Chapter 184 thought it was dragging oil bottles, but it turned out to be a big guy!!

Soon, everything calmed down.

Lu Fei and the others dug out of the snow by two griffins, and then threw them on their backs.

Even Shen Cai was planed out, and then grabbed by her eagle pet on both shoulders and taken into the air.

The three of them didn’t even have time to shoot off the snow on their bodies, and they all looked in the direction where Lu Fan was.

As a result, this glance made all three people tremble and be shocked beyond measure.

At this time, where is the figure of the ice field snow monster?

Lu Fan’s final blow directly emptied the battlefield just now.

The ice field snow monster did not even leave a corpse in that arrow.

Even not only the ice field snow monster, the battlefield has become a deep pit at this time, like a large dry lake.

At the deepest point of the depression, the depth may have reached twenty meters.

The snow has long been cleared, and the bottom has not melted all year round, and the hard and abnormal cold ice has also been shattered, which is enough to show the power of Lu Fan’s arrow just now.

Of course, although Lu Fan’s arrow was powerful, what really shocked Lu Fei was the black dragon that flew to Lu Fan’s side at this time.

They had heard that the dragon trainer of the Dragon Kingdom had a black dragon, but no one had ever seen it.

The dragon family is like a god to anyone, and if anyone can have a dragon pet, it is even if they enslave the gods, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are gods on the gods.

And now, the person who owns the dragon, right in front of them, they don’t even dare to look directly at the dragon trainer who enslaved the dragon.

On the other side, Lu Fan was quite satisfied with the power of this arrow.

The power of this arrow has definitely surpassed his strongest skill [The Roar of the Blue Dragon King].

In the future, Lu Fanda can let the dragon pets rush to the front line, while he puts cold arrows in the back.

Whether it is [Chaotic Snake Through the Sky] or [Snake Hidden Arrow], any three-turn job changer can’t resist.

Tu Jing really gave him a superb weapon.

Lu Fan put away the Hades Snake Lead, and wanted Xiao Ye to go back.

But Xiao Ye told Lu Fan through spiritual communication that he did not want to go back. It’s more dangerous here, but it still wants to stay here and protect Lu Fan.

After learning Xiao Ye’s thoughts, Lu Fan almost burst into tears.

She is worthy of being her own daughter, and she knows that she cares about her old father!

At this point, Xiao Ye and Xiao Baby are like little cotton jackets, which is quite satisfactory to Lu Fan.

It’s not like a star, it’s like a black heart cotton.

It is estimated that Lu Fan summoned the stars out now, and after the stars may sweep away the monster, he yelled to go back.

Although the environment here is harsh, I think Xiao Ye is a purebred dragon, and for the low temperature environment, it will not make it uncomfortable, at best, it will only make it grumpy.

Because we will continue to complete the exploration mission next, Xiao Ye’s combat power is also an indispensable existence.

And Lu Fan has basically figured out the environment of this extreme northern land, and already has the ability to explore with Lu Fei and others.

Therefore, Lu Fan did not put away the night.

At this time, Lu Fei and the others had already flown towards Lu Fan, but as soon as the three of them approached, Xiao Ye noticed it and turned around and roared.

Suddenly a strong sense of oppression overflowed, Lu Fei and the others were all shaken, and the flying mounts of the three were even more trembling, and they did not dare to move forward.

Lu Fan patted Xiao Ye and said, “It’s okay, Xiao Ye, this is your own person.” ”

Hearing Lu Fan say this, Xiao Ye relented his fierceness.

However, such a mighty black dragon, even if it is only hovering in mid-air, it is a sense of oppression for others.

No matter how hard Lu Fei and the others tried, their flying mounts never dared to approach Lu Fan.

In desperation, Lu Fan made Xiao Ye into a young form, and then wrapped it tightly in his military robe, revealing only a small head melon.

In this way, Xiao Ye is quite happy, because this way he can not only fly by himself, but also stick to Lu Fan to keep warm.

and the flying mounts of Lv Fei and others; It is also for such a small black dragon that is no longer as afraid as just now to dare to carry their master forward.

Lu Fei rode a griffin and flew forward with others, looking at the black dragon in Lu Fan’s arms, only showing a small head, he was surprised and incredible, and said in amazement: “Lu Fan, this is your dragon pet?” ”

“You are the dragon trainer with a dragon in the Southern Province of the Dragon Country this year?! It’s incredible…”

Lu Fan smiled and said, “Brother Lu knows me? ”

Lu Fei smiled bitterly and said, “Of course I know.” Although it is closed, we don’t know much about what is happening outside. ”

“But Lord Zhenbei Hou was very interested in you a few days ago, let many spies of the dragon capital pay attention to your dynamics, we subordinates occasionally hear and see, although we don’t know much about you, but we have also heard that you have a black dragon, the strength is strong, it is not an exaggeration to say that you are the first person of the young generation of the dragon country, the future is infinite.”

Lu Fan was also a little embarrassed to be said like this, and said, “This really holds me too high…”

“Is it huh?”

Lu Fei looked at the black dragon in Lu Fan’s arms, and then looked at the mess left behind from the battle just now, and said in his heart that you still use it?

Lord Zhenbei Hou would have said that you are the dragon trainer with dragon pets, and we are afraid that we will lie flat long ago.

