Chapter 120 Lu Fan was afraid of me before he withdrew from the competition!!


Lu Fan took the tablet, opened it and looked at it.

Qin Qiu, Jian Ying, and Han Ke also came up to look at this post with Lu Fan under the trend of curiosity.

The name of the post is “Withdrawal? It’s just that I’m afraid of losing”, after clicking open, the content is full of wine, which is a few thousand words large.

Lu Fan glanced at it roughly, and the content in this probably said that the reason why Lu Fan withdrew from the competition was not because he wanted to brush the secret realm, or because he was injured ~ after the battle with Chen Tianzhi.

The real reason is that if Lu Fan does not withdraw from the competition, he will soon run into Jiang Fengyun!

As we all know, since the battle of Double Dragon, the content of the assessment that everyone is most looking forward to now is the head-to-head duel between Lu Fan and Jiang Fengyun.

Moreover, it is very likely that the two will meet in the ring three days later.

As a result, Lu Fan withdrew from the competition at this time, wasn’t he afraid of Jiang Fengyun or what?

As long as he passed the pass of Jiang Fengyun, Lu Fan would definitely be able to point to the first place in the assessment.

At that time, he will be sitting on five thousand points!

Five thousand points, how hot it is, who will give up?

Now that Lu Fan has even defeated Chen Tianzhi, the only decent obstacle in front of him is Jiang Fengyun.

Therefore, Lu Fan didn’t even want five thousand points, and he had to withdraw from the competition, he must be afraid of Jiang Fengyun and afraid that he would lose at the hands of Jiang Fengyun!

Now withdrawing from the competition, Lu Fan can defeat Chen Tianzhi with the glory of becoming the uncrowned king.

And who is stronger between him and Jiang Fengyun, no one can say.

But if he doesn’t retreat, after losing to Jiang Fengyun, he will be recognized as unworthy of sitting in the first position of freshmen.

Weigh it, five thousand points on one side and personal reputation on the other, Lu Fan will naturally choose the latter.

Because Lu Fan has the first basic score, he may not need these five thousand points to enter the Qingyun class, and the advantages of withdrawing from the competition outweigh the disadvantages.

Later, the post also conducted a wave of reasoned analysis of the professional characteristics of Lu Fan, Sword Shadow, as well as Jiang Fengyun and Xu Jing, and the final result of the analysis was that Lu Fan and Sword Shadow would undoubtedly lose!

What Lu Fan relies on is only dragon magic and his own super high power attributes, while the sword shadow relies on the skills of a swordsman, let’s say it is an enhanced version of an archer.

On the other hand, Jiang Fengyun is a hidden professional shadow warrior, which is considered an enhanced version of the assassin. His partner Xu Jing, ranked fourth in basic score, is a hidden professional forbidden magician.

Xu Jing’s skills can make opponents unable to use skills.

Without skills, Lu Fan and Sword Shadow’s strength was basically wasted.

And Jiang Fengyun is a shadow warrior, can be turned into a shadow, whether it is a sneak attack, or temporarily avoiding the edge of Lu Fan’s power, waiting for the opportunity to counterattack, it is very easy.

Lu Fan and Sword Shadow, who have no skills, are just Jiang Fengyun’s toys.

As for Lu Fan’s dragon?

Hehe, it is said that Lu Fan has a dragon, and it is more powerful than Chen Tianzhi’s strong armor earth dragon.

But the point is, who saw it?

Therefore, Lu Fan is likely to deceive everyone.

Not all powerful dragon trainers have dragon pets.

It is very likely that Lu Fan is in some way, although he does not have a dragon pet, but he has activated his professional characteristics and obtained some professional skills, which is why he is so strong.

But the dragon pet thing, he definitely doesn’t have it.

If there is, how come no one has seen it, they have only heard of it?

He has a dragon pet, will he personally risk injury and fight hand-to-hand with the strong armor earth dragon?

Lu Fan does not have a dragon pet, and this matter is almost a stone hammer.

So how to look at it, the pair of Lu Fan and Sword Shadow are not opponents of Jiang Fengyun and Xu Jing, and they are completely restrained.

In this way, isn’t it more obvious why Lu Fan withdrew from the competition?

It’s just afraid of losing.

Below this post, many people feel that the analysis is quite reasonable, Jiang Fengyun and Xu Jing’s examination situation, many people have seen it, the two people are very strong, together, it is unstoppable, all the way to the present, the momentum is no worse than Lu Fan and Jian Ying.

If Lu Fan was not afraid of Jiang Fengyun, why would he withdraw at this time?

Of course, some people feel that this statement is unreasonable, because if Lu Fan is really afraid of Jiang Fengyun, why did he withdraw so early and not continue to play two more rounds?

The opponents in the next two rounds are not hard stubble, and after easily winning and then withdrawing, he and Sword Shadow can get a lot more points.

The owner of this post personally answered this question, saying that if he ran into Jiang Fengyun and withdrew from the competition, wouldn’t the meaning of cowardice be too obvious?

Lu Fan just wanted to withdraw early, so that he could come up with other excuses to hide his timidity.

But the more so, the more he was afraid that the fact of Jiang Fengyun would be exposed that this post was quickly topped, and was talked about by many people, as if many people already felt that this should be the inside story of Lu Fan’s withdrawal.

However, if this post is only that, it will naturally not let Tao Xiaoman care so much, and he will show it to Lu Fan.

After all, there are too many such posts.

