All People Travel Through the Era

Chapter 74 Entering The Catacombs (First Update!)

Mu Huang'er did not intend to share the equipment and law coins.

She is not one of those greedy for small gains,

Naturally default to all Wu Tian's income.

"Let's go! Let's hurry up! We must take advantage of the dungeon's reaction!"

"Otherwise, the demons in the dungeon will send reinforcements, and we will definitely not be able to handle it!"

Mu Huanger was quite excited,

The cave is empty at this time, it is their good opportunity!

Wu Tian and Yang Yiyi also felt the same way,

After discussing with Mu Huang'er, he immediately rushed towards the cave.

After all, after staying in the Black Mountains for many days,

All three of them knew where they were.

Go all the way.

In the underground world, under the dark sky, there are always all kinds of rare and strange beasts. In the area of ​​the Black Mountains, they are all monsters around level 10-30.

Wu Tian and the three of them didn't bother, and they avoided giant beasts when they encountered them.

After opening the "Frenzy Ring",

In just a few hours, they arrived at the entrance of the burrow.

at this time,

At the gate of the catacombs, there is an old-looking demon guarding,

Seeing the intruders approaching, they yelled in horror, calling for warning.

"Hand of glory!"

Wu Tian grabbed it from a distance, and a radiant hand descended tens of meters away, grabbing the old devil and pulling him in front of him.

"There are only a few old, weak, sick and disabled demons left!"

Mu Huang'er took a look, then turned around and said,

Yang Yiyi nodded, took out the [Extraordinary Evil Axe], and suddenly transformed from a quiet and cold goddess into a violent Valkyrie, blasting towards her with a raging fighting spirit!


The crypt door was knocked open,

The entrance is a long mountain passage with oil lamps on both wings. On the wall of the passage, the murals of demons record ancient information.

Mu Huang'er was so anxious that she took the lead in rushing.

at this time,

There were originally hundreds of demons in the burrow, only dozens of old, weak, sick and disabled remained.

The three of them passed through the mountain passage and entered a "cave tribe".

In the tribe that is as simple as a human village, there are actually magical civilizations of the Frost Tower and the Lightning Tower, which almost shot Mu Huanger to death.

Fortunately, Wu Tian was in time, and the "Damage Reduction Halo" and "Healing Technique" went down, saving Mu Huang'er from the mortal crisis!

"Enemy! Enemy!"

on the arrow tower,

Some imps cried out in terror,

The stone at the mouth of the arrow tower cracked, and a Gatling machine gun emerged.

"My Cao?"

Wu Tian looked up and couldn't help sweating on his forehead.

next moment,

He came first, took out the "grenade launcher" and fired a round!

call out--!

A grenade flew out of the air and landed directly on the weapon port of the arrow tower.

With a bang, the flame exploded, and the Gatling was immediately blown to pieces.

the other side,

Another little devil in the Lightning Arrow Tower activated a certain technological device, and actually raised a small electromagnetic energy shield, blocking the door!

"The devil in this world, why is technology so crooked?"

Mu Huang'er's silver teeth were almost shattered,

Wu Tian smiled and lent her the "Grenade Launcher".


It's just bombing.

Miss Muhuang'er was not stingy with the little silver coins of the law, and kept using grenades to open the way, blasting the shield, and cleaning up the remaining demons in the cave by the way.

The process is easy,

After all, the adult and the main force have been killed by Wu Tian, ​​and the rest are ordinary template demons,

Both Mu Huang'er and Yang Yiyi can be killed easily,

What's more, they all hold demon technology weapons...

"Ding! Killing... the participation rate is 50%. Since the killing is done with external force, the reward will be lowered. You will get 520 experience points and 1 law silver coin."


After clearing the crypt, Wu Tian also got an unexpected piece of news,

Using pure technological external force seems to reduce the reward?

"No wonder..."

Wu Tian was not surprised either,

It's right to think about it carefully,

Civilization based on laws cannot exclude the world of science and technology, so why not everyone uses technological weapons?

There must be a reason!

He is a Priest who kills enemies with technological weapons, and the rewards he gets will be extremely low.

Unless it is a technology-side occupation such as gunsmith, mecha warrior, and mayfly gunner.

"That's right, if everyone can get all the rewards, then no one will change their job as a gunsmith."

Wu Tian touched his forehead,

far away,

Mu Huang'er and the others found the "Devil Totem" in the Catacombs, which was a ten-meter-high totem pole.

It is engraved with the fairy tales of demons,

There are gods and demons and spaceships, which is very strange.


With a roar, Yang Yiyi slashed down with the giant axe, smashing the demon totem into pieces.


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