All People Travel Through the Era

Chapter Thirty-Ninth Arms Upgrade, Robbers (Second Update!)

【Empire recruits】

Race: Flesh Golem.

Grade 1.

Upgrade Direction: Imperial Infantry (Level 5) Imperial Archer (Level 5).

Experience Points: 0/100

Introduction: A mass-produced puppet soldier, specially used for mock exams.

"So it's not real."

Wu Tian suddenly realized,

That's right, no matter how powerful the civilization of laws is, it is still the civilization of human beings. If real people are treated like ants to torture and kill, there will definitely be people who oppose it.

As for the flesh and blood puppet, it's fine.

"These flesh and blood puppets can become stronger with the war!"

On the side of "227" street,

Several students talked excitedly,

"Let's go to suppress the bandits first, and recruit soldiers at the same time. When we recruit an army, we will go head-to-head with the rebels!"

"This time, I must win the first place in Randy Kingdom!"

Many students showed pride,

Student organizations such as the Student Union, the Small Knife Club, and Blood Rose took advantage of the large number of people to pull out an army of dozens, or even a hundred "imperial recruits",

Leaving the fort, Momentum!


Wu Tian couldn't help but smile and shook his head.


It happened that a fat man was also watching the great momentum of those student organizations. Seeing Wu Tian shaking his head, he couldn't help but said, "Dude, do you think it's wrong for them to do this?"


Wu Tian said calmly: "A tree is more beautiful than a forest, but the wind will destroy it."

"Damn it, well said, with literary talents!"

The fat man stared, chewed carefully, and sighed: "That's right! When the sky falls, the tall ones will be hit. I think they will definitely suffer a lot!"

"Brother, meeting is fate, do you want soldiers, 5 silver coins each."

He suddenly spoke in a low voice.

Wu Tian was taken aback for a moment,

This fat man came over because he wanted to sell things at a high price!

According to school rules,

For a team of less than five people, a maximum of 10 people can be controlled at a time.

But this fat man got "imperial recruits" from somewhere, and he wants to sell them at a high price among the students!

"Are you not going to take the mock exam?"

Wu Tian wondered,

Fatty smiled and explained: "My name is Lu You, you can just call me Fatty Lu."

"Actually, the mock exam is not just a way to fight on the battlefield. After all, there are wars and economic wars. I plan to build a large caravan and a market network to attack the rebels fundamentally!

"War, logistics is also the top priority!"

Having said that,

Wu Tian also understood, and looked at Fatty Lu in surprise.


"Hey, do you want it?"

"How much do you have?"

"Well, there are only 50 of them at the moment.

"I want it all!"

When the team gathers,

Mu Qingxue and the others were also stunned by the token in Wu Tian's hand,

There were a total of 60 imperial recruits, which was beyond their expectations, and their preparations were slightly insufficient.

After hearing about Fatty Lu, the girls were quite impressed, and went to the "market" together to buy enough food, water, and daily necessities.

Then the group left the fort.


it will be dark,

Several people were riding on horses, chatting and hurrying on their way.

They have maps in their hands,

The target is a village ten miles away, you can inquire about the banditry around, and recruit more soldiers by the way


It's no joke that there are many bandits on the sub-plane.

It didn't take long for the sky to darken,

The tranquility of the night was broken by a burst of laughter.

"Hahaha, so many beautiful little beauties, well-developed!"

"This time to rob money, but also to help sex!"

"Hahaha! Chiliu——!"

In the darkness, more than a dozen robbers rushed out with greedy expressions on their faces.

They were dressed in shabby clothes and held various weapons in their hands.

"I'm going to kill them!"

Li Wushuang has a bad temper and is about to strike immediately.

next moment,

Mu Qingxue and Wu Tian spoke at the same time,



The two looked at each other,

Mu Qingxue said with a smile: "We thought of going together, Wu Tian, ​​please explain."


Wu Tian looked at Li Wushuang and said: "This time, after all, it is a war mission, the quantity and quality of soldiers are the most important, we can certainly deal with these robbers, but let the recruits go out to gain experience and upgrade!"

hear the words


Li Wushuang also understood, looked at Wu Tian and Mu Qing 2.8xue with strange expressions, and nodded.

next moment,

Wu Tian took out the token and input the magic value.


Ripples flicker, streamers jump,

in an instant,

Sixty "imperial recruits" appeared ahead.

"The whole army!"


Wu Tian waved his hand, and the recruits of the empire counted up with their swords and shields!

(PS: Thank you for your support, please continue to subscribe. By the way, Chapter Thirty-Three has been blocked. There is obviously no violation. I am very depressed. I have already applied for it. It is estimated that it will be restored in two days.)

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