All People Travel Through the Era

Chapter 106 Enter The Secret Realm Again! (Second Update!)

this little stone gate,

It was the "world coordinate token" [the imitation of Shimen] that Wu Tian got from those professionals last time.

Number of uses: 1/1.

"Coordinate token? Master, are we going to another world again?"

Aliya is stealing fried chicken legs,

Seeing Wu Tian's actions suddenly, he couldn't help being taken aback.

She can naturally see the attributes, and understand where this thing comes from...

all of a sudden,

Aliya, who was originally lively, turned serious,

lazy temperament dissipated,

Wu Tian naturally understood why her attitude came from, she was not joking, nodded,

"are you ready?"


Alicia put on her equipment in an instant.

The monocle on the face, wearing blue "low-level electromagnetic protection armor", "low-level electromagnetic protection wrist" and "low-level electromagnetic protection pants".

This is a blue suit,

After collecting,

The electromagnetic 253 protection effect of the three armors can be doubled.

This set was bought by Wu Tian at the consignment center during this period.

It's also a coincidence to say,

That beauty named Bai Xianxian happened to be selling this suit on consignment,

After Wu Tian saw it, he immediately bought it.


Wu Tian grabbed Alia's hand and saved a file first.

"Archived successfully!"

"Overwrite archive bit: 2."


next moment,

The small stone gate turns into a stream of light,

With a flash of space fluctuation, Wu Tian and Alia disappeared into the main world.


cold wind hits,

When Wu Tian came back to his senses, he had already held Alia's hand and arrived in front of a huge stone door.

This big stone gate is the portal of "Quiet (cfea) Quiet Secret Realm"!


It is a dead ruin.

After Wu Tian's last massacre, there is no new occupant here with the passage of time.



Wu Tian noticed from the corner of his eye that under a piece of rubble,

There is a dead body?

He hurried over, took out a long and thick totem pole from his crotch, made it a little longer, and picked up the pile of rubble.

Sure enough, it was a round corpse!

In silver armor and a tattered mask,

Judging from the sophistication of the armor, this corpse was not simple during its lifetime.

"It's a bit like the Knights of New Hard City. After I left, did the New Hard City team come again?"

Wu Tian was thoughtful, but not surprised.

The appearance of the "Quiet Secret Realm" will inevitably attract countless forces,

New Hard City is just one of them.

"Perhaps, information about the Dragon Blood family can be found in this secret realm."

"But, the most reasonable way is to go to New Hard City..."

Wu Tian thought about it,

His world mission is still [Naturally, the goal this time is to solve that world mission.

The secret of the Dragon Blood family must also be revealed by oneself.

From the perspective of obtaining information,

"Quiet Secret Realm" is undoubtedly possible, but this is too much luck,


Or go back the same way and go to New Hard City.

Which to choose!?

Wu Tian pondered,

Within a few seconds, he touched his head,

"Forget it, I have a headache, anyway, I have reached the gate of the secret realm, so let's call it a secret realm!"

finished speaking,

He took Arya's hand and used "Light and Shadow Distortion"

blink of an eye,

The two entered the light and walked towards the stone gate.

Entering the "Secret Realm of Tranquility" again, the silent strangeness descends again.

There is a special place in this secret place, that is, all sounds will be absorbed.


In this secret territory, chatting can be said to be impossible.

Unless you use sound transmission skills to directly transmit sound into your ears.

When Wu Tian came last time, he just hunted and killed some monsters in the surrounding area, and did not go deep.

So I don't know much about the specific situation of this quiet secret place.

According to Varun who met at that time, this secret realm is rumored to be the resting place of the "God of Tranquility".


Wu Tian took Aliya's hand and walked towards the secret realm.

The vast and boundless secret land is a completely different terrain from the quiet mountains outside.

There are valleys, plains, and great rivers.

at this time,

On the bank of a large river with a width of 100 meters, a group of people were fighting fiercely.


"For the glory!"

This is a group of blond knights, roaring and brandishing swords, fighting a three-headed bull.

About the number seventeen and eighth knights, they suffered again and again at the hands of the three bulls,

Even a knight had his leg broken and fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

(PS: I fell asleep on the table last night, and I woke up with a cold this morning, which is refreshing. By the way, this is to make up for yesterday.)

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