar.


The furious dragon roar resounded through the dungeon, and the nearby monsters immediately sensed it and reported it.

Immediately after.

Jiang Li saw layers of monster tides rushing into the distance, but what made him frown.

The three golden bosses were inseparable, and they stayed together.

"It's kind of troublesome.

if not necessary.

Jiang Li didn't want to face three lv35 golden bosses at the same time, who knows if the opponent has any hole cards.

After hunting down the King of Gnolls, he can exit the dungeon secret realm at any time, and there is no danger at all with the blessing of the goddess of victory.

But customs clearance is Jiang Li's goal!

"Leave for now!"

Jiang Li rode the earth to spread his wings and flew high, and flew towards the distance in an instant.

With the open eyes of the giant tree of war, Jiang Li will fight if he wants to fight, and retreat if he wants to. He is born in an invincible position.


The army of monsters came to the place where Jiang Li was just now, and looked at the empty space.

The black-scale flying dragon made a roaring sound.

Extremely angry.

"Damn it! How dare this little bug play with us!

"Stupid demi-lich, your method won't work at all, the little bug in the dark where we gathered together won't fight us at all!

The ghost fire eyes under the half-lich's black robe instantly became extremely cold:

"Flying dragon, use your brain to think about the fate of the gnoll!

The black-scale flying dragon flew into the distance, and it roared:

"If you want to play the house and play it yourself, I'll catch this damn little mouse and crush his head!"

It retreated first with the army of monsters under its hands...

Seeing the incomparably arrogant appearance of the Black-Scaled Flying Dragon, the demi-lich almost exploded in anger. For a long time, the Black-Scaled Flying Dragon relied on the black dragon's bloodline in his body to be richer and belonged to the sub-dragon species and looked down on other relatives.

At this time, it finally broke out completely.

"Stupid flying dragon, if it weren't for the grace of His Majesty Caesar, you would be just a little reptile!

"In that case, go to hell! 35

Incomparable malice flashed in the eyes of the demigod, and he pulled the dog demon leader to discuss it.

at the same time.

Jiang Li saw all this through the purple tree in the distance. He never expected that the three-headed golden boss would break up like this!

As expected of a dark creature.

A violent personality with a bit of a brain stem missing.

"The opportunity has come!

Looking at the single black-scale flying dragon.

Excitement flashed in Jiang Li's eyes.

"Dadi, your chance for promotion is here!"

At this time, the earth dragon, after swallowing the flesh and blood of many monsters, is approaching the limit of Iv30.

If it can devour the black scale dragon, the sub-dragon.

It is bound to break through to Iv31 in one fell swoop!

At that time, the strength will be greatly improved, and it will be more certain to deal with the remaining two golden bosses.

If anyone else.

I also have to worry about the pet's defection and the issue of not obeying the command after the pet's level exceeds his own, but Jiang Li doesn't need it at all.

The first is the effect of full-level animal control.

The second is that the earth was taken over by Jiang Li when he was a cub of the earth-walking dragon, and he even gave the blood of the earth tyrant, a precious legendary treasure, to transform it into a real dragon.

Rebuild by grace.

There is absolutely no need to worry that the earth will not obey the command.

"Rush rush!!"

Jiang Li waited quietly.

After seeing the army of monsters gradually dispersing, he immediately rode the earth and flew towards the lair of the black-scale flying dragon.

The black-scale flying dragon is a sub-dragon species under the dark dragon, and even the purity of the dragon's blood is higher than that of the previous ground dragon, and its appearance is very close to the appearance of the black dragon.

The earth flies fast.

A black cliff was soon in front of him, and the black-scale flying dragon lived in it alone, and the buildings under the cliff were crowded with all kinds of monsters.

Kobold of lv32!

The gnoll of lv33!

Iv33's Dark Spider!

There are four or five thousand in total, among which there are quite a few elite monsters and boss monsters.


If they are all beheaded.

At least have more than 2 million experience points!

Taking a deep breath, I didn't rush to do it. After slaughtering the black-scaled flying dragon, I had time to slowly clean up.

This time the earth did not actively roar.

Jiang Li came all the way to the black cliff.

Feel the strong aura inside.

Jiang Li sneered, and the rich red light on the Victor's Staff began to condense.

3.8 The new skill just got, Pyroblast!



I saw the incomparably turbulent fire element frantically condensed at the mouth of the mountain cliff, and the fluctuation alerted the black-scale flying dragon, which just flew out to check.


A terrifying explosion was heard.

The crimson flame column erupted instantly, and the defenseless black-scaled flying dragon couldn't even make any defense, and could only rely on its body to resist.

The turbulent flame column drowned the black-scale flying dragon, and the black scales on his body were ignited, and the entire black flying dragon had a tendency to turn into a fire dragon.

-8.34 million!

Terrifying damage burst.

Not only that, because Feilong was not prepared at all, the raging flames continued to burn his group, making sizzling noises.




Injuries of various sizes appeared intermittently.

The black-scale flying dragon lost tens of millions of blood in the blink of an eye.

【Black Scale Flying Dragon】

Grade: golden boss

Level: Iv35

Blood volume: 82.31 million

Attack: 810,000

Armor: 158,000

Magic Resist: 145,000

Skills: Black Dragon Bloodline (Intermediate), Dragon Breath, Black Scale Shield, Claw Flying, Dark Light, Dark Spear...

The attributes of the black-scale flying dragon appeared in front of Jiang Li.

Stronger than the previous Gnoll King.

But it's a pity.

Its fate is destined to be even more miserable by the King of Gnolls, because it was blocked in his hole by Jiang Li!

The original hard nest has become his burial place!

"The Light of Victory!!

A thick white beam instantly blasted the dragon back into the cave, followed by another fiery explosion!

The blazing flames made the black-scaled flying dragon and blood wolf crash down.

A smile flashed in Jiang Li's eyes:

"Want to run? I'll give you a Braised Flying Dragon today!!"

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