All People Travel Through the Era

Chapter 2 Archive, Read File!

"Archive, read file!"

Wu Tian was taken aback,

Isn't this the golden finger of the protagonist in the street novel he wrote in his previous life? How did it come to him?

Dip~ Your cheat has arrived?

Wu Tian is very excited. If it is as he designed, there will be a "save slot" at the beginning of the game, and the file can be loaded unlimited times.

In other words, he stood on the ground of immortality at the beginning!

"Go back and try!"

Wu Tian walked out of the law hall.

After returning home, Wu Tian went straight to his room on the second floor.

He first tried to save a file, put a clock on the table, the time was 12:12:12,

Then walk out of the room,

After waiting for a while.

Load file!


In an instant, he returned to the room, and the time displayed on the glass on the table was "12:12:12"!

It really works!

"This is a bullfight!"

Wu Tian was very excited,

With this golden finger around, his safety is guaranteed.

You must know that being a professional is not a safe path, on the contrary, it is a very dangerous path!

Traveling to other worlds can indeed obtain various powerful treasures and powers, but it is also possible to encounter various powerful monsters and events.

There is an uncle in Wu Tian's neighbor who crossed over three days ago, but fell into the den of beasts and was bitten half of his body by a terrifying monster.

The uncle returned in a hurry, and the only thing left was to struggle for a while, and then died.

Time travel, there are great opportunities, but also great risks!

However, Wu Tian has an "archive", so there is absolutely no need to worry about this risk!

If he falls into a dangerous place like the Beast Den Volcano, he can simply load the file and be done.

Moreover, he has a brilliant idea!

"It's the first time to travel, this opportunity is not to be missed!"

Wu Tian couldn't wait, and opened a panel.


【World Coordinates】: None

【Random crossing】.


This is a panel that you have after awakening, and only professionals who have successfully awakened have it. Under normal circumstances, a traverser who travels to a certain world can record the coordinates of the traverse to facilitate the second traverse.

As for random travel, it depends entirely on luck, it may be a crisis, or it may be a chance...

In history, many people have traveled to dangerous places, such as craters, seabeds, abysses, hells... They are basically cold,

However, there are also many people who traveled to many good places, such as ruins, such as the room of a certain important person, such as next to a certain treasure!

Ordinary people can only choose [Random Travel] to fight for character.

But Wu Tian...

He saved a file first!


"Archived successfully!"

"Archive bit: 1"

"Archive 1: Saved."


"Random travel!"

With a thought, Wu Tian chose [Random Travel].

"Reminder: This is your first time travelling, so you don't need to spend it. For the second time and beyond, you need to spend at least 1 experience point."

"Are you sure?"

Traveling through is also divided into different worlds. The more experience points you spend, the stronger the world you may enter. Since Wu Tian is traveling for the first time, there are free cost benefits, and the worlds that may be traversed are also completely random.


Wu Tian responded decisively.

The next moment, the space distorted, and he appeared in a quiet grove.

"Hint: You have come to the gray level world, Damon Dynasty."

The gray level is the most garbage level of the world, not very dangerous, but without extraordinary power.

"Read file!"

Wu Tian's heart skipped a beat, and he returned directly to Earth, in his own room.

Ordinary people can only resign themselves to fate, but Wu Fa can save and read files...

Random travel!

"Hint: You have come to the gray level world..."

Load file!

Random travel!

"Hint: You have come to the white level world..."

Load file!

Random travel!

"Hint: You have come to the blue-level world..."


In this way, Wu Tian read files countless times and tried tens of thousands of times.

In the process of tens of thousands of times, he encountered all kinds of dangers, appearing beside monsters, lions, tigers, orc camps, in the river of hell, in the cooking pot of titan,

Even, once there appeared beside a giant dragon,

Fortunately, he can read the file and escape every time.

As long as there is a save file, even if he dies, the file will be loaded automatically!

During the process, I also appeared in some high-level places in the world, but they were all average, and there were no benefits around them.

Again and again, infinite loop.

a hundred times,

five hundred times,

a thousand times,

five thousand times,

Ten thousand times!

eleven thousand times...

Twelve thousand times...

Thirteen thousand times...

Fourteen thousand times...


Wu Tian became numb after repeated operations, and started the 69432nd [Random Travel].

Turning his field of vision, he came to the ruins one by one. Surrounded by broken walls, it seems to be a high tower that has been damaged.

"Hint: You have come to the legendary world, [Nossa Multiverse]."


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