Chapter 149 is the most suitable for Lu Fan’s second turn career!!

Lu Fan also gradually discovered that, just like other professions, there are many branches of his dragon trainer’s profession, and he can know a thing or two through the skills of one turn.

Because the skill of one turn basically corresponds to the branch of the second revolution.

For example, [Dragon Inspiration] corresponds to the Dragon Master, [Dragon Claw] corresponds to the Dragon Hunter, [Dragon Tooth Strike] corresponds to the Silver Dragon Knight, and so on.

These branches, in fact, can not say that the profession is strong, which profession is weak, can only be said that each has its own characteristics, need Lu Fan to choose, see which suitable Lu Fan after careful consideration, first excluded the dragon master.

Because Xiaocui itself is a very powerful auxiliary dragon species, it can completely take the position of dragon master.

Even Lu Fan didn’t think that after he changed his job to become a dragon master, he could play a stronger auxiliary role than Xiaoyu.

According to the lineup, it is enough to have one priest in a team, and Lu Fan’s transfer to the position of a dragon master is definitely the most inappropriate.

Secondly, the Dragon Spell Master actually didn’t have much interest in Lu Fan.

If it is Chen Tianzhi, who has a strong and durable earth dragon, it is quite good to change his career to become a dragon spell master.

Because his Earth Dragon can be in the front row, but the attack power is insufficient, it is just suitable for a dragon spell master to strengthen the damage.

Lu Fan is different, he has Xiao Ye, whether it is physical output or magic output.

Therefore, he finally fell into a dilemma between the two two-turn professions of Dragon Hunter and Silver Dragon Knight.

The two skills of [Dragon Claw] and [Dragon Tooth Strike] are two skills that he likes to use very much.

The corresponding dragon warrior and silver dragon knight also have good prospects, which is very suitable for Lu Fan’s current situation.

Whether it is carrying dragon blood, turning into a dragon in the future, or becoming a powerful knight and cooperating with the dragon, Lu Fan still feels good.

Only, which of these two paths to choose?

Lu Fan slowly opened his eyes and looked at the four stone tablets lit up in front of him.

These stone steles, in addition to helping job changers develop a second-turn transfer route, also have a function, that is, to see which profession the job changer is more suitable with Lu Fan oscillate between the two professions of dragon hunter warrior and silver dragon knight, so I decided to see the reaction of the stone stele and whether I could give myself some instructions.

On the four lit stone tablets, some mist appeared, and these mist gradually formed a picture of silk.

In the first picture, a villain wielding a staff and constantly casting spells on a dragon, and the dragon’s strength continues to skyrocket with the application of buff magic on his body.

This stele represents the occupational branch of the dragon herder.

On the other three stone tablets, most of them are similar pictures, outlining the prospects of future careers.

Lu Fan took a closer look and found that among the four stone steles, the light of the stone steles of the dragon master and the dragon hunter was dimmer, which also showed that Lu Fan’s fit with these two professions was slightly lower than that of the other two.

Lu Fan thought about it and understood.

It’s not that he doesn’t fit well with these two classes, but he has a deeper understanding of the other two classes——— Dragon Spell Master and Silver Dragon Knight.

Lu Fan was so close to the Dragon Spell Master because he had mastered two powerful dragon spells.

And with the Silver Dragon Knight, Lu Fan guessed that it was likely because he had been discussing with the beautiful senior sister during this time and tempered his combat skills to an extremely high level.

Among the four professions, the Silver Dragon Knight emphasizes relying on his own strength and cooperation with dragon pets, and has high requirements for combat skills.

Therefore, Lu Fan can also see that among the four stone steles, the stone stele represented by the silver dragon knight has the most radiance, which means that Lu Fan is actually more suitable for the silver dragon knight, since Lu Fan himself has intentions for the silver dragon knight, and he is the most suitable for this second turn profession, how to choose, it is not difficult.

Lu Fan must have closed his eyes again in his heart and continued to meditate.

With Lu Fan’s meditation, the stone stele represented by the Silver Dragon Knight became brighter and brighter, but the other three stone steles all dimmed.

Eventually, the whole room. Only this stone tablet shimmered with dazzling silver light on Lu Fan’s body, making Lu Fan’s understanding of the profession of the Silver Dragon Knight more transparent.

After about ten minutes, the light finally dissipated and everything calmed down.

Lu Fan slowly opened his eyes, feeling that his whole body was full of explosive power, compared to the original.

Lu Fan looked at his attribute panel, and sure enough, the profession had changed from [Dragon Taper Master] to [Silver Dragon Knight].

And he was stunned to find that the value of his attribute panel had risen by 50%!

Lu Fan had heard that with the completion of the second revolution, the character attribute panel would change according to the second turn of the profession.

For example, swordsmen who choose the Sword Saint will have higher spiritual and strength attribute points, making the sword qi they release more powerful.

And the swordsman who chooses the God of War is that the endurance and strength attribute points will skyrocket, allowing them to obtain stronger physical fitness, even if they collide head-on with the knight, they will not fall behind.

It is precisely because of this change in attributes that the second transfer is much stronger than the first transfer in strength, even if the difference between the two is only one level, there is a huge gap in strength.

