All People Travel Through the Era

Chapter 29 Wizard! Prehistoric! Law! (Third Update!)

Yes, due to the passage of time, both "wizard civilization" and "prehistoric civilization" belong to ancient information.

There are many descriptions on the Internet about the two terrifying wars in ancient times.


It was a victory for the wizard civilization, but it also suffered a heavy loss.

It was a failure for prehistoric civilization.

The internet says,

"Wizard civilization" is a civilization dominated by wizards. They are a group of lunatics who study the truth and invade the world everywhere.

Using the "Law of Supreme Leverage" as a medium, using the power of wizards to promote the world and "touch" other civilized worlds, once intertwined with other worlds, a civilized war will start.

In the end, it collided with our civilization and directly started the war.

The war lasted for many years, and the losses of the two civilizations were extremely heavy.

In the final battle, the undead gods of our civilization smashed the "law of supreme leverage" of the wizard civilization, sounded the horn of victory, and exiled the wizard civilization.

Although he did not conquer the wizard civilization, he also gained a lot of benefits. After Mage level 30, he can transfer to the "wizard" system, which is a road that leads directly to the undead gods!

"Prehistoric Civilization" was an accident,

An interlacing between worlds opened a space door, leading to the prehistoric world.

We civilized beings discover the horrors of that world,

All things in the world are born gods and demons,

A plant of grass, a tree, a vine, a drop of water, a cloud, even a stone, a wisp of air, can be transformed into a natural god and demon, possessing extremely terrifying combat power.


There are countless treasures in the prehistoric world.

At that time, people in our civilized world were crazy, and almost all countries settled in Honghuang, wanting to occupy it.


To attract the attention of the gods and demons of that world,

The war between the two civilizations broke out directly. Although the duration was not long, the casualties on both sides were extremely heavy.

at last,

It is the mysterious four swords flying through the universe,

Kill half a galaxy with one sword,

One sword wiped out countless kingdoms of God,

One sword beheaded the undead god,

A sword shattered the space door.

Therefore, our civilization chooses to retreat,

With the end of the interlaced world, the two civilizations never meet again.


"Four swords, could it be the leader of Tongtian?"

Wu Tian stared,

It is very possible that among the three sages in the prehistoric world, only the leader Tongtian has a straightforward temper and does what he says,

Unlike Yuanshi Tianzun and Lao Tzu, they like to plan before acting.


The four swords... are the four swords of Zhu Xian!

These two civilizations were rated as "Legendary" and "God-level"!


after class,

Just as Wu Tian walked out of the classroom, he was stopped by the middle-aged teacher.

"Wu Tian, ​​wait!"


Wu Tian turned around,

"Let me remind you, now is the critical period for you to upgrade the level of awakened ones, don't waste time because of puppy love, ordinary university level 10, 500 theory course scores can be admitted!"

"However, if you want to get into a university you like, even a famous university, you need to work harder, you know?"

"I understand, thank you teacher."

Wu Tian smiled,

The middle-aged teacher was also doing it for his own good, so he naturally understood.

"Well! You just have to know it in your heart."

The middle-aged teacher turned his head and prepared to leave.

Wu Tian hesitated for a moment, then asked: "Teacher, may I ask, what is our civilization called? Why can't I find it online?"

"Playing with your phone in class, right?"

The middle-aged teacher gave him a half-smile,

Wu Tian smiled awkwardly,

The middle-aged teacher said quietly: "We are civilized! Do you remember where you entered on the day of awakening?"

"Law Hall?"

"Not bad! We are civilized..."

"It's the legendary civilization, the law!"



"Sister, I'm not coming back today, I'm going to play with my classmates!"

"Really, I won't lie to you, he said he would take me to join the Zhatian Gang."

"The Zhatian Gang are kids chasing their dreams, let's go to another world to level up together!"

"White-level world, don't worry, there is a big boss! Yes, there is more than one level 10 boss!"


In the living room, Wu Tian hung up the phone and heaved a sigh of relief.

As soon as he got out of school today, he went to buy some food and water, preparing to go to another world to "liver".

But this time, it took a long time, so I had to inform the school and explain to Yang Yiyi.

It's normal for professionals to travel through the world, and the school notification is passed easily, but Yang Yiyi is not easy to fool, Wu Tian spent a lot of effort to reassure her.

"let's go!"

Wu Tian took out a banner.

It is the world coordinate token of [Goblin Frenzy World], the Goblin flag!


The next moment, the flag turned into flying ashes.

"Ding! Get one-time coordinates [Goblin Frenzy World], the coordinates are..."



(PS: I beg the big guys to give it a collection.)


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