Chapter 138: Opening the Ring Match!!

The battle in the ring was particularly fierce, and everyone watched it with relish, but Lu Fan did not have any interest at all.

Because for someone like Lu Fan who has experienced fighting with the soul of the Flying Dragon King, this level of battle on the stage is really too small.

The four people on the stage have average combat awareness and experience, and the power of their skills is even more painless, which is more than a dozen grades worse than the forbidden spell of the Flying Dragon King.

This kind of battle, there is no difference between watching and not watching.

Lu Fan thought about it and felt that if he went back like this, he would run to the arena in vain.

It just so happened that he also thought that he needed to temper his combat awareness and experience, and this happened to be an arena, so he simply went to the second floor and found someone to discuss.

The arena has two floors, the first floor is an open ring, for ordinary students to open a broadcast platform to compete, gambling.

The second floor is more advanced, with a total of ten separate rooms that are considered PK rings.

Here, two people can safely negotiate and play their hole cards without being seen by outsiders.

Even these rooms have a function, which is to start the ring match.

After opening the ring match, the broadcaster can sit on the broadcast and anyone can choose to challenge.

In the ring, the owner will set a bet point, and whoever wins will get the opponent’s bet points.

This is equivalent to an open challenge, whoever has the ability to compete will come to the competition, and the winner will continue to sit in the ring until he intends to close the ring and leave.

I heard that Chen Tianzhi once won a luxurious record of 28 consecutive victories in the ring and became famous in one battle.

Lu Fan had long heard of this interesting system, and he wanted to try it early on, but before he was taking Qin Qiu and others to brush the copy and rush the level, he had not been able to come here to play.

Now, isn’t it a good opportunity?

So Lu Fan told Han Ke and the others, saying that there was nothing interesting here, he went upstairs to play, and the assessment was over in a while, if he hadn’t come down yet, he would call himself.

Then Lu Fan separated the crowd and went to the second floor.

The first floor of the arena was used for freshman assessments, and the second floor maintained its original function for students to compete.

Moreover, although many people are watching the game downstairs, there are still many fighting maniacs.

They are not interested in the game, they just want to compete and win points.

The number of people on the second floor must be dozens of people, and everyone gathers in the rest hall, looking for a suitable ring battle, and goes up to attack.

Lu Fan took a look, out of the ten VI rings, it was shown that eight had been wrapped up, and half of them had opened the ring battle, which could allow people to go and challenge, but these four ring battles were either in battle at this time, or the broadcaster was in a break time, and did not accept external challenges for the time being.

Lu Fan originally wondered, since so many people want to gamble, why don’t they open two VIPK rings?

Later, after asking, I learned that the points required to open the VIPK ring were particularly expensive.

An hour-long VIP ring requires thirty points.

With this point, you can brush a high-level copy once, who is willing to go to the ring?

In the event of opening the V ring, and it turns out to be successfully attacked, not only will you lose the points of the gambling fight, but the points of opening the ring at thirty points will be lost and cheapened by others.

If it weren’t for people who are very confident in their strength and are not short of points, everyone is really reluctant to open such a VIPK ring to launch a ring match.

Lu Fan happens to be this kind of person.

He went directly to the lobby to find a teaching assistant and opened a VIPK ring.

After arriving in the ring room, the door of the room is closed, forming a secret room.

People outside could not see the situation, and only with Lu Fan’s permission, or those who came to attack, could enter it.

Lu Fan walked up to the ring, next to a machine at the edge of the ring, and chose to start the ring match.

To start the ring match, you need to set up a certain amount of settings.

Rank information must be made public, but occupations and names can be hidden.

Therefore, Lu Fan hid all this information.

As for the screening of opponents, Lu Fan chose not to set them all.

In this kind of ring match, in order to ensure fairness, Lu Fan can set the opponent’s level range.

Of course, the range that can be set cannot be lower than the fifth level of your own level.

Lu Fan doesn’t need to put too many restrictions on his opponent, since it is a competition, then the person who comes will not refuse——— anyway, how many people come, is not his opponent.

The last thing he needs to set is bounty points.

Lu Fan remembered that he saw outside that basically the bounty points for opening the ring match were about fifty points.

He thought about it and directly set a hundred points.

Under the reward, there will be brave men, Lu Fan still hopes that more people can come to the ring and try their hands.

After setting it up, Lu Fan officially opened his ring match, waiting for someone to come and challenge him.