In general, the growth or transfer of attributes, is generally 15%


Like Lu Fan, the full attribute is 50% higher, and Lu Fan has never seen it in the teaching materials.

Perhaps, this is also because Lu Fan’s strength is closely related to his dragon pet, and Lu Fan’s dragon pet is so strong, so the professional strength is much higher than that of the general profession bar This 50% attribute bonus alone makes Lu Fan’s strength improve a lot.

And the changes in Lu Fan’s attribute panel are more than that.

Those previous skills are still there, and with Lu Fan’s second turn, the V level has all improved.

In addition, Lu Fan’s skill bar also has two two-turn skills [Raptor Slash] and [Dragon Dance] Raptor Slash (active skill, LV1): weapons with dragon power, move quickly forward, and slash enemies.

Current number of slashes: 2. In the state of riding a dragon pet, the skill automatically evolves to [Break the Sky].

Void Break (Active Skill, LV1): Dragon Pets gain the ability to raid and can strike at breakneck speeds to deal terrifying damage. Current number of raids: 4.

Dragon Dance (Active Skill: LV1): Attacks quickly multiple times, with the power of the dragon attached to the attack, which can kill enemies from a distance, causing terrifying power. Current number of attacks: 6. The skill in the summoned state of the dragon pet can evolve to [Dragon Destruction].

Dragon Destruction (Active Skill LV1): At the same time that the Silver Dragon Knight releases [Dragon Dance], the dragon pet releases a powerful breath and superimposes it with [Dragon Dance] to form a more powerful dragon-level magic, with dragon breath effects.

It is said that there are two skills, but each skill will evolve into a new skill in the state of the existence of the dragon pet, so Lu Fan is actually equivalent to four more skills.

From these two skills, we can see the professional characteristics of the Silver Dragon Knight, and in itself, the Silver Dragon Knight can borrow the power of the dragon to make himself a more powerful warrior and have strong strength.

Once the dragon pet is summoned, the skills of the silver dragon knight will change.

Either in the riding state, [Raptor Slash] becomes [Broken Space].

Either in the case of the dragon pet being summoned, the personal martial art [Dragon Dance] can be changed into a dragon language-level skill [Dragon Destruction].

In general, the silver dragon knight itself is strong, and with the dragon, it is even more powerful.

This professional characteristic made Lu Fan very satisfied and very suitable for him.

As for the power of the new skill, Lu Fan also plans to go back and experiment well in the copy.

Lu Fan was quite satisfied with the result of this second revolution, and after feeling the power in his body again, he no longer wasted time and got up to leave this room.

As soon as Lu Fan came out, he was immediately surrounded by Han Ke and others.

Everyone is very curious to know what Lu Fan’s second-turn career branch has, what Lu Fan chooses, and how powerful the new second-turn profession is.

Seeing that everyone was so curious, Lu Fan smiled and said about the four career branches he had encountered.

“… Therefore, I finally chose the second turn profession of Silver Dragon Knight. ”

After speaking, Lu Fan spread his hands, “This profession is quite compatible with me, and in the Flying Dragon Cemetery before, I also broke out a piece of equipment ——— Dragon Saddle, which can also improve the strength of my second change of profession.” ”

“Silver Dragon Knight?”

The crowd was in an uproar.

Tao Xiaoman even stared at Venus, grabbed Lu Fan’s clothes and said, “Your second-turn professional name sounds very handsome, Silver Dragon Knight… Spray spray…”

Speaking of this, Tao Xiaoman let out a long sigh: “Unlike me, it is estimated that there are only two branches of the Sword Saint and the God of War during the second revolution. Fortunately, the profession of the God of War is reminiscent of a muscular man with a giant axe in his hand. ”

Han Ke’s excitement was not much less than Tao Xiaoman’s.

After hearing that Lu Fan was now a silver dragon knight, she thought about it and said, “Xiao Fan, since you are a dragon knight, can you ride a dragon and fly in the sky like a knight in the future?” Moreover, can you still fly with others? ”

Lu Fan smiled and said, “It should be possible.” In fact, even if I don’t change to the Silver Dragon Knight, I should be able to ride the dragon pet. ”

“However, if you want to ride a dragon pet, you need the dragon pet to reach maturity, and Xiao Ye is still a certain distance from the maturity period, so I can’t ride a dragon for the time being.”

Upon hearing this, everyone who originally wanted Lu Fan to experience what it was like to go to heaven with him couldn’t help but be a little disappointed.

But if you think about it, the knights of the second turn have opened the pet pen and can have mounts.

Lu Fan has also turned twice, then Lu Fan should also be able to ride the dragon soon.

Therefore, if you want to ride a dragon, you don’t have to wait long.

After chatting with everyone for a while, Lu Fan still wanted to go home and hatch the dragon eggs of the Starry Sky Dragon King, so he proposed, otherwise he would go back to the house first and take a good rest.

Wait until tomorrow to brush the copy, Lu Fan can let everyone see his second-turn skills.

Everyone readily agreed and returned to Villa No. 1 together.

When he just walked to the door of the villa, Lu Fan found that at the door of villa No. 1, there was a familiar figure waiting here.

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