The really dramatic scene was that someone soon dug it out, and this post turned out to be anonymously posted by Xu Jing!

After this matter broke out, the entire post was in an uproar.

Xu Jing posted, saying that Lu Fan withdrew from the competition because he was afraid of him and Jiang Fengyun, isn’t this purely self-hilarity?

Originally, some people thought that this post was reasonable, but after breaking out that it was Xu Jing’s post, the post suddenly fell for a while, all of them were scolding Xu Jing for really not being faced, and Lu Fan withdrew from the competition because he was afraid of you, and he was too good at putting gold on his face, right?

In the face of countless people’s accusations and abuse, the exposed Xu Jing did not choose to stand up and apologize.

Instead, Jiang Fengyun, who was in the same group as him, posted under his real name and stood in line for Xu Jing.

Is Xu Jing’s post wrong? Lu Fan withdrew from the competition, isn’t he afraid of him and Xu Jing?

If not, would Lu Fan dare to come back to compete?

Xu Jing just stated a fact, so that everyone could see the true face of Lu Fan’s coward, why did so many people attack Xu Jing in the post?

As soon as Jiang Fengyun appeared, many people who supported Jiang Fengyun and Xu Jing also appeared below the post, saying that the content of the post was very reasonable.

Xu Jing posted anonymously, guessing that Lu Fan withdrew from the competition because he was afraid, which was quite a slander for Lu Fan, which was indeed wrong.

But who can guarantee that this is not true?

If Lu Fan is really afraid of Jiang Fengyun, then prove it, come out and compete with Jiang Fengyun and Xu Jing?

If Lu Fan dares, then it will be obvious who is the first freshman.

If he didn’t dare, wouldn’t it mean that what Xu Jing said was true?

This voice intensified, and soon, everyone in the forum was calling for Lu Fan, Jian Ying, and Jiang Fengyun and Xu Jing to have a test to prove whether what Xu Jing said was true.

Jiang Fengyun even took the opportunity to post again, so that this matter was completely pushed to the forefront.

His new post said that in order to prove that his good brother Xu Jing did not take his word for it, he could officially declare war on Lu Fan and Sword Shadow here, and he had to find a time to have a fight.

Not only that, he also said bluntly that he felt that the first position of the newcomer should not be done by Lu Fan, and the No. 1 villa should not be lived by Lu Fan.

Therefore, there must be a battle between him and Lu Fan to prove who is the rookie king of the Longdu Academy this year.

If Lu Fan should not fight, he will go to Villa No. 1 at noon tomorrow and drive Lu Fan out of Villa No. 1!

As soon as this post came out, the forum section suddenly became sensational again.

Jiang Fengyun is here for the real thing…

If Lu Fan shouldn’t fight, he would hit the doorstep of the people?

Isn’t this equivalent to tearing Lu Fan by name?

Many people posted one after another, asking who knew Lu Fan, and quickly told Lu Fan about this matter, ready to fight.

Don’t look back Jiang Fengyun hit the door, he doesn’t know yet.

After reading the causes and consequences of such a few posts, everyone except Lu Fan was quite annoyed.

They all knew that Lu Fan abandoned the competition because he did not have time to participate in the freshman assessment.

Originally, Lu Fan did not participate, which is also a good thing for others, because if Lu Fan participates, the first place position must be Lu Fan’s…

The result is good, Jiang Fengyun may have picked up a first place in vain, not to mention, but now he has rubbed Lu Fan’s heat and picked things up!

He also threatened to come to Villa No. 1 and kick Lu Fan out of Villa No. 1, which symbolizes that the strongest newcomers can live in, which is simply riding his neck and.

Lu Fan and Jiang Fengyun have no grievances, first posting slander, and then threatening to challenge Lu Fan, this Jiang Fengyun is very able to jump…

Lu Fan didn’t pay much attention to this.

To be honest, he didn’t even know who Jiang Fengyun was, let alone what the other party looked like.

A beam-jumping clown, why waste feelings on him.

However, he was really curious, why did Jiang Fengyun insist on not getting along with himself, originally he won the first place safely and entered the Qingyun class, isn’t it very good?

After raising his own questions, he often visited the forum, and Tao Xiaoman, who knew more about some gossip, gave Lu Fan an explanation.

It turned out that there has always been a tradition in the Longdu Academy, that is, to select the new king of people.

Whoever can make a name for himself in the absolute first place among the newcomers will be able to win the title of the newcomer king.

Chen Tianzhi was so keen to compete in the arena before, and it may also be to compete for this title.

As long as you can become a recognized newcomer king among new students, the school will give a certain degree of attention, and educational resources are also tilted.

More importantly, the rookie king also has a benefit, that is, in the future, he will have the opportunity to compete in the competition between colleges and universities for the Longdu Academy, and if he performs well enough, he will also win the entrance ticket to the national trial for the academy, and may even be selected to represent the country!

Of course, this is a bit far.

Anyway, as long as you become a newcomer king, the benefits are numerous.

And the rookie king is not just looking at the points ranking, such as now, if Jiang Fengyun does not defeat Lu Fan, then even if he gets the first place in the freshman assessment, there will definitely be no way to make everyone agree with his name as the newcomer king.

After Tao Xiaoman’s explanation, Lu Fan understood why Jiang Fengyun took the initiative to stir up trouble.

Affection is for fame, school attention, and the possible quota of national trials.

It’s a pity that what Jiang Fengyun doesn’t know is that Lu Fan has already got the power of these things.

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