Meanwhile, outside the lounge, a group of battle maniacs watch the information displayed by ten PK rings to see which one can enter the ring and earn points.

At this time, the ninth PK ring shows that someone has opened the ring match, the ring is level 28, and the rest of the information is hidden: at the same time, the reward points in the ring are up to 100 points, and there is no restriction on the opponent’s level and class.

Suddenly, the students in the lounge were in an uproar.

“Level 28 people, opened the ring? And there are no restrictions on attackers?! I’m not dazzled, am I”? ”

“You’re not dazzled, I’m watching too.” Not only does this person not limit the level and class of the attacker, but the bounty points are not low, full of 100 points! ”

“Are we meeting the boy who scattered wealth? This person has a lot of points and has no place to spend, come over to do good deeds, right? ”

“Haha, I guess it should be a white in an arena, I haven’t been here before, I don’t know the rules after the ring match is opened, I set it up casually, and I opened the ring match.”

“Mad, what else is going on? Isn’t this clearly a big fat sheep? Brothers, let me do this good thing, and I’ll go and bring this hundred points.” ”

“You went late, I just saw several people rushing over to fight after opening the ring in the ninth ring, and you only now think of attacking the ring, and the yellow cauliflower is cold.”

“I’ll go, this group of faceless people, it’s quite quick to start…”

There was a commotion in the rest hall for a while, and everyone felt that most of the people who opened the ninth ring were Xiaobai, and they were going to be taught a good lesson today.

The PK here is a second-turn master of level thirty or forty, and bullying a first-turn transfer person of level 28 is not a hand-to-hand capture?

As everyone knows, high-level hunters appear in the form of prey.

They think they are prey, but in fact, they are just small miscellaneous fish that bite the bait.

Almost less than half a minute after Lu Fan started the ring match, someone was teleported in on the broadcast station.

The other party was a tall knight, dressed in armor, holding a spear, and looked to be well equipped.

Because this is the ring, the level information of the two sides is directly disclosed, and Lu Fan can also see that the other party’s level is not low, a full forty-one levels.

This person entered the ring, and after seeing that Lu Fan was indeed a level 28 rookie, a smile suddenly appeared on his face uncontrollably, and then he retracted back: “Hello, look at your level, you are a junior, right?” ”

This knight did not rush to discuss with Lu Fan, but talked to Lu Fan with interest, which was a joke before the cat catched.

He thought that when he came to this ring, he would see the other party panicking and explaining that he did not know how to set the requirements of the ring match.

As a result, Lu Fan was much calmer than he thought.

“Well, I’m a freshman.”

Lu Fan responded with a smile, looking harmless to people and animals.


This knight was stunned, because the level of level 28 seemed to be a little high for freshmen.

Could it be that the other party is some kind of genius?

It’s possible.

However, this knight did not pay too much attention to it.

Because he is a PK enthusiast and has strong strength, but the other party is a freshman who has not even reached the second turn, and there is basically no suspense in this battle.

Most likely, this freshman originally had a good talent, and he has been rushing to the level since he came to the Longdu Academy, so the level is relatively high.

The senior knight nodded and said half-falsely and sincerely: “Junior, you are only a freshman, you can rise to level 28, and your future will definitely be good.” ”

“Okay, don’t talk nonsense, let’s start talking?” After all, it’s quite expensive to drive an hour in the V ring, and I can’t waste so much of your time. ”

Lu Fan nodded, took out his Molong Scale Giant Sword and said, “Okay, then I’ll start, senior.” Please advise. ”

“No problem, I’ll be merciful to my subordinates in a while and give you some pointers.”

The knight senior nodded, held the gun in both hands, and entered the combat state.

But at this time, he suddenly had a feeling.

Whether it was Lu Fan’s appearance or the giant sword in Lu Fan’s hand, it made him feel a little familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

This made the knight senior muttered a little in his heart, saying in his heart that he didn’t know any new students, could it be that this person has some fame in the Longdu Academy, and he has seen a video about him in the school forum?

When the knight senior was muttering, Lu Fan responded, holding the Mo Dragon Scale Giant Sword, taking a step forward, seemingly planning to act first and rush to fight head-on with the knight senior.

The knight senior no longer thought about it, and at the same time secretly rejoiced in his heart, and immediately planned to use the knight skill [charge] to approach Lu Fan first and knock him into a coma.

However, as soon as he was about to activate his skill, he saw Lu Fan’s figure disappear in one step, leaving only a flashing arc in place.

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