Compared with Lu Fei, Lu Changkong is even more out of sight with Lu Fan, if it weren’t for the fear that Xiao Ye in Lu Fan’s arms would bite him, he would definitely come up and hook up with Lu Fan.

However, even if he kept a certain safe distance, Lu Changkong was still quite excited, and punched Lu Fan in the air, as if he wanted to hammer Lu Fan’s chest: “Good boy, it turns out that you hide so deeply!” ”

“We thought you were a drag oil bottle, but now we know that you are a big guy!”

Lu Fan smiled and said, “I’m sorry, Brother Lu.” Because I first came here, I am not familiar with the environment, so I originally wanted to learn from you well, so as not to act rashly and cause you trouble. ”

“So in the beginning, I didn’t do anything, just follow you to understand the map, and I didn’t do anything. You carried me all the way, tired. ”

Lu Fan’s words made Lu Changkong wave his hand again and again, “Understand and understand.” In fact, you are doing the right thing, although you are very strong, but this place is different from other places, if you feel that you are very powerful, rampage everywhere, it will cause us trouble. ”

“Compared to that frizzy brat, I still think your approach is more appropriate.” At least, you didn’t cause us trouble, and you saved us at a critical moment. ”

“Anyway, a good result is good.”

Lu Fei also nodded and said, “Well, there is no problem with your approach. If you want to blame, you can only blame us for underestimating you before. In fact, I should have thought before, how could the people brought by Lord Zhenbei Hou come to gild? ”

“Since he asked you to come on a mission with us, he must have his own reasons.”

Lu Fan smiled and nodded, “Thank you Brother Lu and Brother Lu for understanding.” ”

In fact, Lu Fan only shot at the last urgent moment, and another reason is that he doesn’t want to show too many hole cards in front of outsiders.

After being attacked in villa No. 1, Lu Fan was much more careful.

Even the Longdu Academy has eyeliner penetration, although Tu Jing said that the people of the Griffin Group are very reliable, but there is definitely no harm in being careful.

Lu Fan’s hole cards revealed in front of outsiders must be as few as possible.

As for exposing Xiao Ye, Lu Fan also had some considerations.

Completing the exploration mission here requires Xiao Ye’s combat power. At the same time, you only need to play at night.

As for Xiaocui and Xingchen, they don’t need to show up for the time being, and they can also become Lu Fan’s two hole cards at critical moments.

Secondly, Lu Fan also needs to take the opportunity to upgrade Xiao Yesheng in the extreme north.

Lu Fan still thought that it was best to upgrade Xiao Ye to level thirty before going to the trial of the country.

If Xiao Ye rises to level 30 and enters the mature stage, then Lu Fan can equip it with a dragon saddle, and he can become a real silver dragon knight, and his strength will inevitably skyrocket at that time.

Even if Xiao Ye still does not enter the maturity stage when he is at level 30, then when it reaches the node of level 30, it is estimated that it can comprehend what skills.

Anyway, the fastest way to improve your strength at the moment is definitely to upgrade Xiao Ye first.

Therefore, it is also necessary to expose the existence of Xiao Ye.

For the intention to hide their strength, in fact, Lu Fei and they should also be able to see it.

However, they also understand Lu Fan, after all, the pet in their hands is so against the sky, low-key, and there is no problem in exposing it again at a critical moment.

Moreover, Lu Fan exposed the fact that he had a dragon pet in front of them, and he also regarded them as his own.

This also made Lu Fei and them not only have no complaints about Lu Fan, but felt that Lu Fan was closer to them.

At this time, Lu Fan had already exposed Xiao Ye’s existence, and everyone’s assessment of Lu Fan’s position in the team needed to change.

Lu Fan has some understanding of the Far North Land, and now there is no problem at all in the battle, and he will not cause any trouble to the team.

In this way, the speed of everyone’s exploration can be greatly improved.

However, the dangers of the Far North Land, of course, can not be fully understood in just half a day, if you want to survive in such a wilderness, Lu Fan still needs to continue to accumulate experience.

Therefore, now everyone still maintains the original formation, with Shen Cai’s eagle pet opening the way, followed by Lu Fei.

As for Lu Changkong and Lu Fan, they are still after the two.

However, unlike before, Lu Changkong did not need to share the energy to protect Lu Fan, he only needed to tell Lu Fan along the road how to protect himself in this ice and snow.

As for encountering fierce beasts, Lu Fan and Xiao Ye naturally acted as the main output, and a wave of monsters basically looked at each other, and they would be slaughtered by one person and one dragon, and there was no need for others to intervene.

Therefore, Lu Fan unknowingly accumulated combat merits at a particularly rapid speed, and the speed at which the group advanced was also very fast, about ten times that of the original Lu Fei and the three.

The difficulty of exploring forward is firstly the invasion of fierce beasts, and secondly, the dangerous environment.

Although the second point cannot be avoided, it is not a problem at all for Lu Fan to invade this point of fierce beasts.

The fierce beast group that originally needed to be carefully avoided, Lu Fan directly ran over one person and one dragon, saving a lot of time.

Four days later, Lu Fan and the others had already explored four hundred miles forward, and they had touched a dark area on the map.

In the end, after Xiao Ye and killing a group of white-haired mammoths, a golden light finally flashed on his body——— level thirty!

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