There has been a problem routine for the big exam questions over the years, that is, to use the fifty floors as a watershed.

The difficulty of the first fifty layers slowly increases, the fiftieth floor suddenly rises, and the second fifty floors are a bit like a roller coaster, paying attention to a ups and downs.

It is said that the purpose of each examiner is to imitate the rhythm of the real copy as much as possible in the last fifty layers, so that the candidates have a feeling of brushing the copy as much as possible, so that they can really copy in the future, there are also certain benefits, and they can accumulate some experience.

The so-called quest rhythm is X+1 mode, which consists of X rooms composed of a large number of ordinary monsters, plus a boss room.

The boss of the boss room will be quite powerful, just like the boss in the real copy.

To brush the copy, maybe the mobs in the early stage can be brushed very easily, but when you encounter the boss, you need to deal with it well, otherwise it is likely to cost your life.

This arrangement of exam questions also led to the last fifty floors almost every few floors, will encounter the BOSS room.

And it is certain that the further you go, the more often the boss room appears.

This mode, not only for ordinary big exam questions, nightmare-level exam questions, the rhythm is comparable to it.

It’s just that the X room in the so-called X+1 mode in the nightmare-level exam questions does not have ordinary fierce beasts, but all of them are upgraded to difficult and fear-level bosses.

Even the quasi-boss-level fierce beasts that appeared in the first fifty layers have been eliminated and are not worthy of appearing in the next level.

And the boss room is more than one nightmare-level boss, and the high attributes are scary.

Anyone who sees the Tianti Tower monster that Lu Fan is brushing now will burst into a foul mouth, because this is simply not a past level that people can brush.

Not to mention a job changer who has just changed jobs, even if it is a combat type change of the second turn, he has to kneel here!

The principals present also saw the content of the nightmare level exam questions for the first time.

If they hadn’t seen Lu Fan, they would slander in their hearts, and the psychology of the person who said the question must not be normal, otherwise how could such a perverted exam question come out?

But Lu Fan’s appearance told everyone that in this world, there are really demons who can brush this kind of exam question.

Only this kind of exam question can truly reflect the strength of Lu Fan’s demon.

No, it should be said that the difficulty of the exam questions should be more difficult.

Because Lu Fan has now rushed to the seventieth floor in the blink of an eye, the fierce beast he is facing has also become a level 30 nightmare-level boss, and the number is still as many as five.

But the result? Five level 30 nightmare-level bosses were directly stunned by Xiao Ye with a roar of fear, and then easily shredded like a devastation.

From beginning to end, Lu Fan did not feel any pressure.

For a time, all the principals watching Lu Fan had some doubts about life.

Lu Fan, be a person.

The exam questions are already so difficult, can you respect the exam questions?

Hongwu, who rushed to the fastest level, has only brushed to the fifty-fifth level until now, and you directly overtook him without saying, and you threw people so that they couldn’t even see the taillights.

I don’t know, I thought you were brushing simple exam questions.

What if this matter really let the questioner know, the questioner thinks that his question is too simple, and the difficulty of the nightmare-level test questions is increased next year?

Lu Fan inside the Sky Ladder Tower didn’t know that there was a group of old principals and high-ranking officials in the education sector outside who were messy in the wind.

He is now reaping the experience of harvesting.

Brushing the Sky Ladder Tower until now, almost every third or fourth floor, Lu Fan will encounter the BOSS room, and there are many nightmare-level bosses in the BOSS room.

The strength of some nightmare-level bosses has long exceeded that of Light Resentment.

Moreover, it can be seen that the person who wrote the question has a heart, and different bosses put together, and they can even cooperate with each other with skills to play a 1+12 effect.

The purpose of the examiner is to hope that different boss permutations and combinations can bring greater difficulty to the candidates, and if the candidates want to clear the level, they need to consider using their brains and seeking solutions according to the characteristics of the other party, rather than blindly trying to force the problem through brute force.

However, the careful planning of the questioner, Lu Fan did not look at it at all.

The method taken by Lu Fan is to push directly.

Problem solving ideas? I’m sorry, but this is something that only the weak need to consider.

In front of Xiao Ye’s power attribute of up to 3,000 points, Lu Fan Chong Guan was completely unreasonable.

What is the truth?

I am the truth!

What boss is not BOSS, a tear the earth will be crushed.

If a tearing of the earth doesn’t work, then add a roar of fear.

So far, Lu Fan has not encountered any boss who can still wake up alive after being torn apart by Xiao Ye or stunned by fear roaring.

Even bosses that are known for their defensive power are like paper paste, and they will break when touched.

This small night’s dimensionality reduction blow made Lu Fan, the dragon, become an experience harvester, and after the boss harvest of the seventieth layer, one person and one dragon upgraded again, reaching level 18 and 13 respectively.

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