All People Travel Through the Era

Chapter 103 Item Column Upgrade! Personal Dimension! (Third Update!)

He vomited blood?

Wu Tian was startled,

He still underestimated the weight of the "Plane Fragment",

After all, people's comments on the Internet are just discussions among people who eat melons, and there is no ~ too detailed description.

Before he thought,

With Zhu Ling and Ouyang Qing's identities as "advanced professionals", a plane fragment is not a simple matter.

But now...


The corner of Zhu Ling's mouth was bleeding, his eyes were fixed,

inside the office,

The space has begun to become unstable, and invisible folds of space appear,

In Wu Tian's vision,

Tables and chairs, air, lighting, water glasses are all distorted,

It has no shape, which is very weird.


Zhu Lingqing yelled, and his nose and ears began to bleed,

But the power in her palm began to become brighter!

An incalculable terrifying force was born, domineering and forcefully breaking through the influence of the "Plane Fragments".

in an instant,

The surrounding space is restored,

The fragments of the plane are completely transformed into the source power of the plane world, and are absorbed by Haotian's "item bar".

As I said before, professionals in ancient times only had attribute panels,

Can't add points, can't gain experience,

Naturally, there is no inventory.

Now the inventory of professionals is made by the supreme undead gods,


In fact, it is part of the world universe.


After absorbing the "Plane Fragments", it was like a grain of dust turned into a seedling, and the inventory of one thousand cubic meters transformed.

It began to expand, the sun appeared, the land appeared, and the rivers appeared.

Boom boom boom!

like opening up the world,

A small plane was born.

In the space of about several miles, there is air in the small plane, and the stars, the sun and the moon can be vaguely seen outside the plane.

In the outside world, the office has returned to tranquility,

Zhu Ling let go of his hand, and exhaled with a pale face.

next moment,

She was limp all over, unable to stand firmly, and fell to the ground all at once.


Wu Tian's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, he directly reached out and hugged her.

A fiery breath hit him, making him uncomfortable.

Do not misunderstand,

This does not mean dirty,

It's pure flame heat, as if standing on the crater of a volcano, hot breath rushing in...

"Give me a glass of ice water."

Zhu Ling opened his eyes with difficulty, and spoke weakly.

Wen Yan,

Wu Tian helped her to sit down, and then poured her a glass of ice water.

Zhu Ling drank the ice water in one gulp, and felt better just now, and said with a wry smile: "Fortunately, I prepared this kind of ice stone from the blue universe, otherwise I don't know whether the poisonous fire can be suppressed or not."

"You... your injury is so serious?"

Wu Tian was surprised,

Zhu Ling didn't care about the question of address, nodded,

"Originally, it wasn't too difficult to help you digest the fragments of the plane, and I didn't worry too much, but I didn't expect that if I used too much power, the poisonous fire in my body would explode."

"Damn god..."

Zhu Ling sighed and explained.

During the battle that day, she was seriously injured by a mouthful of poisonous fire spit out by the god,

I thought it would be much better after a period of recovery,

Unexpectedly, this poisonous fire was so deeply rooted that it was not eliminated by the power in her body!

……ask for flowers…

Can only barely suppress...

"Is there no other way, what about the God of Life?"

Wu Tian opened the mouth and said.

"He is a god, not my parents, how could he help me with everything."

Zhu Ling rolled his eyes,


Wu Tian chuckled.

The gods descended and saved everyone's life, which is already very good,

It would be outrageous if even the "little matter" of being injured should be dealt with by Him.

"Okay, you go back."

Zhu Ling had difficulty breathing, narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked drowsy.


It can be seen that she is very uncomfortable, but she has been enduring it.

"I'll stay for a while."

Wu Tian poured another glass of ice water,

Zhu Ling wants to refuse,

poisonous heartburn,

Her words came out of her throat, and she swallowed them back.

Ever since,

She gave Wu Tian a complicated look, and fell silent.

Seeing that Zhu Ling couldn't move, Wu Tian kindly supported her, and moved the cup towards her...

In the office, there was a piece of tranquility.

During the spare time taking care of Zhu Ling,

Wu Tian paid attention to his inventory.


Using inventory to describe it is no longer correct.

It's a small plane!

Fang Yuan Shili,

An ultra-small space with land, rivers, and sunlight!

has air in it, is no longer an inventory for nonviable living things,

If Wu Tian wants to, he can get in!

"If you encounter any difficulties in the future, you can let Aliya go in..."

This idea popped up in Wu Tian's mind,

Man. .

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